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Black desire

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Everything posted by Black desire

  1. Ma on je valjda najstariji u porodici...
  2. Black desire


    Evo...kako bejase sa COF-om... 2006 has been a fine year for the metal community - at least in terms of unexpected reunions. With both Emperor and Atheist reformations and the promise of Cynic's imminent return next year, perhaps the biggest, and best, surprise of all was the announcement only a few weeks prior to tonight that the original 'Dreamweaver' recording lineup of Sabbat would reunite for 3 UK dates supporting Cradle of Filth. Apparently, while mixing COF's latest studio album, 'Thornography', original Sabbat guitarist Andy Sneap agreed to a reunion through both Dani Filth's persuasive skills and a lot of alcohol. I was a fan of the band back in 1989 just after the release of 'Dreamweaver' though never managed to catch them live so this news was most welcome. There was, of course, a reunion of sorts between 2001-2003 which lasted for several shows that vocalist Martin Walkyier respectfully proclaimed to be a 'tribute' band in the guise of 'Return to the Sabbat' and also included original bassist Fraser Craske and, for a short while, guitarist Simon Jones. I made the most of this 'reunion' and, in total, saw Return to the Sabbat 5 times with the firm belief this would be my only chance, and the closest thing, to seeing Sabbat live, not conceiving for one instant that a few years on would engender a fully reformed band. This seemed even more unlikely with Walkyier publicly announcing a year or so ago of his intentions to 'retire' from music to concentrate on writing prose after his latest innovative project, The Clan Destined, came to an unfortunately abrupt end resulting from the precipitous walkout from most band members and their subsequent unfair treatment of him. He did, however, complete and release The Clan Destined recordings with the assistance of Sneap's production and guitar talents. I guess this new Walkyier/Sneap collaboration stirred my optimism for a potential Sabbat reunion back then, though didn't think seriously for one second it would materialise into reality. I'm sure I speak for many when I say that the 'Dreamweaver' era lineup back together again, playing live, is a momentous event. The lights dim, fans begin chanting "Sa-bbat, Sa-bbat" and the band walk on stage to huge cheers and applause as the intro music from 'History Of A Time To Come' fills the Academy with its menacing tones and polyphonic voices. They then launch into 'A Cautionary Tale' followed by 'Hosanna in Excelsis'. What is immediately striking about these songs is how contemporary they sound, even 18 years after their initial release. This is not only a testament to Sneap's songwriting skills as a composer of timeless music, but also a sign of the far reaching influence Sabbat had and still have on metal bands playing on the scene today. With a set drawn mainly from 'History...' including 'Behind the Crooked Cross' and 'For Those Who Died', they also air 'The Best of Enemies' from 'Dreamweaver'. Sabbat look very comfortable on stage together and collectively deliver an energetically dynamic performance through Sneap and Jones' technically accomplished guitar riffing and skilful leads; Craske's pounding basslines; Simon Negus' impressively tight drumming and Walkyier's rasping vocals delivered with his usual passionate intent. In fact, when Walkyier speaks to the audience in between songs, it is evident he's suffering with a bad cold and on the verge of losing his voice which makes it even more astonishing, and certainly admirable, that he still delivers a vocal performance as intensely vociferous as this. Tonight, he indubitably lives up to his reputation as a true pagan metal hero. As good as the 'Return to the Sabbat' gigs were, tonight I witness the 'return of the Sabbat' which is mindblowingly awesome. And with the planned reissues of both 'History...' and 'Dreamweaver' early next year and the promise of some festival dates, it aint over yet...
  3. Ehhh...da su dosli pre jedno 5 godina, kad sam stvarno imao ooooooogromnu zelju da ih gledam...
  4. To se trazi...bez karte ne vredi ici na koncet...hehe , salim se naravno...
  5. Dal u Mordoru planiras da kupujes...
  6. Sta...oces reci da se i ti pretvaras u Frubija...
  7. Da fanovi skupe pare i dovedu ih...
  8. Vidis, to ti je stvarno dobra ideja...al nemoj koncerte za dz, ipak treba da se zaradi nesto...
  9. Svaka cast...to su majce koje bih stvarno voleo da imam...
  10. Nista, Frubi tebra, nema te menjamo, evo glasacu za tebe sad na izborima...
  11. Ok, super, nije mi bilo bas najjasnije...
  12. Sad na Therionu OBAVEZNO uzimam longsleeve...
  13. Da li to znaci da ljudi van BG-a ne uzimaju karte...or what...
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