Nonresistance, nonjudgment, and nonattachment are the
three aspects of true freedom and enlightened living.
Eckhart Tolle
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Fulfill me, make me happy, make me feel safe, tell me who I am. The world cannot give you those things, and when you no longer have such expectations, all selfcreated suffering comes to an end. All such suffering is due to an overvaluation of form and an unawareness of the dimension of inner space. When that dimension is present in your life, you can enjoy things, experiences, and the pleasures of the sense without losing yourself in them, without inner attachment to them, that is to say, without becoming addicted to the world.
The words "This, too, will pass" are pointers toward reality. In pointing
to the impermanence of all forms, by implication, they are also pointing to
the eternal. Only the eternal in you can recognize the impermanent as impermanent.
When the dimension of space is lost or rather not known, the things of
the world assume an absolute importance, a seriousness and heaviness that in truth they do not have. When the world is not viewed from the perspective of the formless, it becomes a threatening place, and ultimately a place of despair. The Old Testament prophet must have felt this when he wrote, “All things are full of weariness. A man cannot utter it.”