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Everything posted by ^Suicide_Pony^

  1. bogami, kad bi bio sinan bilo bi
  2. cinjenica da je to za vise od 2 meseca totalno jebe u glavu.
  3. uzdajmo se u frubija.
  4. a jebiga, ovo me je prvo fasciniralo. sranje sto ne moze da se edituje.
  5. takodje, ali bih verovatno otisao iz postovanja.
  6. Rob Holliday has also performed in the following bands: Low Art Thrill - guitar. 1996-1997 Sulpher - writing, guitar, vocals. 1999 - Current Gary Numan - Producer, remixer, live lead guitar Live Bass. 2003 - Current The Prodigy - Live guitar. 2003 - Current The Mission - Live guitar. September 2001 - 2004 Flint - Live bass. 2003 Curve - 2002 The Creatures do jaja.
  7. According to MTV.com, Marilyn Manson has responded to the lawsuit filed by his former keyboardist Stephen Gregory Bier Jr. — known to fans by his stage name, Madonna Wayne Gacy (also often referred to as "Pogo," John Wayne Gacy's clown name) — who claims the shock rocker has been using the band's money to fund his lavish lifestyle, drug habit and the production of his upcoming film, "Phantasmagoria: The Visions of Lewis Carroll", among other things. The suit further alleges Manson took assets belonging to the rest of the band (money generated through touring, and album and merchandise sales) to purchase Nazi paraphernalia, African masks made of human skin and the full skeleton of a 4-year-old Chinese girl, all of which he has on display in his Chatsworth, California, mansion. Manson has denied the allegations in an exclusive interview with MTV.com on Thursday. "The fact that he's claiming that I've treated him unfairly, financially, is really ridiculous," the singer said. "And I would never spend my money on a Chinese girl skeleton. That would be crossing the line. It's a Chinese boy, for the record," he laughed, before continuing. "[bier and his lawyers are] going for shock value, obviously, and I couldn't be less surprised by how unshocking these things would be to the public." Manson, who noted that he hasn't yet seen the suit, said he will defend himself against the allegations; he added that he hasn't heard from Bier in more than a year. He claimed he and others in the Manson organization attempted to contact the keyboardist to work on this year's "Eat Me, Drink Me" LP, but when Bier did respond, it was with hostility. "It's all a big question mark to me," Manson said. "I don't feel like this compares to any prior ex-bandmember situations, because those were all very clear conflicts, where somebody didn't get along with someone else. And this is just a situation where I stopped hearing from him, and I started making a record and kept trying to get him involved, and the only thing that came after that was hostility during a period where I could have used close friends more than ever." Manson revealed back in May that he had contemplated suicide this past winter. "I wish there was some sort of legal angle to this whole thing, or some sort of common sense, or just even camaraderie after all the years that we knew each other," Manson added. "I don't have an explanation for it. It just seems like another ex-bandmember suing me and trying to assassinate my personality as a means to financial gain, and it just seems old. It's just not fair. If I spent my money on anything, it was my family, and paying his salary for a year when we weren't even touring." kralj. :)
  8. nista ja nisam rekao, samo mislim da je ok da navede razlog.
  9. taj post je tako gay.
  10. realno, obojica su ok. svaki na svoj nacin.
  11. zaboravio si da pejstujes tu vest i na temi caliban-a.
  12. dosta je to relativno jer ga je trent s druge strane izradjivao za par soundtrackova s kulminacijom u periodu lost highway-a, te zato nisam nimalo pristrasan u toj prici.
  13. realno nije los album, mada nije nista posebno.
  14. oduvek ti je on bio takav. dok je bio mlad (2 godine pre sticanja popularnosti) je trazio da se o njemu pise u lokalnom rock magazinu iako tada nije ni imao bend. uveravao je novinare kako ce kroz koju godinu postati muzicar popularan sirom sveta, sto se i desilo. doduse nesto kasnije, ali poenta je da mu nije samo slava udarila u glavu vec je fabricki takav.
  15. mozda su se posvadjali oko absintha.
  16. koji je nick tom Beograd-u?
  17. takodje. doci ce valjda i u srbiju jednog dana.
  18. d, sranje je bonus.
  19. Non Conformists Swiss futuristic metal band SYBREED have signed to LISTENABLE and will release their upcoming album 'Antares' on the first week of October. Born out of the ashes fo RAIN in 2003, main songwriter Drop decided on exploring new shores of synthetic melodies and metallic violence. The band 's new album is undoubtly the band's strongest effort and will surprise many a listener by it's incredible songwriting maturity. It also benefit from drummer extraordinaire Dirk Verbeuren (SCARVE, SOILWORK..) who gave a sadistically stunning performance on this modern mix of electronica, futuristic pop and violent metal. bice ovo do jaja, potpisujem edit: novu pesmu sam slusao samo na myspaceu i ne mogu da je download-ujem jer nisam registrovan tamo. pliz, jel moze neko od vas registrovanih da je nakaci negde da je skinem ako nije problem? thnx unapred
  20. jos uvek ga nisam cuo. kakav je u poredjenju s prethodnim?
  21. nakaci ovde fotke kao za staticx ako je to ok.
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