preslušah sad ponovo poslednji ayreon, sećam se da, kad sam ga slušao tad još kad je izašao, bez obzira na gomilu slavnih vokala nije me uopšte oduševio, a sad slučajno nađoh i arjenovu izjavu o istom:
"As for whether there will be another Ayreon album, I'm never sure. Ten years could go by before I decide to do another one. I have to say that a lot of the reviews for 01 said it had some cool moments but it had that typical Ayreon sound, that there was nothing new being offered, and I think I can agree with that. I decided I'm going to stop 'with this Ayreon story, with this sound, and concentrate on other projects first. Then, if I decide to go back to Ayreon I'll do something different with it. I have no idea how (laughs), but if there's going to be another one it should be different."