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Everything posted by ^Suicide_Pony^

  1. vredi li skidati death race? par ljudi ga hvali, par pljuje. crank glumac ovono
  2. nah, cekam onda dvd rip. hvala u svakom slucaju.
  3. aj dajte neki zdrav torent, ubih se trazeci...
  4. izasao one more drink spot i making of istog.
  5. odnosi se na nothing.
  6. kako je otpevao spit it out? realno je najteza za pevanje i gutao je slogove cak i u top formi.
  7. go with the snuff.
  8. ^slazem se sa setom pesama, samo sto bih umesto psychosocial ubacio gehenna-u. snuff mi se poprilicno dopada zbog same muzike i atmosfere, ali tekst je djubre. a bogami i publika koju privlaci.
  9. amen to that.
  10. ocekivao sam da ce darthmaulov komentar obavezno sadrzati "ikad". u ovom ili onom smislu.
  11. trebalo bi da prave jos obrada.
  12. od svih ljudi koje znam ovo sranje vole samo rna i moler bora sto je matorcima sredjivao dnevnu sobu pre 15 godina.
  13. album u rangu red light districta, par idealnih stvari i brdo southern proseka. last of a dying breed mi je definitivno naj rap stvar koju sam cuo ove godine.
  14. American Dad began under a Bush administration, in part as a way for the show’s producers (including Seth MacFarlane) to get political. Stan is a Republican and daughter Hayley the liberal rallying against the man; but now the tables have turned, Obama is going to be the new US President. Where does this leave the show? Executive producer Mike Barker has been explaining why they are not concerned:- “It kind of invigorates the show because we’ve had a character who’s been on top for four seasons. Starting the fifth season Stan‘s now on the losing side of things.” According to Barker, Stan is going to be “more of an Archie Bunker — a guy who thought the world made sense, but now everything ceases to be comprehensible to him.” Expect to see him stealing soup from homeless people, or refusing help for his nascent crack addiction, after all, from Stan’s perspective, what entitles them to such help? As for Hayley, she’s going to be suffering “a bit of an existential crisis… Now that the Man is no longer in power, what does she rail against?” Of course there is a bit of a problem for the American Dad universe as Obama won’t be president until the fifth season starts. It takes a long time to put together an animated show like American Dad or Family Guy. “Hopefully the audience bears with us, and doesn’t take us to task too much on the fact that he should probably be more disgruntled earlier than we can actually make him,” says Barker. Apparently, they’re considering putting together an episode suggesting that Stan’s “been in complete denial about the outcome of the election.” Source: Hollywood Insider
  15. *Опетх
  16. ултимејт
  17. imam neki osecaj da cu se razocarati novim ludacrisom.
  18. onaj mali za bubnjevima isti gently.
  19. mislim da je jedan od naj spotova koje sam ikad video. ima li justin veze s njime ili je fan art neki ili...?
  20. cuj potpisao.. koji ti je nick na forumu?
  21. preslusah do bad news, dosadan je.
  22. e da, malo mi je glup onaj drugi deo addenduma.
  23. marilyn manson - you spin me right round van svake konkurencije.
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