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Everything posted by ljubicasta

  1. Bandcamp: http://futuresequenc...album/sequence8 Sajt: http://www.futureseq....com/sequence8/ FutureSequence #8, 3 i po sata duga, free download ambient/minimalism/drone/modern classical kompilacija na kojoj smo se drug i ja nasli pod imenom Andagainandagain, pored Jasper TX, Radere, Petrels, Endless Melancholy...
  2. http://brokenspineprods.bandcamp.com/album/hypnotannenbaumdronefuzz-pwyc samo da je za nijansu sporije...
  3. http://brokenspineprods.bandcamp.com/album/hypnotannenbaumdronefuzz-pwyc
  4. http://denovali.com/swingfest/essen/?lineup lol
  5. BEWILDERNESS Sanja (syphil, lebdi, mesta) & Jeff Stonehouse (Listening Mirror) https://soundcloud.com/listening-mirror/the-muffled-king-vocal-mix-2 https://www.facebook.com/pages/Bewilderness/485168908281146 Bravo za K.B.Dunn-a!
  6. mozda doprinesem... http://getmetal.org/sludge-metal/68040-ave-control-2014.html
  7. Salem's Pot 2014 http://www.bunalti.com/?p=312504
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jr_8RmjXK54
  9. Danas od 15h na grckom radiu GRIP OF DELUSION pregled balkanske underground scene, ukljucujuci 4 benda sa PMK: HAZARDER, LIVIA SURA, HESPERIAN DEATH HORSE, NASTROM http://gripofdelusio...sunday-shcedule Plejlista: Tona - Down To Play (Serbia) Hazarder - Nova (Serbia) Dala Sun - Fistful of Teeth (Greece) Bonze’s Fuel - Hateyouth (Greece) 1000mods - Track Me (Greece) S.I.M.B. - So Heavy, So Slow (Bulgaria) Brond - Lava Divers (Demo)(Bulgaria) Trysth - Ordeal Vision (Bulgaria) Umor - I Am The Sun (Croatia) Upyr - Into The Tunnels of My Sleep (Bulgaria) Universe217 - Seek (Greece) Livia Sura - Adiaforia (Romania) 45 Rats - Double Cut (Greece) Hesperian Death Horse - Deces (Part 2-Palez) (Croatia) Obsidian Sea - Mountain Womb (Bulgaria) Mist - The Living Dead (Slovenia) Anlipnes - Lats Sunset (Turkey) OWL OXIDANT - My Name is William Blake (Serbia) Seven That Spells - Easy Drugs & Hard Women (Croatia) Sativa - Dreamcatcher (Live) (Bulgaria) The :Egocentrics - Mystic Initiation (Romania) Temple of The Smoke - Deadly Skies (Serbia) NASTROM - Deliblato Sandstorm (Serbia) Void Forger - Pointless Media (Romania) Leechfeast - Sea of Hair (Slovenia) Cojones - Superskunk (Croatia) SadhuS (The Smoking Community) - Burned By Hand (Greece) BALKHARA - Dansk Sommer (Bulgaria) Center - Parallel Defence (Bulgaria) Brotherhood of Sleep - Aranian Gate (Greece) The Bliss - Zapukletska (Greece) Slug Salt Lava - Fallout (Turkey) Planet of Zeus - Burn This City Down (Greece)
  10. http://thrilljockey.com/thrill/Holy-Sons/The-Fact-Facer#.U8oIUpSSyfa
  11. https://www.facebook...96645887180368/
  12. Owl Oxidant recenzija SLEEPING SHAMAN http://www.thesleepi...an-sun-dd-2014/ "The word escapes me, but you know people who claim to see colour, detect smell etc. when music gets played? I’m not one of them, but I’m quite confident this album has me seeing tie dye everywhere. Owl Oxidant are not the most psychedelic band ever, but if someone asked you “What does psychedelic music sound like?” They’re probably the most accurate answer. With a few million wah pedals at hand and at least 20 synth patches cribbed straight off every Pink Floyd album, Owl Oxidant are more psychedelic than snorting quaaludes, than playing tambourine, than forming a cult and stabbing a pregnant woman to death. The general theme here is long, slow unfolding jams with typically fairly gentle drums underpinning a cloud of psychedelic tropes. I’m not saying Secret Suburban Sun rips off anyone in particular, but everything that belongs to psych is here, sitar excepted, perhaps. The first few songs are jammed full of wah, tremelo, some gentle phaser, flanger etc, with the guitars playing little but floaty clouds of gentle noodle over a bunch of similarly cloudy Floyd synths. And it’s pretty effective – in moments, anyway. There is a tendency for the songs to sound a bit too drifting, a bit too aimless, but Juicy Claws And Purple Nails synth and noodle breakdown is really nice, My Name is William Blake wah noodles occasionally hit upon some truly lyrical lines that unashamedly tug at the heartstrings- I’ve used the words “gentle”, “noodle” and “cloud” a few trillion times thus far but yeah, the first few minutes are the gentlest, noodliest cloud you’ll ever come across, and it’s certainly a pleasure watching it drift by while you lie in the Woodstock mud (am I doing it right?). It’s not a perfect album though, not at all. Two problems; first, the tendency for stuff to get a bit aimless, but for a jam album that’s totally fine. The second problem is a bigger one – the louder parts are consistently bad, consistently amateur and basically shouldn’t have been here. I appreciate the desire to give the songs a bit more grit, a bit more dynamic (writing long instrumentals that stay fairly quiet is freakin’ hard, but for a good example check out Palefeather, reviewed on this site), but the riffs are pretty terrible, the distorted guitar tone is awful – this weak, ball less tone that sounds like a MIDI distorted guitar, and the lumbering, rather forced drums just don’t fit – I’m not entirely sure if they’re programmed or not but regardless, they sound like, well want for a better word, shit. The piano and “heavy” arpeggiated guitar that closes it all out is pretty weak too; it sounds more like a c-grade gothic/black band than the high quality stoned-out psych that Owl Oxidant are so close to becoming… Yeah, it’s not a bad album, with some sweet moments through most of the songs. Time will tell whether these guys can stretch out the cool moment to an entire album, though. My recommendation is to get this album nonetheless, especially if you have a hardon for LSD and ridiculously hairy bush."
  13. Owl Oxidant recenzija SLEEPING SHAMAN http://www.thesleepi...an-sun-dd-2014/ "The word escapes me, but you know people who claim to see colour, detect smell etc. when music gets played? I’m not one of them, but I’m quite confident this album has me seeing tie dye everywhere. Owl Oxidant are not the most psychedelic band ever, but if someone asked you “What does psychedelic music sound like?” They’re probably the most accurate answer. With a few million wah pedals at hand and at least 20 synth patches cribbed straight off every Pink Floyd album, Owl Oxidant are more psychedelic than snorting quaaludes, than playing tambourine, than forming a cult and stabbing a pregnant woman to death. The general theme here is long, slow unfolding jams with typically fairly gentle drums underpinning a cloud of psychedelic tropes. I’m not saying Secret Suburban Sun rips off anyone in particular, but everything that belongs to psych is here, sitar excepted, perhaps. The first few songs are jammed full of wah, tremelo, some gentle phaser, flanger etc, with the guitars playing little but floaty clouds of gentle noodle over a bunch of similarly cloudy Floyd synths. And it’s pretty effective – in moments, anyway. There is a tendency for the songs to sound a bit too drifting, a bit too aimless, but Juicy Claws And Purple Nails synth and noodle breakdown is really nice, My Name is William Blake wah noodles occasionally hit upon some truly lyrical lines that unashamedly tug at the heartstrings- I’ve used the words “gentle”, “noodle” and “cloud” a few trillion times thus far but yeah, the first few minutes are the gentlest, noodliest cloud you’ll ever come across, and it’s certainly a pleasure watching it drift by while you lie in the Woodstock mud (am I doing it right?). It’s not a perfect album though, not at all. Two problems; first, the tendency for stuff to get a bit aimless, but for a jam album that’s totally fine. The second problem is a bigger one – the louder parts are consistently bad, consistently amateur and basically shouldn’t have been here. I appreciate the desire to give the songs a bit more grit, a bit more dynamic (writing long instrumentals that stay fairly quiet is freakin’ hard, but for a good example check out Palefeather, reviewed on this site), but the riffs are pretty terrible, the distorted guitar tone is awful – this weak, ball less tone that sounds like a MIDI distorted guitar, and the lumbering, rather forced drums just don’t fit – I’m not entirely sure if they’re programmed or not but regardless, they sound like, well want for a better word, shit. The piano and “heavy” arpeggiated guitar that closes it all out is pretty weak too; it sounds more like a c-grade gothic/black band than the high quality stoned-out psych that Owl Oxidant are so close to becoming… Yeah, it’s not a bad album, with some sweet moments through most of the songs. Time will tell whether these guys can stretch out the cool moment to an entire album, though. My recommendation is to get this album nonetheless, especially if you have a hardon for LSD and ridiculously hairy bush."
  17. USPON NA SVETU PLANINU RTANJ Subota 5. Jul, 11h Organizovan uspon na RTANJ kreće od planinarskog doma, tj. mesta koncerta & kampa festa, drugag dana festivala, subotu u 11h prepodne. Traje 3 časa. Sa sobom je neophodno poneti rezervnu majicu, toplu i šuškavu jaknu protiv vetra i vodu. Po zadržavanju od 1 sat na vrhu, sledi povratak u kamp do 17.30h
  18. KAKO STIĆI DO RTNJA? BUS Boljevac-Rtanj (sa autobuske stanice u boljevcu) PETAK, 15.20h – 170din (subotom ne saobraća!) TAXI prevoznici BOLJEVAC-RTANJ: 063/8778909 (700 DIN) 069/1431957 064/3196756 (800 DIN) 061/1122328 (za 7 mesta) BUS: Paraćin-Boljevac: 10:10; 14:30; 17:20 Beograd-Boljevac: 08:00; 09:15; 12:30; 14:15; 19:30 VOZ: Beograd-Paraćin: 03:30; 07:20; 07:50; 15:30; 21:50 Niš-Paraćin: 03:15; 07:35; 11:05; 13:20; 15:40; 19:20 NASELJE RTANJ SE NALAZI 7km OD SKRETANJA KOD MOTELA “RTANJ” (10km pre Boljevca) SA MAGISTRALNOG PUTA PARAĆIN-BOLJEVAC.
  19. V/A "THE HOLY MOVNTAIN" kompilacija bendova koji nastupaju na SPXII [sR007] TRYSTH - Ordeal Vision (demo) 13:12 TORN FROM EARTH - Lost and Found 08:10 VOID FORGER - Automation 06:32 PROPOVED - Iza Maske Milosti 07:48 DOMUS OCCULTIS - Raskol (demo) 09:49 AWWO - A Monument to Fear ... to be Remembered, But Never Awaken Again 20:06 TAUUSK - Relief 19:54 OWL OXIDANT - My Name is William Blake 06:49 BESPLATAN DOWNLOAD/STREAM: http://stonerizerrec...e-holy-movntain
  20. V/A "THE HOLY MOVNTAIN" kompilacija bendova koji nastupaju na SPXII [sR007] TRYSTH - Ordeal Vision (demo) 13:12 TORN FROM EARTH - Lost and Found 08:10 VOID FORGER - Automation 06:32 PROPOVED - Iza Maske Milosti 07:48 DOMUS OCCULTIS - Raskol (demo) 09:49 AWWO - A Monument to Fear ... to be Remembered, But Never Awaken Again 20:06 TAUUSK - Relief 19:54 OWL OXIDANT - My Name is William Blake 06:49 BESPLATAN DOWNLOAD ZA SOLISTICIJ: http://stonerizerrec...e-holy-movntain
  21. http://pitchfork.com/reviews/tracks/16959-earth-from-the-zodiacal-light/
  22. STONERIZER PULJP FEST #12 TIMOK VALLEY INCANTATIONS 2014 4-5. JUL @ RTANJ HOLY MOUNTAIN http://www.puljp.org https://www.facebook...20596058197444/ Petak, 4. Jul TIDAL YIELD (belgrade) https://www.facebook...491520017564307 DOMUS OCCULTIS (belgrade) https://www.facebook.../domus.occultis TAUUSK (oradea) http://tauusk.bandcamp.com/ AWWO/LIVIA SURA (timisoara) https://www.facebook.com/aworldwithone LUCID (belgrade) Subota, 5. Jul TORN FROM EARTH (budapest) https://www.facebook.com/tornfromearth TRYSTH (sofia) https://www.facebook.com/trysthmetal VOID FORGER (bucharest) http://voidforger.bandcamp.com/ OWL OXIDANT (ćuprija / jagodina) https://soundcloud.com/owl-oxidant PROPOVED (belgrade) https://www.facebook.com/Propoved
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