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Iskreni članovi
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About Hrym

  • Birthday 11/10/1989

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Anonimus of Metal

Anonimus of Metal (1/6)



  1. videh da je gore to bilo pomenuto ali ne znam o cemu se radi.
  2. Nisam pratio temu, jel moze neko da mi kaze koliko je informacija o novom FM istinita?
  3. anti-norway
  4. Groza je tako dobar album, jednina zamerka je to sto je drugi tekst na poljskom. Ocekivao sam sve 4 na engleskom kako bih mogao da pohvatam sve. Muzika je inace odlicna.
  5. Hrym


    E pa da, Vlada je pokupio od tebe pa ce mi doturiti na probi uskoro.
  6. Hrym


    Pretpostavio sam da ga je bas napunio. bacicu ga na download za koji dan pa cu da overim sta se tu desava.
  7. Hrym


    Kakav je Koliasov dvd? uvek zaboravim da te pitam...
  8. Hrym


    jel ima neko is Srbije zainteresovan za odlazak na 'Watain 10 Year Anniversary show'?
  9. u nastavku turneje nakon beograda sa Inquisition-om ide jos i BLACK WITCHERY, steta sto to nas nije zapalo, gledao bih njih.
  10. Hrym


    na to sam i ja mislio.
  11. Hrym


    vesti! 11 TO KILL THE 10 ''As a closure to the two year long Fuck the World Tour, Watain will do a final date in Uppsala, Sweden, on the 6th of December. This ceremonial performance shall mark the 10 year anniversary of the band, which is also why it is held in it's place of earthly origin. Both setlist and new stageshow will be crafted exclusively for this concert, which will be the last not only on the tour but for a long time ahead, as Watain shall devote the coming year entirely to the crafting of the next fullength album. To further enhance this monumental evening, three additional bands shall also perform. None other than DIE HARD, UNPURE and GRAND MAGUS. More information regarding these bands, tickets, venue etc can be found at www.watain10years.tk''
  12. "however, there will be massive touring around the globe when our new album is out and we hope to announce first dates by the end of this year. sG and SotM" jedistvena prilika
  13. preko eventima su sve pojedene.
  14. Hrym


    Mozda,ne bih znao za to, ali sam prilicno siguran da stoji u K T H R S S - V V V V N D.
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