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Jabba the Hutt

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Jabba the Hutt last won the day on April 12 2012

Jabba the Hutt had the most liked content!


About Jabba the Hutt

  • Birthday 07/16/1988

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  • Location
    Beograd, Sremcica

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Jabba the Hutt's Achievements

Master of Metal

Master of Metal (2/6)



  1. Samo bih da primetim da je koncert na EXITu bio karanje!
  2. Kakav si ti kreten.
  3. POLITICALLY CORRECT DICTIONARY Actor: metamorphosing being, possessing great wealth Actress: metamorphosing being, possessing great wealth (and occasionally great beauty) Android: bipedal, non-human associate, bearing immense knowledge and skill Bag boy: agricultural product organizer Bald: follicularly challenged Bomb: vertically deployed antipersonnel device Boy: oppressor-to-be Brainwashing: cognitive accommodation Cafeteria: dining facility Car: earth-unfriendly, vertically-challenged mode of transport Car Wash Worker: vehicle-appearance specialist Cat: quadruped non-human associate Cheating: cooperative assignment Computer: machine bearing immense power and fallibility Criticism: unjust self-esteem reducer Dead: metabolically challenged Demand: propose strongly Derision: nontraditional praise Dirty Old Man: sexually focused, chronologically gifted individual Dumb: cerebrally challenged Evil: niceness deprived Exercise: body enhancement through exertion Failure: non-traditional success Fart: human ozone depletor; ecologically incorrect expression Fat: horizontally challenged: person of substance Garbage collector: sanitation engineer Gas Station Attendant: petroleum transfer technician Girl: pre-woman Guess: anomaly maneuvers: repetitive predictions Handicapped: physically challenged Heroine: hera Homeless person: residentially flexible individual Hurricane: himmicane (non sexist) Ignorant: factually unencumbered Incorrect: alternative answer Individualism: uncooperative spirit Information: overly structured trivia Insane: reality challenged Kill: creating a permanent state of metabolic dormancy; servicing the target (military) Lazy: motivationally dispossessed Lost: locationally disadvantaged Man: oppressor Manhole: maintenance portal Misunderstand: personalized interpretation Monster: person of scales Mugging: unforeseen funding of underclass Murderer: termination specialist Nerd: under-attractive, cerebrally gifted individual Numismatist: capitalist monetary acquisition expert Nut: hexagonal rotatable surface compression unit Off: energy efficient Old: chronologically gifted Perfume: discretionary fragrance Pervert: person engaged in nontraditional espionage Pissed off: satisfaction deprived Political: amorally gifted Poor: economically marginalized Prisoner: client of the correctional system Prostitute: body entrepreneur Redneck: rustically inclined Rich: economically maximized Secretary: stationery engineer Sex: cooperative physical fitness Sexist: gender biased with niceness deprived overtones Short: altitudinally disadvantaged: vertically challenged Sleepy: under-alert Smart: cerebrally gifted Specialist: physician having concentrated on a particular field of tax shelters Structure: impersonal hindrance Tall: vertically gifted: altitudinally endowed Teacher: volunteer knowledge conveyor Teaching: personality repression Television: medium of electrons moving in disorganized patterns Tired: rest-challenged Uglier: over under-attractive Ugliest: over-under-attractively gifted Ugly: under-attractive Unemployed: non-waged Unsure: conceptual conflict Waiter: waitron Waitress: waitron White: melanin-impoverished; member of the mutant albino genetic-recessive global minority Woman: w/o man; womyn Zipper: interlocking slide fastener
  4. http://englishrussia.com/2006/08/29/photos-made-in-moscow-subway/
  5. Ne seri, pa ono sam ja na bini hahahaha, a Grabulja za harmonikom, o živote! Koji je to hepening bio Evo jedna iz istog tog kluba, samo od pre nedelju dana
  6. http://www.blic.rs/Kultura/Vesti/325347/Arheolozi-otkrili-da-glave-sa-Uskrsnjeg-ostrva-imaju-i-tela
  7. http://9gag.com/gag/4261552
  8. Nudim usluge reinstalacija operativnog sistema(Win samo), fizičkih radova svakojakih vrsta(malterisanje, krečenje, štemovanje...), takođe se jako dobro razumem u stolariju. Usluge naplaćujem u naturi, dakle pivo, klopa, rame za plakanje...
  9. Mejkover moje jaše!
  10. Jedini fudbal koji ovih dana igram više od Haxballa, kult jebeni
  11. Opasna i napeta utakmica, žao mi je Bajerna, stvarno mislim da su zaslužili trofej više od Čelzija, kojima opet svaka čast, nisu svakako nezasluženo došli na tron, ali mi je njihov stil igre dosadan, jebao ih Murinjo i njegove bunkerčine. Ali hajlajt celog prenosa na RTSu je bio kada je Pantela poručivao Coi komentatoru da se mane fudbala i prešalta na manekenstvo, vrištao sam
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