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Everything posted by ^Suicide_Pony^

  1. so true. nadam se da ostatak albuma nece biti (mnogo) losiji.
  2. http://www.kurir-info.co.yu/clanak/kurir-2...o-ugaslog-sjaja
  3. upravo to, apsolutno nijedna pesma nije catchy. barem meni. sto kaze sinstrel, nisu smeli sebi da dozvole ovakav album nakon prethodnog.
  4. @strat0 secracon je sve rekao, ne bih da ponavljam. (scdpn mi je rezervni nick )
  5. covece, kad se samo setim da sam se smejao u lice ortakinji koja je rekla da je sziget mozda poslednja prilika da vidimo nin uzivo.
  6. meshuggah - nothing
  7. i dalje nemam definisan utisak o albumu. nit smrdi nit mirise, ali nije toliko sranje.
  8. http://rapidshare.com/files/61717620/Soilw...iaPortal.ru.rar jos nisam preslusao.
  9. slazem se. da im se odsece progresivni deo (citaj zadnja 3 minuta svake pesme blackening-a), album bi opusteno mogao da parira prethodnom.
  10. NINE INCH NAILS mainman Trent Reznor has posted the following message on the band's official web site: "I've waited a LONG time to be able to make the following announcement: as of right now NINE INCH NAILS is a totally free agent, free of any recording contract with any label. I have been under recording contracts for 18 years and have watched the business radically mutate from one thing to something inherently very different and it gives me great pleasure to be able to finally have a direct relationship with the audience as I see fit and appropriate. Look for some announcements in the near future regarding 2008. "Exciting times, indeed." Trent Reznor told fans at a concert in Sydney, Australia on September 16, 2007 to illegally download the band's music rather than pay high prices for CDs. In video footage (available for viewing below) taken at the show and circulated widely online, Reznor said, "Last time I was here, I was doing a lot of complaining about the ridiculous prices of CDs down here...now my record label all around the world hates me, because I yelled at them, I called them out for being greedy fucking assholes. I didn't get a chance to check, has the price come down at all? I see a no, a no, a no... Has anyone seen the price come down? Okay, well, you know what that means — STEAL IT. Steal away. Steal and steal and steal some more and give it to all your friends and keep on stealing. Because one way or another these motherfuckers will get it through their head that they're ripping people off and that that's not right." Reznor also addressed fans in China, where NINE INCH NAILS albums are not legally available. He said, "As for the special situation in China...If you can find and buy our legal CDs, I express my thanks for your support. If you cannot find it, I think that downloading from the Internet is a more acceptable option than buying pirated CDs." NINE INCH NAILS completed a world tour in support of its latest album, "Year Zero", on September 18 in Honolulu. Reznor told Hawaii's Star Bulletin that he is dismantling the current lineup of the band now that the tour is over, saying, "I see other ways I can present the material in concert, more challenging, something new."
  11. predobar album. utisci mi postaju jebeni stereotip.
  12. south central ftw. mada nekad zna da ugusi monotonijom.
  13. verovatno ce ti isti taj ortak kroz 5 dana reci da se till pokajao i vratio u bend.
  14. jbt nisu normalni, stancuju ko cradle of filth. videcu da nadjem to cudo na mediaportalu i preslusam.
  15. reci mu da je debeo, to ga obicno raznezi.
  16. predobar ep. i juce i danas mi se po ceo dan vrti na playeru dok strebam.
  17. hvala kralju btw, rapidshare link ne radi.
  18. aj recite utiske kad preslusate. ne bih da se zajebem kao za drowning pool. gubljenje vremena i tako to.
  19. aj daj link za download, glup sam.
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