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Everything posted by ^Suicide_Pony^

  1. kul. iscimaj me kad se potrefimo posto stalno menjas nickove, pa te je zajebano prepoznati.
  2. dvoje su se tako smuvali.
  3. prvi utisak.
  4. pazi tek ovo. http://www.costumesupercenter.com/category...al-religious.do
  5. ne, samo je super. ima svasta.
  6. http://www.costumesupercenter.com/category...occupational.do
  7. aj nakaci pa prosledi.
  8. bem li ga, razliciti ukusi.
  9. bilo bi, mada sam sasvim u poslednje vreme dosta izgotivio radove s derrickom. (za nijansu vise nego ranije ) znaci, ceo nation je jebeno savrsen. edit: nedavno sam po jubilarni treci put kupio tu majicu.
  10. ali to onda nije nu/nwoahm i/ili metalcore preporuka.
  11. to je to, govna bili i ostali. (sad sam preslusao to novo cudo)
  12. To celebrate ten years as a band Godsmack will be releasing a greatest hits album entitled Good Times, Bad Times.... 10 Years of Godsmack on December 5, 2007. It will include a cover of the Led Zeppelin classic Good Times, Bad Times, as well as the groups acoustic performance in Las Vegas. The album was originally intended to be a boxed set, but the band scrapped the plans so they could release a best of album. Godsmack will be following the release of the album with an acoustic tour. In an interview regarding rumors of an "indefinite hiatus", the band's singer, Sully Erna, is quoted as saying, "We're not going away, we are just gonna take a break and enjoy our 10th year anniversary and kind of recharge our batteries. And then GODSMACK will be back, and we will come back bigger and badder than ever."
  13. not.
  14. jupi.
  15. @natasha jebo ga leba, rechitativ vuce na neki emo na momente (), ali u sustini nije lose sto se tice instrumentalnog dela i clean pevanja u refrenima. barem ovo sto sam cuo na myspace stranici. moracu da nabavim sve i preslusam kako treba. thnx za preporuku.
  16. pre bih rekao da je u pitanju ruska jakic.
  17. metalcore sabloni? (da ne gubim vreme)
  18. to je to, natasa je uplatila net.
  19. amen to that. nikad jaca stvar, spasila me smora na skorasnjem kse tribjutu.
  20. taj komentar se moze cuti za 90% danasnjih bendova.
  21. http://www.yumetal.net/forum/index.php?sho...p;#entry1457841
  22. slazem se, album je skroz do jaja i totalno zarazan. cak mi se dopada vise od prvog.
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