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Iskreni članovi
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Everything posted by Azaralena

  1. Researchers at Boston Children’s Hospital announced last year that they’ve successfully completed tests of an injectable form of oxygen that they hope will be able to keep a human being alive for up to 30 minutes without breathing. Led by Dr. John Kheir of Boston Children’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School, the team of scientists were able to pack oxygen into micro-particles that are suspended in a kind of injectable foam; the micro-particles are small enough to mix harmlessly with human blood, thereby allowing them to deliver oxygen to the bloodstream without fear of embolism. “Eventually injectable oxygen could be stored in syringes on every code cart in a hospital, ambulance or transport helicopter to help stabilize patients who are having difficulty breathing,” Dr. Kheir explained.
  2. *.* http://9gag.com/gag/aNeWO2v
  3. 2:26 - 3:13 http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=sqdhxeGJpXQ&t=145
  4. Sjajan novi spot http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_n9xxA3QY8M
  5. Odlično, čovek dušu dao za ovako nešto.
  6. Lep je kao lutka, ulepša mi dan!
  7. Azaralena


    Uh, kakav pogled...
  8. Nikad ne bih sama izvalila ko je na slici.
  9. Mnja.
  10. Smejala sam se na sav glas, onako surovo. :lošaosoba:
  11. Njao, smršao je.
  12. Au, pa ovo je genijalno!
  13. Pf, ja poslednja saznajem. Tako mi i treba kad spavam do podne.
  14. Šta, ovaj ti nije plav, a? A? A?
  15. Iako jednostavna, igra je sjajna. Kult, svako bi morao da je proba. Takođe, jedna je od onih gde polupaš sve oko sebe kad pogineš po hiljaditi put. A onda pogineš opet. Soundtrack je legendaran.
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