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Florida-based "shock-rock" band GENITORTURERS, featuring MORBID ANGEL frontman David "Evil D" Vincent on bass, will support MÖTLEY CRÜE at the House of Blues in Myrtle Beach, SC on November 21. GENITORTURERS will play five shows in Australia and New Zealand beginning on November 10 in Auckland. GENITORTURERS' most recent EP, "Flesh is the Law", came out in 2003. Upcoming GENITORTURERS shows: Nov. 10 - Galatos Club - Auckland, NZ Nov. 11 - Newtown – Sydney, AUS Nov. 17 - The Arena – Brisbane, AUS Nov. 18 – (Special Event Appearance TBA) - Melbourne, AUS Nov. 19 - Hifi Bar And Ballroom – Melbourne, AUS Nov. 21 - House Of Blues - Myrtle Beach, SC (w/ MÖTLEY CRÜE) Nov. 24 - State Theater – St. Petersburg, FL Nov. 25 - Culture Room – Ft. Lauderdale, FL Dec. 31 - New Year's Eve Ball at The Fenix - Seattle, WA ovo je smesno, neka vrate takera!!!!!!!!!
mislim da ima topic o njima, a i da nema nije steta jer su toliko dobri da je suvisno bilo sta reci o njima.
kakve ovo ima veze sa kanibalima?????
politika ne zasluzuje mesto na ovom forumu jednako kao i narodnjaci
madball, agnostic front, sick of it all, d.r.i. nezaboravni koncerti ne mogu sebi da oprostim sto sam onomad propustio biohazard i tri puta pro-pain
produkcija na st. angeru nije nekvalitetna, nego se jednostavno ne uklapa, ja kad sam cuo uzivo par stvari sa angera u bg-u, skapirao sam da uzivo i nisu toliko lose, ali album su jednostavno sjebali. bitno da oni uzivo sviraju stvari sa svih albuma do justice-a, a neka snimaju i gora govna od nu metala.
endorama je sramota za kreator, uzas je blaga rec. da je neki drugi bend u pitanju mogao bih da odslusam par puta pa ocenim da li mi se svidja ili ne, ali ako kreator snimi nesto sto nije thrash, samo po sebi me ne zanima!!!!!
sta bi dao da ovo vidim sve sto sam do sada gledao nestalo bi u sekundi posle prve pesme na ovom koncertu. A representative for BLACK SABBATH guitarist Tony Iommi has confirmed that the highly anticipated and much-rumored reunion of Iommi, Ronnie James Dio, Geezer Butler, and Bill Ward appears to be shaping up and taking a new form. After various promoters have approached the former SABBATH bandmates' respective representatives, the guys have started taking all of this very seriously, as they have aparently wanted to reunite for some time now. It looks as if the new shape may be that of HEAVEN AND HELL — that is the moniker that the band is likely to use on their new venture. If all goes well, HEAVEN AND HELL should be hitting the road in early 2007. In an August 16, 2006 appearance on the syndicated radio show "Rockline", Dio had the following to say about the possibility of further collaborations with BLACK SABBATH guitarist Tony Iommi: "We've already written one [new] song together. The reason for that is that there's a release coming out, it's called 'Black Sabbath: The Dio Years' — they've already done one, of course, 'Black Sabbath: The Ozzy Years'; that was the beginning and, really, the best part of it all — but they've decided to do one, again, 'Black Sabbath: The Dio Years', and we wanted to make it a little but more special, not just give you things you've not heard from a live perspective. These are two things you'll never hear again — two new songs. We are going to do that. It's been fun already. The one we've done — the one that I've done with Tony has been really wonderful — just great to realize how magnificent a player he was. You forget that after 10 years at a time that you don't work with someone. So we are gonna be doing that. And I hope you'll like it. I think it'll be great." On the rumors of him possibly rejoining BLACK SABBATH, Dio said, "There's always rumors about everything — about a RAINBOW reunion, about a BLACK SABBATH reunion. Our purpose was to do this because we wanted to have this product be a bit more special than anything else — not just, 'Here's a live track you've never heard before.' I mean, that's cool, but I'm sure people have heard that. We wanted to do something a bit more special, so the whole band would write and play these songs, and… They've wanted to hear them long enough, so here they are. But it's not anything that we've talked about leading to anything other than that. No, it's for that project."
dobar bend, bili su pre par godina na exitu, al sam se zajebo pa nisam otisao
na DRI-i u Bg-u je bilo kidanje konzerve su letele na sve strane, srecom nastradala je samo njihova zastava nezaboravan dozivljaj.
morbid vision je simfonija za posrani nu metal roots
Slayer je kult sta ima tu da se naglaba, slusam sve njihove albume, stari albumi su vrh, ovi kasniji su dobri.
Meni Slayer uvek valja, cak i najgore sranje da snimi, sto se do sada nije desili, ne bi imao srca da kazem da je sranje, ipak je to jebeni SSSSSSSSSSSSSLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ko svira na stadionu kad zrtvujes koncert morbida.
roots je totalno sranje, valja naslovna stvar ostalo tesko sranje za sve godine od kad je izasao ja neuspevan cak ni na silu da odslusam ceo album, govno!
Ja imam Punishment in capitals, ako mislis na taj. Live corruption je meni mnogo jaci, pogovo sto su stvari sa prva tri albuma..., ne smem da razmisljam o njihovom koncertu, smorio sam se sto ne dolaze opet ovde.
u kojoj sali je koncert, jel zna neko
Napalm je zakon, tu nema sta da se prica, ja ih isto dugo slusam, pre nego sto je izasao Harmony . Onaj koncert na VHS-u Live corruption sam odgledao milijardu puta, mnogo je jak.