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Everything posted by S.R.T.

  1. Koji film preporucujete? Nesto "gore"! heeheee
  2. Da li ce Speed metal Manijaci svirati na eksitu? pred oltarom klecis citav dan uzalud se bogu molis...
  3. S.R.T.


    RAZOR brije sve od reda. Zasto svi preporucuju poslednje albume? Slusajte Evil Invaders, Malicious Intent...
  4. S.R.T.


    New full length NUNSLAUGHTER studio album! Like blood soaked entrails ripped from the disemboweled body of christ, NunSlaughter rape the heavens with their much awaited third studio album! "Hex" is a pyre of 80's Devil Metal Death featuring ten new satanic commandments plus the devil's seven classic cuts on the "Face of Evil" demo finally re-recorded in a proper studio! There is no sign of "progression", "maturing" or other form of weakness; "Hex" is a continuation of NunSlaughter's last album or last 7" EP and soon to become a fan favorite... This is the same music you've enjoyed for the last two fucking decades!! OUT JUNE 30, 2007! TRACK LIST: 1. This is Fucking War 2. I Hate Christians 3. Pyre 4. To Defile 5. Immortalize 6. Ogrish 7. Unbaptized 8. Hex 9. Smell the Burning Churches 10. Face of Evil 11. Lucifer 12. My Evil Concubine 13. Slaughter the Heavens 14. No Place for the Cross 15. Rebuilding Sodom 16. Riders of the Apocalypse 17. Power of Darkness
  5. Possessed - Live In Baltimore (1987) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=10WNRUYE - Part 1 http://www.megaupload.com/?d=A0NCNX0O - Part 2 http://www.megaupload.com/?d=13NX52IO - Part 3
  6. S.R.T.


    Ma ne ne ne ne ne. Cisto 'nako da se cuje i SODOM. Dosta je bilo metalike i ostalog "thrasha".
  7. S.R.T.


    Ima li sanse za neki tribute SODOMu? I need at last your private parts To satisfy my fucking pride Sodomized Sodomized Sodomized Sodomized
  8. Death Metal majstori. Nek se jebe ko ne slusa POSSESSED
  9. S.R.T.


    pravi jebeni Death Metal. ekselente Through the Heavens above in the azure sky it is my mission to watch them die since days of old all I want is to gather their wings on this Angelhunt
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