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Everything posted by TopOfTheMorning
Da bre, idemo da pijemo i da se zezamo, jebesh film, ovo je mnogo vishe od toga. COME ON YOU IRONS !!! xD Edit : Chuo sam neke priche da ce karta biti chak 1000 kinti, shto je stvarno lopovluk. 300 mi je realna, do 500 cu da dam a sve preko ... pa jbt ne idemo na koncert. Svejedno nadam se da nece biti tako. ^^
Po meni jedini vanserijski album je Ensiferum. Ostali i nisu neshto, ali zbog samo ovog jednog albuma su mi jedan od omiljenijih bendova, to sve govori. Tako da se nadam da ce se vratiti na stare staze, ali bez Jarija teshko.
Woohoooooo ... ne mogu da verujem. Mozhda po prvi put u zhivotu se osecam kao da zhivim u nekoj normalnoj zemlji. Vidimo se 21.04-og !
Evo demantovashe me. xD Sa officijalnog myspace-a : Release date confirmed for Ensiferum's 4th album! Category: Music The release date has been confirmed as 9th September (some countries will differ slightly). There will be more information on the new album soon!
Nece biti, dzabe se nadate.
E u koliko sati pochinje koncert ? A u kurac, necu stici da odgledam celu tekmu Rumunija - Srbija. ^^
Auu kako je luda pesma, slusham je vec 10-ti put, ushla mi u glavu skroz. xD Zna li neko shta kazhe u refrenu. " Queen of dawn ... " ?
Wohoo, zvuchi vrlo pristojno. Ni neshto vanserijski ali ni loshe, s tim shto ni snimak nije bash neki, vokal se slabije chuje. Bice ovo dobar album.
Takodje mislim da nema shanse. Ali videcemo.
Takodje. Nishta, chekamo idalje ... Bash jedva chekam da chujem novo remek delo.
Realno, trebali su da ostanu underground, kako su samo smeli da postanu institucija i brend. Ma sram ih bilo ! lol
Kakvi bukvalisti strashno. ;;
Happy birthday Steve Harris !
Nadam se da se zajebavash, bar isto toliko koliko i ja. A Prestige sam gledao, dobar je film. Btw jel gledao ko film Donnie Darko ? Kakav trip of filma. xD http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0246578/
Nisam brate pojma nemam ko je to slikao. Mozhda nije chak niko od mojih mada nisam sve pitao, ajde videcu pa cu ti javiti. I mene iskreno zanima ta slika. A shto se tiche ovih Madjara kraljevi su, i znam to kada su svirali satima, nisu normalni.
E ako je toliko hot moram odgledati. xD >.<
Madjari koji su svirali na Beer Festu. I to svirali Alexander-a ... A i poznata je ona njihova setlista iz SKC-a pre koju god kad su vec bili, nek' je okachi neko, preko 2 sata ljudi svirali koliko se secam. A ja sam uvek tu za tribute maidena. Samo glasam da budu neke nestandardne pesme i iznenadjenja ( hocu da chujem Drifteeeer kada vec verovatno nikada necu chuti od maidena ).
Na duge staze ce itekako imati problema.
Video ili audio snimak ? Video nema ( sem po youtube-u ) a audio ima i to dobar.
Do kada vishe ... Finland's extreme power metal outfit Wintersun have canceled all scheduled shows in 2009 due to further problems with the completion of their album "Time". The band's frontman Jari Mäenpää posted the following message on the band's official website: "There has come again unexpected problems with technology, which will make finishing the "Time" album even more harder than it has been. Which will delay it even more. There's also some personal problems concerning my apartment. Because of all the problems, I have fallen under a serious amounts of stress, which is sometimes causing me "writer's blocks". This album making is now turned into such a "risky business", that I have no [choice], but to cancel Summerbreeze and Bloodstock. The thing is, the album has to be done first, before we can play any shows. Playing just old songs after many years isn't something we want to do and what probably no one wants to see. After the album has been mixed, I need to mix again a "backuptrack livemix" (of the synths&orchestrations). Then we have to of course practise the new songs and arrange them into "live format" (especially mine and Teemu's guitar parts). We also need to update our humble live gear. All these arrangements take time, so we don't want to risk it, that we might have to cancel the shows last minute. It must be done now and put finishing the album the number one priority. After the album is done, we will start booking shows again. I know there's lots of disappointed people and I have to apologize. But I hope that you..ll understand my decision under these circumstances. I have to put the album first and finish it before we play any shows. Thanks for listening! Jari"
Haha, 'ladno ima warcraftasha. Ako neko igra na northrendu ( original server ) neka javi pa mozhemo nekad da otpikamo. Tamo sam 33 lvl, igram ladder i to, dotu ne.
Jbt imash 5 postova i to sve haterski. Opusti se. >.< Imaju li textovi negde online ?