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Everything posted by Knjaz_Ovoga_Sveta

  1. - Prevoz na koncert iz Beograda i ostalih gradova po dogovoru sa Travel Music 060-3147511
  2. Da odgovorimo svima ovde; Ulaznice ce biti ostavljene za dan koncerta i bice ih na ulazu kluba od 15h! Cena ostaje ista = 2000din Vidimo se! Horns Up!
  3. Jos dodataka u VADER tour dnevniku: http://www.massive-music.pl/glowna-e.php?dzial=the_sign_of_hell2011-e Counting down! \m/
  4. Jos dodataka u VADER tour dnevniku: http://www.massive-music.pl/glowna-e.php?dzial=the_sign_of_hell2011-e Counting down! \m/
  5. CD 10e: CRUXIFICTION (FRA) "The Coming" - (Strong Black Metal creation with authentic touch of French scene. Black Metal as it should be!) DAEMONOLITH (UK) "By Order Of Decimation" digiCD - (Fast Aggressive Black Metal made by rules of traditional 90s atmosphere and spirit.Very good stuff!) DEVIL'S GRAVE Compilation - (Great underground compilation with METAL KING, BATTLERAGE, PROFANER, COBRA, PROCESSION, AFTER DEATH, GRAVEYARD...) 5e 11 AS IN ADVERSARIES (FRA) "The Full Intrepid Experience of Light" - (Very unique and artistic Black Metal philosophy by members of Glorior Beli, Frostmoon Eclipse) 12e MOONREICH (FRA) "Loi Martiale" - (Militant Black Metal machine.Brutal Black Metal in the vein of Marduk legacy) RAVEN (NOR) "The Murder Sessions" DigiCD - (Born in 1993, this never released before on CD recordings are a piece of history of True Norwegian Black Metal, involving Rune Vedda, one of the Forgotten Woods masterminds) 12e SACRARIUM (FRA) "March to an Inviolable Death" - (Blasting Black Metal attack, fast and furious!) SRODEK (SWE) "Forfall" - (Swedish Black Metal with lots of influences. More then recommended for fans of Lifelover, Lik...) SVARTI LOGHIN (SWE) "Empty World" DigiCD - (Depressive Black Metal with strong atmosphere and feeling. Amazing dark and grim creation!) 12e
  6. Veceras u 23h na RTV1 u Gruvanju najava koncerta: http://rockfm.rs/index.php?p=0&n=954#.TsYuzwpbzNI.facebook
  7. CD 10e: ANNATHEMA (SER) "Empire of Noise" - (One of the rarest albums from old YU scene now on exclusive ltd CD with live bonus DVD!A must!) 12e ANNATHEMA (SER) "Don't Go Down" - (Official re-release of the album on full packed CD with rare live bonus DVD!) 12e DECAYED (POR) "Shadow Land" - (Well-known Decayed oldschool madness with as they call it Black 'n' Roll touch.True Black oldway Metal!Argh!) 10e DVD NADIMAC (SER) "Night of the Liveing Thrash" - (Various Nadimac live strikes from all around Serbia with lots of bonus, photos etc.Real thing for Nadimac maniacs.DVDr!) 5e
  8. SATNICA 19h - ulaz 19:45-20:15 - Profane Prayer 20:30-21:10 - Adimiron 21:30-22:30 - VADER 22:50-24:00 - GORGOROTH
  9. Iz nekog razloga prekidaju turneju par dana pre Srbije...
  10. CD 10e: ANCIENT DOME (ITA) "Perception of this World" - (Thrash Metal artillery ala Heathen crossed with Testament and Coroner magic) ATOMIC ROAR (BRA) "Atomic Freaks" - (Raw mixture of Thrash, Punk, Hard Core...True oldschool hammering!) CARUOS (FRA) "Metempsychosis" - (Heathen Black Metal from France) CRAFT (SWE) "Terror Propaganda" - (Pure fucking Black Metal spirit!One of the best albums in the last 10 years!) 12e DUNKELHEIT (HUN) "Frozen in Eternity" - (Misanthropic Black Metal from Hungary) ENDOVEIN (ITA) "Waiting for Disaster" - (Technical complex riffing Thrash Metal in the vein of Anthrax, Forbidden, Megadeth) FARSCAPE (BRA) "Killers on the Loose" - (Brazilian Thrashing Metal marching!Argh!) GENERICHRIST (USA) "Strangultion Of A Twisted Mind" - (US Death Thrash Metal with dirty Punkish marks) GENERICHRIST (USA) "Mindumpster" - (US Death Thrash Metal with dirty Punkish marks) GONFANON (FRA) "Call to Arms" - (Traditional Black Metal from France. First release after seven years of silence.) GRAVDAL (NOR) "Torturmantra" - (New awaited studio album! Powerful, aggressive Black Metal in well-known Norwegian tradition) 12e INJURY (ITA) "Unleash the Violence" - (Take-no-prisoners Thrash Metal strike, with immense loyalty to the '80s American Thrash origins!Respect!) KARBONIZED TRAITOR (LUX) "Hëll.Firë.Sëx" - (Chaotic and brutal extreme Metal madness) LEGEN BELTZA (SPA) "Need to Suffer" - (101% Thrash Metal to the bone.Dynamic traditional way) MIDIAN (USA) "Thrashology" - (Collection of their rare to find works.US Thrash Metal past on one CD) NADIMAC (SER) "Po kratkom postupku" - (New studio album of this Serbian Thrashing Crossover Speed Metal division!Fucking awesome!) 7e NADIMAC (SER) "Drzavni neprijatelj broj kec" - (Previous studio crushing. Killer oldway Crossover fisting!) 7e PITIFUL REIGN (UK) "Visual Violence" - (Nothing but pure traditional first class British Thrash Speed Metal!) SKALD (SWE) "Vitterland" - (Pagan Folk Metal with lot's of various influences.Very original and serious approach!) SPACE EATER (SER) “Aftershock” – (High-class bone-crushing Thrash Metal from Serbia. Killer second attack with powerful sound!) 7e STYGGELSE (SWE) "Heir Today" - Gods Tomorrow" - (High quality Black Metal from Sweden.Highly recommended!) flajeri:
  11. Malo izvestaja sa VADER fronta: http://www.massive-music.pl/glowna-e.php?dzial=the_sign_of_hell2011-e GORGOROTH takodje: http://www.gorgoroth.info/news/ \m/ + Ulaznice su u pretprodaji do 5. decembra! nakon toga na ulazu ce biti ostavljen mali deo ulaznica! \m/
  12. Video najava za GORGOROTH/VADER koncert:
  13. Prvi VADER raporti sa turneje: http://www.massive-music.pl/glowna-e.php?dzial=the_sign_of_hell2011-e
  14. Prvi VADER raporti sa turneje: http://www.massive-music.pl/glowna-e.php?dzial=the_sign_of_hell2011-e
  15. CD: ATER ERA (SLO) "In Autumn's Solitary Decline" - (New force on Slovenian Black Metal soil.Very good arranged and played Black Metal with authentic atmosphere and energy!) 10e DARK THRONE (NOR) "Frostland tapes" digibookCD - (3 CD's package with rare songs and bonus rehearsals etc etc..For collectors!) ponuda! http://www.peaceville.com/darkthrone/frostlandtapes/ DISSECTION (SWE) "Reinkaos" - (Rare slipcase release of this historical Black Metal monument!) 20e HIRAX (USA) "The New Age of Terror" - (Legendary Speed Thrash Crossover force and their awesome album!) 10e MORGGORM (MAL) "The Eye of Grosha Dimmag" - (Pure Thrashing insanity.True Thrash Metal, wicked Malaysian way!) 10e STORMING STEELS/HELLWITCH (MAL/USA) "The Twin Bestial Forces" - (Double Thrashing impact.Bestial Thrash punding Metal!) 10e STORMING STEEL/REVENGE/DUNKELL REITER/OMISSION "Unholy Thrashing Savage" - (4 way maniacal conspiracy!Total Thrash Metal screams from from Malaysia, Brazil, Spain and Hellas.Real delicates for true Thrashers!) 10e THE STONE (SER) "Neke rane krvare vecno" - (First The Stone album with bonus tracks.Rare to find!) 10e Vinyl: SOMRAK/SAMOMOR/KRVNIK/GRIMOIR "Covenant of the Undivine" LP - (Unique 4way split LP. Strong direct Black Metal forces united on one vinyl jewel!) 12e
  16. DISSECTION "Reinkaos" CD (perfektno ocuvan reljefno slipcase pakovanje.Sada vec istorijski album ovog maestralnog benda) 20e
  17. Ulaznice su pustene u pretprodaju u Beogradu-Felix i Novom Sadu-Mungos od juce. U Subotici-Mungos, ulaznice u prodaji od 01.11.
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