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Iskreni članovi
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Everything posted by ^Suicide_Pony^

  1. blackbird je sav monoton i nekako bezveze (da ne kazem creedwannabelike na los nacin), barem na osnovu moja tri jucerasnja preslusavanja. danas cu posvetiti paznju prvom albumu.
  2. aminujem. plus sam kvalitetno uzivao u laserima posto sam seo na one tribine prekoputa bine.
  3. i meni se envy stvari vise dopadaju. stars that hang above you mi je onako bas prosecna, dok hard to reach ima svega par zanimljivih momenata. sve u svemu, fin split.
  4. koji album je ok za pocetak?
  5. imas pivo.
  6. aj baci na rapid.
  7. imam osecaj da ce biti sranje.
  8. e nikako da razgranicim jel on bio u vezi s enom popov ili su to bile samo spekulacije tabloida?
  9. da znas. a i delovalo je malo cudno da mu gently nikad ne odgovara na prozivke.
  10. ne zvuci lose, procurice valjda uskoro i ta.
  11. cujem li ja to 800?
  12. ^ odlican album. cak ni remiksi nisu toliko losi. mene ovih dana totalno radi diddy-jev no way out iz '97.
  13. you can not mix grandmothers and frogs.
  14. hahahah
  15. koja je zaraza onaj selenite. secam se da sam se nikad jace izlozio na tu stvar jer riffovi asociraju na nin iz fragile ere.
  16. izasao tekst za novu stvar. "The state of the nation - violation! A broken promise is as good as a lie. The hell is humongous, the devil's among us and we will burn because we won't unite! We won't witness anymore freedom. Where is anybody? Do we need 'em?" I would rather fight, than let another die. We're the problem, but we're also the solution. ALL HOPE IS GONE!!! If you want you cannot take it from me. If you think you can, you still don't know me. Let me tell you, when I said it, I meant it and I will always have the right to defend it. Fifty seconds, a hundred murders. The bill of rights is a bill of sale. What will you do when the war is over? What will you do when your systems fail!? We have made the presence -obsolete. What do you want? What do you need? We'll find a way, When all hope is gone! We've seen the fall of the elite. Bury your life, Take your disease. We'll end the world, when all hope is gone! The wretched are the wounded, The hungry starved to death. At a place where no-one goes, the air itself is a final breathe. So discontinue, the antisceptic cash charade. As the cry of justice comes, I'm gonna let this fire free I am the reason your future suffers. I am the hatred you won't embrace. I am the worm of a pure distinction. I am the remedy, spit in my face! All your lies and wars are out-dated. All your subjects are dulling mind games. I can rattle off a million other reasons why but doesn't matter when the only thing we love will die."
  17. slazem se. jeste originalan, jeste to msi, ali smorio me zesce nakon desetak preslusavanja. sumnjam da cu ga slusati u skorije vreme.
  18. hahaha sjajno
  19. metal je rat.
  20. taj rad. neuporedivo i sa cim ranijim, ali nikako ne spadaju u core ijedne vrste.
  21. obicno na google-u ukucam "ime benda/albuma + rapidshare" i nadjem sta mi treba vec na prvoj strani. mimo toga koristim mediaportal i projectw.
  22. totalno mi se dopada nova stvar, bilo bi do jaja da ostatak albuma ode u tom pravcu. bas sam se plasio da ce pasti u stonesourlike vode.
  23. nema sta da se skine, care. ok je nova pesma, ali za sada ne mogu da je poredim sa icim ranijim.
  24. smrt za tastaturu, ali zaraza. onaj eddie i zappa su mi najjaci.
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