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Black desire

Iskreni članovi
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Everything posted by Black desire

  1. Bio sam skeptican jako, ali momci su uspeli da se ne ponove.
  2. Tesko je metalac biti.
  3. Objasnio si. (nisam sarkastican)
  4. Samo Satir i Frost fale /m/
  5. Vozi http://www.mediaboom.org/342414-amorphis-the-beginning-of-times-2011.html
  6. Ja ocekujem neki goth rok sa primesama panka i tresa.
  7. Dani u bendu koji nije CoF, bice to zanimljivo
  8. Lo and truly behold! A hellish new band has emerged from the quagmire that is the extreme music scene. Imagine a cauldron bubbling over with the unsavory flavors of TOOL and CELTIC FROST, and seasoned with the likes of IMMORTAL and AT THE GATES, and you'd be about halfway to describing the uncouth racket these guys have spat upon an unsuspecting planet. Calling themselves the TEMPLE OF THE BLACK MOON, the group (who describe their output as "music for an evil film noir') are an eclectic stew of musicians/hell-raisers/miscreants in the ungainly form of Dani Filth (CRADLE OF FILTH), Rob Caggiano (ANTHRAX, THE DAMNED THINGS), King (formerly of GORGOROTH and OV HELL) and John Tempesta (formerly of WHITE ZOMBIE and now drumming with THE CULT). Explaining the origins of the name, vo-killist Dani Filth had this to mutter on the subject: "We had an innumerable amount of names that never seemed likely to stick, that was until we put our proverbial heads together and narrowed it down to just three or four, and then tossed for it (proverbially of course) using a silver Norwegian crown (we couldn't find any proper money). The name TEMPLE OF THE BLACK MOON represents the rigorous worship of desire, (the black moon astrologically has always held association with the dark Goddess Lilith) and of course the ramifications of the lunar eclipse, always a herald for death and ill-omen." So far almost an album's worth of material has been demoed, with TEMPLE OF THE BLACK MOON hooking up in the darkest depths of Bergen, Norway to collectively thrash it out. Songtitles thus far include "Infernal Desire Machine", "Don't Call Up What You Can't Put Down", "Dark Eyes For Trouble", "Beautifully Perverse" and "C.N.T (All That's Missing Is You)". An album release and subsequent live dates are expected to happen around mid-2012.
  9. Cini mi se da to sad urade da bi zvucali kao tribute samima sebi.
  10. Pa to...eto zanimljivo je jer je dobra riba, ali pored toga nema drugog razloga da bude u bendu.
  11. Meni se nikad nije svidjao njen vokal, al ovaj album je unakazila za sve pare.
  12. meni se svidja album, jedino mi je vokal uzas.
  13. Eclipse ostaje neprejebiv Tomijev album. Ovaj odma iza, ali Eclipse je Eclipse.
  14. Rekoh Grobu, meni ovo bolje i od Skajforgera i Sajlent Votersa.
  15. Förtviiiivlaaaaaaaaaan, min arvedeeeeeeeellll!!! @Lou: Hvala frajeru.
  16. Izvinjenje prihvaceno.
  17. Smaras prijatelju.
  18. Meni ovo jedan od kanditata za album godine.
  19. Okej je album, i ja sam ocekivao neko ludilo, a dobio okej album. Zadovoljan sam kolko tolko, slusace se.
  20. Najtvis je za devojcice Slobice
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