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Black desire

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Everything posted by Black desire

  1. Ako Therion bude prvi...bice mnogo zajebano...
  2. Gde se u Zagrebu kupuju karte za COF...i ima li sanse na dan koncerta...i kolko je karta...zna li neko???
  3. Byronic man i Cemetary and Sundown su ubedljivo najgore pesme na albumu tako da slobodno preslusajte ostatak albuma...
  4. Odlicno, jos ljudi koji su spremni za sutku...e da i ja vise (mnooogo vise idem zbog Theriona)...
  5. Ooops...izvinjavam se svim fanovima
  6. Sad, Dijabolik...to je bio prvobitni naziv pesme...
  7. Pa, ne bi ih ni ja gledao...al sta cu kad su predgrupa Therion-u/Gravedigger-u...
  8. Nema on dovoljno poena da bi se uclanio...
  9. Jos jedno izuzetno Therion ostvarenje, ovaj bend je ostao medju retkima koji i dalje pravi dobru i originalnu muziku. Potpuno se slazem ... Obasvezno cu da uzem digipak novog albuma kad odem na konc...
  10. Damnation je jedan od najvecih izdrkotina u metalu...a tebi ako se svidja onda imas problem...hehe
  11. Black desire


    I meni je jak Origin...bas je ugodan za opustanje i razmisljanje i tako to...super album sve u svem... Epic je super, nista mu ne fali...
  12. Muzika jeste bolja, ali dzaba EVO JOS TEKSTA: 5.We Burn I've had a vision its clear to me now I know what has to be done Different religions cannot share a land A plague and I have the cure Chase them down,let them suffer in pain Dig them down, they´ll be gone for a while Evidence lost We burn Plunder and rape Show them no mercy, just burn Flesh turn to ash Inspired by deeds that were done long ago I know what has to be done Filth of my land must be washed clean and pure Now let the cleansing begin Genocide? Who will drag me to court? There´s no crime if you do not get caught I am the law. We burn Privates, seargeants and generals hear It’s our chance we’ve been waiting too long Your orders are: to start to burn 4.In the Name of God Hide from the public eye, choose to appear when it suits you Claim you're just, killing women and children Fight, when you choose to fight, hide in a cave when you're hunted Like a beast spawned from hell, utilizing fear Chosen by god or a coward insane? Stand up and show me your face! Suicidal, in a trance A religious army Fight without a uniform and hide in the crowd Call it holy, call it just Authorized by heaven Leave your wounded as they die, and call it gods will Run when its time to pay, fear consequence of your action Reappear, when you're almost forgotten Dream of a world in peace, yet you cause pain and destruction Kill your own, a response of your actions Captured in all you lies, fear is in your eyes Creature who's gone insane, your war is in vain Trapped in a cage of stone, we'll destroy your home Consequence of your action HEHEHEHEHEHEHE...
  13. Moje skromno misljenje : 1) Nije mi jasno zasto tema nije na power-u 2) Bend je bezveze, smesan je , vec vidjeno, tematika je ultra naivna, tekstove kao da je pisao napaljeni patriotski teenager koji je tek poceo da kapira neke stvari u zivotu, izuzetak bi bili zajebantski tekstovi gde ubacuju imena drugih bendova(sto vec neko rece, al' nema veze) 3) Muzika i nije losa...ali je jos jedan plagijat plagijatovog plagijata Nightwisha i ostale poznate power skole ima jos dosta toga da se kaze al mrzi me da kucam... Evo jednog teksta: 6. Stalingrad Fresh from moscow over volga came to comrades aid city in despair almost crushed by the führers army Oh it’s colder than hell hitlers forces advancing The sound of the mortars the music of death a grand symphony See your friends fall hear them pray to the god your country denies every man dies alone and when your time comes you will know that it’s time Stalins fortress on fire Is this madness or hell The sound of the mortars the music of death we’re playing the devils symphony our violins are guns conducted from hell Oh stalingrad Mratnimiat Are you playing do you follow the conductors lead no one knows you no one cares about a single violin Play the score of the damned know the devil within Smejacu se kad ih budem gledao...
  14. Pa, bolji je od Volcano-a...sigurno...
  15. Ok, mozda je sve to tacno...ali nema to veze, bitno da je album odlican, nista mu ne fali, sve je tu, a to sto ga slusaju neki klinci ili sto se dobro prodaje to uopste nije bitno... I ja sam hteo da idem da ih gledam ali FUCK, nije sve ispalo kako treba...
  16. YES,YES HEHEEE Kill all the bastards who say no to this... TRUE TILL DETH
  17. I ja najvise volim prva dva albuma...ali kako mozes da kazes da je ND komercijalan album i da ke Mother North najiskliseizirana pesma, mislim to je mnogo glupo, ok to je tvoj neki utisak, al ja se ne bi slozio... A gde si ih gledala uzivo?
  18. Nemas dovoljno poena za majcu...
  20. Uff...do sad sam spavao...uff sto volim spam
  21. Svaka cast guys...svirka bese fantasticna...bas onako kako treba, steta sto niste svirali duze, al nema veze, docicete vi opet...
  22. Tako je, tako je...ja sam prestao da gundjam i sad mi je mnogo lakse...hehe
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