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Black desire

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Everything posted by Black desire

  1. Tako je, tako je, triput URA za nadimaca...
  2. AAAAAA, da si pustate pijenje...
  3. Meni je bas zbog toga bezveze, nekako nema dusu...
  4. Evo savrsenstva.... Funeral in Carpathia Candelabra snuffed prey - silhouette wedded Nightfall take my hand Seduce me with silky timbred limbs Grant me thy dark command Over the peaks framing tapestries Of thick forest, dusk has filled With Lucifugous kisses enwreathed in mist Creeping like violations from the shadows to kill Lucretia is my love in vein When thy tears bleed sweeter Thank the midsummer rain? Bewinged, infested belfries Toll o'er the sobbing throng A writhe of lethargic, terrored nudes Whipped and welted neath the barbed windsong.... (in saddean paradise Ancestral legacies linger on....) I am He The crowned and conquering darkness Satan robed in ecumenical filth Livid Bacchus sustained by bridal echelons of sylph This wintry eve when the snow glistens deep And sharpened turrets wed the jewelless skies I shrug off the shroud of preternatural sleep Enbroided by these words Malaresia scribed.... "Beauty slept and angels wept For Her immortal soul In this response, all evil chose To claim her for their very own" Carpathia The pleasured dead speak of her In necromantic tongue When ambered daylights are done Masterbating in their graves On her zenith to come.... This catafalque night when awed stars report Their absence from the heavenly brow Crippled seraph shalt cower in illustrious courts Whilsts the cloaked maelstrom resounds throughout "How the storm it fulfills My heart though unhealed Celestial knifes ebonied And wild woods thrill Yet far fiercer still Her lustre eviscerates me" Carpathia Priapic lovers twist in concert with Her Covenants are struck, jagged lightning fellates The path towards the castle weary innocence takes I rule as Master here Where feral hordes impart my temper Love sank wounded when I, betrayed saw death etch cruelly, upon my lineage "Usher the spite seething Draconist And commit this world to thy ancient sovereignty" Erunescent veil descend Psalmed sunset thus portends And laid to rest, I now am blessed With this darkness.... Forever more Supreme Vampiric Evil
  5. Ma sve stoji, ali meni je novi dobar...ne znam ima neku dobru atmosferu, ipak ne moze da se poredi sa starima, mada da su uradili jos neku pesmu kao Storm (of the destroyer) sa singla, album bi bio mnooogo bolji...
  6. Ja ipak mislim da je Donatelo jaci od Rafaela, mada kad se ubaci Splinter, eee onda...
  7. Meni je Dark Medieval Times jedan od najboljih BM albuma, preporucujem svima, Shadowthrone je takodje fantastican album, Nemesis DIvina...mislim Mother North je genijalna stvar...Rebel i VOlcano mi i nisu nesto, dok je novi dobar...
  8. Ne, ljudi jednostavno ne mogu da prestanu da porede Dimmu i Cradle...
  9. Aaa fin vam je album...ali mogu vam reci da ste uzivo mnogo jaci (pa ko ustvari nije jeaci uzivo kad bolje razmislim)
  10. Hehe...veoma dobro receno...
  11. Auu, pocetak jedne zesce rasprave...
  12. Svaka ti cast na postu...vidim da si fan ali znas da priznas kad grese...
  13. Ma skroz...ja bi to ukinuo...al ipak uvek ce se nekome i to svidjati, tako da moramo da postujemo reizdanja...
  14. To kazes samo zato sto si na strani Dimmu-a...totalno bezveze...a i nije bitno da li su black... Cak i na spotu od Mourning Palace pise Cradle of FIlth u pozadini cisto da se vidi ko je tatica....
  15. Ma da bre ovo je Srbija...ovde mozes...
  16. Sto ste se tolko uhvatili za taj madjarski tribute?
  18. Ma nije zbog produkcije...album jednostavno izgubi car...i magiju koju ima...kad se reizda postane nekako prazan i nikakav, nije vise to to, Ali sta da se radi reizdanja ce uvek biti tako da moramo da se navikavamo...
  19. Da nije bilo Varga...ko zna...Hvala mu!
  20. U COF-u su za vreme Barkera bubnjevi bili savrsenstvo...
  21. Cuos sam pesmu Cult - nista novo, sve isto...isto sranje isto pakovanje...jedan od bendova koji treba da se raspadne...
  22. I opet u dimmu su dosadni bubnjevi...
  23. Pa da ali...vise se isplati K.U.F.R.V. ( kulturno umetnicko folklorno radikalsko vece)
  24. Black desire


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