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Black desire

Iskreni Ĩlanovi
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Everything posted by Black desire

  1. Obrada je odlicna! A ova pesma nekako nista novo, cini mi se da su se samo iskopirali...ali ipak, jedva cekam album....
  2. Mislim, krajnje je vreme da se raspadnu i naprave novi bend il nesto, dokazali su da su dobri muzicari, dokle vise.... Ali ocigledno da pali fazon...ne bi im svaki album bio isti...
  3. Ajde, ko ce da postavi ceo album
  4. Potpisujem, sve si reko kako valja...
  5. Ok boli me uvo kakav ce biti, bolje da se prica o novom albumu, nego nekim glupostima....
  7. Black desire


    Sta ovo kao jos uvek neko slusa?
  8. E a kad sam znao da ces to da kazes.....
  9. Ma smor je novi, a i ne volim albume s milion pesama....
  10. Ma i da jeste, novi album je snimljen, tako da nema problema, heheee
  11. Ijao, kad dodje Gojko...
  12. Cek, cek, da ti dodje Gojko samo!
  13. Ima dobrih pesmica, npr. ona nesto Fire Freedom nesto, ta mi je super
  14. DEFENDING THE TITLE OF THE BLACKEST AND BADDEST Mirror, mirror, on the wall. Who's the blackest of them all? Why, Cradle of Filth, of course. England's most notorious and nefarious metal band are gearing up to release their darkest, most dastardly album of all, titled Godspeed on the Devil's Thunder, for Roadrunner Records on October 28. The album, which will have a special edition with an extra disc and bonus material, arrives just in time for Halloween, a holiday that fits Cradle of Filth's blackened, ghostly aesthetic. The album is conceptual and is based on the well-documented, true-life fall from grace of a shadowy historical figure named Gilles de Rais, a wealthy French nobleman who was one of Joan of Arc's brothers-in-arms. He was best known, however, as a prolific serial killer who mixed prayers with his nightly murders as well as an aspiring alchemist. He was accused of a panoply of crimes, among them heresy, demonology and kidnapping. There's even an extreme fringe sect of historians who question de Rais' true status, with some convinced he was framed. Regardless of viewpoint, leave it to Cradle of Filth to dissect de Rais' biography, exploring subversive, inflammatory historical subject matter in its lyrics, taking an unjaundiced look at a controversial figure in European history, set to epic black metal music. The band profiled Hungarian countess Elizabeth Bathory, who attempted to preserve her youth by bathing in the blood of virgins, in the past and now moves forward by framing their latest album around the story of de Rais. Cradle of Filth's vocalist Dani Filth elaborated on the album's concept, saying, "By far this is our most extreme, dramatic and deeply disturbing album to date. The legend of Gilles de Rais has been given fresh, vampyrical life in this conceptual meisterwerk, swathed in pitch-black magic and a viciousness unsurpassed in the annals of Cradle history. Screw what our detractors say, everyone who has heard this album has bruised their jaws on the pentagram-bejewelled floor. " The tracklisting for Godspeed on the Devil's Thunder is as follows: In Grandeur And Frankincense Devilment Stirs Shat Out Of Hell The Death Of Love The 13th Caesar Tiffauges Tragic Kingdom Sweetest Maleficia Honey And Sulphur. Midnight Shadows Crawl To Darken Counsel With Life 10. Darkness Incarnate Ten Leagues Beneath Contempt Godspeed On The Devil's Thunder Corpseflower Cradle of Filth follows up 2006's Thornography with a bigger, faster and louder conceptual new album. The band retains their hard-earned reputation as the best of the blackest with Godspeed on the Devil's Thunder.
  15. Skinuh koncert konacno, odlican je!!! Eh, odma mi se vratise februarska secanja, hehe, genijalan koncert stvatno!!!
  16. Eh predivno, al ne mogu 40 evra i kusur da dam za jedan disk, bolje da uzmem 3 Mada, uh, jebem ti!
  17. MH je super obradio, Metallica super odsvirala, ali vokal je usrao pesmu...
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