Evo za sve vatrene fanove ovog benda intervju koji sam uradio pre nekih mesec dana sa pevacem Jason-om...
For the start, please tell me some basic facts about “Symbols Of Failure”. You know, things like: how long the songwriting and recording lasted, was it easy for you guys to put songs together, are you satisfied with the final outcome... Anything you consider important.
- The song writing was a bit spread out, probably over about 12 months from when it was first started, it was a hard process for me as I hadent done vocals in a band for a few years but once we all got into the swing of things and working together it all came together. The recording of the album took about 6 months and we are all really happy with how it all came out.
I think that production on this new album is best so far for Psycroptic. The sound is very strong and clear, and we can hear absolutely everything. Who was the producer of this release and are you satisfied with the production?
- It was our guitarist joe who recorded and produced it in his home studio. We all think he did an awesome job on it.
I think that sound of this new record can be best described as a natural genesis of Psycroptic’s musical concept, like a expected development. I also think that every album you’ve made in the past pushed limits of your sound forward in a certain way. Do you share my opinion?
- Yea the music has progressed a lot since the band started, the guys are mad musicians and are always pushing themselves as hard as possible. The actual sound has also changed a lot over the years due to better equipment, and with the music being so technical and fast we feel we need to have a reasonably clear and crisp sound so that you can hear whats going on.
Artwork is very interesting, can you tell me who is responsible for it?
- The art work was done by a Swedish guy called Par Oloffson. He did an absolutely amazing job with it, as soon as we saw it we just couldn’t wait to get the album released!
Any plans for the European tour later this year? Things will sure be hectic in this upcoming period of time...
- Yea we are hopeing to get back over to Europe as soon as we can, and we are also hopeing to get to the US some time soon. At the moment we have just been doing a lot of shows in Australia. Things have been hectic at the moment but we just love hitting the road and playing shows as much a possible.
I guess that Psycroptic did a lot of touring in the past. You probably have a touring experience of your own with some of your previous bands, but I doubt that you have ever toured in the past as extensively as Psycroptic has. Are you lookin’ forward to all that hangin’ around with the crazy fans worldwide?
- Well I did a little bit of touring with past bands ive played with but it was only small tours in Australia, the first big tour that I did was when we hit Europe with dismember in 2004, that was a really good experience for us, but since then we`ve been doing a lot of Australian touring. Hangin out with the fans is a very fun part of touring, you always get to meet lots of really cool people to party with so it makes it fun.
Tell me something about your relation with Neurotic Records and also what was the reason for your departure from Uniqe Leader after your first album? I mean, they are a great label with a lot of fantastic bands, and I think they could do the best promotion for you guys. Is there any chance for you to get back with them in the future?
- We left unique because we felt neurotic could offer better touring, and also the other guys thought with the changes to the line up that we should look for a new label. At this stage we are happy with the way that neurotic are looking after us so it looks like we will be staying with them for a while.
Your sound is very complex and technically demanding and I must say that Cameron, Joe and David are a great musicians. Some of the riffs are so complex that I have a problem just to imagine them. I can imagine how hard is to play them then! Are they self-taught or...?
- All the guys have had musical training at some stage, but now they all just practice non stop, it was hard at first to play with them with the music being so fast and intense but once I got used to it things got easier.
What precisely means Psycroptic? Can you please explain that to me in one or two sentences?
- Psycroptic is actually a word that the guys made up so it doesn’t actually mean anything.
I think that your voice flows very naturaly with the music. On the other hand, I’m very glad that Matthew has left the band ‘cause I never liked his vocals. He has ruined first two albums, and that’s not only my opinion... Anyway, what was the reason for his departure?
- Mathew was asked to leave due to him not wanting to tour, and with the other guys all wanting to do a lot of touring they felt that there was no other option, and with me being trained up from doing session work in Europe with them I guess it helped make up there mind.
What do you like to listen privately? Are you 24 hours-a-day, die hard metal fan or you like something “normal” as well?
- I mainly listen to brutal stuff, bands like disgorge, gorgasm, and all that sort of stuff but I still like a bit of easier listening music like alice in chains and stone temple pilots.
Can you tell me a few of your best metal albums ever?
- That’s a hard one, id have to say disgorge-cranial impalement, devourement-138, gorgasm-bleeding profusely, vital remains-dechristianize that’s just to name a couple.
I know that one of the bands that you all adore is Deeds Of Flesh and it’s not hard for me to guess why. Both, you and they, have similar approach in terms of composing music... What do you think about “Reduced To Ashes”? I think it’s their best record so far...
- Yea we are all big fans of deeds of flesh, its hard to say which album would be my favorite because I love them all! But if I had to pick one id have to say that mark of the legion would be they`re best in my opinion.
Are you familiar with death metal scene in Europe? My opinion is that right now Poland is probably the country with the strongest scene around here... Have you heard of Polish band Lost Soul?
- Im into a lot of European metal but im more into the US scene, but id have to agree with you about the polish scene it has a lot of good bands. Im not familiar with lost soul but one polish band that we are all into is behemoth, we played afew shows with them and they are the best live band ive ever seen!
Tell me something about your previous bands and side-projects. I know that you used to play bass in band called M.S.I. When I read that M.S.I. stands for Mutilated Spastic Iguanas I was laughing like crazy for a half an hour... Great name! And there is also a bend called Born Headless, right? Well, tell me some more about that...
- Well MSI is an over the top heavy as fuck band with elements of grind and strangely enough the old psycroptic singer is the drummer, but with the work load of psycroptic it was to hard to play in 2 touring bands so I left them. Born headless are also a very heavy and fast band with slight elements of black and thrash metal. I also have another project on the go called Lurking which is basically a US style technical band along the lines of suffocation deeds of flesh and that sort of stuff.and its fucken sick!!!!
What it’s like to live in Australia? I mean, what do you do for living, do you have regular jobs or you can live from the money you earn thanks to the music?
- Australia is a great place to live. We all live on a little island of the bottom called Tasmania which is a really casual place to live. It would be nice to be able to live off the music but we aren’t that lucky, we all have day jobs which makes things a little bit hard for touring but we manage. Well im a construction painter, cams an electrician and dave and joe both work in a department store.
What’s going on with the scene in Australia? Is there any good band that I should check out? Is Mortification still active?
- Yea Australia has a lot of good bands some to look out for are: intense hammer rage, zero degrees freedom, the amenta, the furor, alarum, omniun. That’s probably the best of them. Im not sure if mortification are still going, I haven’t heard anything about them in a few years.
Well Jason, that’s it. Thank you very much for your time. Wish you all the best in the future, both to you and to rest of Psycroptic crew!
- Thanks for your support and keep it brutal!