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Everything posted by morbid god
Ovo ja zovem kvalitetnim 'vjuom. Ko da ga je sama Satanina ruka vodila
Random BM diskusija [If You're a False, Don't Entry]
morbid god replied to Zen's topic in Black metal
Ne,naprotiv. Ja sam ti grobe prava bolikurchina. -
Hahaha, dublje znacenje Belphegor tekstova. Ovo je jedan od jacih intervjua u poslednje vrijeme, gdje se fail-ovi sustizu i prestizu
Random BM diskusija [If You're a False, Don't Entry]
morbid god replied to Zen's topic in Black metal
Taj problem imaju i ljudi koji me odlicno poznaju -
Girl of my dreams, I love you
Random BM diskusija [If You're a False, Don't Entry]
morbid god replied to Zen's topic in Black metal
Pustaj vodu na svaka 2 minuta -
we’re the only band doing it well Zelim da vjerujem da se nije zajebavao
Random BM diskusija [If You're a False, Don't Entry]
morbid god replied to Zen's topic in Black metal
Random BM diskusija [If You're a False, Don't Entry]
morbid god replied to Zen's topic in Black metal
Tako je mozda izgledalo, al nije. Ti znas da te ja puno volem(doduse ne onaj nacin na koji volim groba ) I da, pazi njega sto se sablaznjava na gadostima Prava djevica foruma @Brunhi Jel to ona magla sto je povezana sa smrcu patrijarha? Funeral Mist - Anti nimbus flesh, sa sve ederlezijem http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DwA_Zg_z-FI -
Hahahahaha, fail-ovi lete na sve strane Umirem od smijeha
Random BM diskusija [If You're a False, Don't Entry]
morbid god replied to Zen's topic in Black metal
NOOOOOOO Ma sto ima veze, bice kul Bem te shuntavog, pa ti si nas. -
Random BM diskusija [If You're a False, Don't Entry]
morbid god replied to Zen's topic in Black metal
Orgija zombija na groblju. Zvuci ti poznato? Oces da me vodis na kakvu nekropedofiliju kad dodzem gore kod vas -
Nema bolje preporuke od Igumana.
Random BM diskusija [If You're a False, Don't Entry]
morbid god replied to Zen's topic in Black metal
Come to my biddy -
Random BM diskusija [If You're a False, Don't Entry]
morbid god replied to Zen's topic in Black metal
Zanima me dosta toga "Znam, rekao mi je sinoc" -
Random BM diskusija [If You're a False, Don't Entry]
morbid god replied to Zen's topic in Black metal
Ohoooo, tu je i Talvi. Ajmo cetvorka, ja i Talvi vas karamo dok nam ga vi pusite. -
Random BM diskusija [If You're a False, Don't Entry]
morbid god replied to Zen's topic in Black metal
Zasto me to ne cudi... A ti Brunhi, il upadaj u igru, il napusti lokal -
Random BM diskusija [If You're a False, Don't Entry]
morbid god replied to Zen's topic in Black metal
"Mmmmm grobe, glas ti je tako macho. brzo, pricaj mi bezobrazne stvari!" -
Random BM diskusija [If You're a False, Don't Entry]
morbid god replied to Zen's topic in Black metal
Mi smo bikeksualni, ostani sa nama Pocnite, ja sam spreman -
Random BM diskusija [If You're a False, Don't Entry]
morbid god replied to Zen's topic in Black metal
Radite li trojke edit: preimenujte temu u nesto poput 'opsta gej black metal vruca zimska diskusija'. Ovo ima da prejebe cak i http://www.gay-serbia.com/ -
Random BM diskusija [If You're a False, Don't Entry]
morbid god replied to Zen's topic in Black metal
Blekerski random. Samo sto ovdje ne zalaze odredjeni pacijenti i 'face' -
Random BM diskusija [If You're a False, Don't Entry]
morbid god replied to Zen's topic in Black metal
Bolje reci Deathspell Omega -
Random BM diskusija [If You're a False, Don't Entry]
morbid god replied to Zen's topic in Black metal
Ma jok, full lenght. Jeste izasao u oktobru, al tek sad su ga linkovali... no nije ni bitno na kraju -
Random BM diskusija [If You're a False, Don't Entry]
morbid god replied to Zen's topic in Black metal
Dje si ih ti to prije slusao, obzirom da je link izasao tek juce? -
Random BM diskusija [If You're a False, Don't Entry]
morbid god replied to Zen's topic in Black metal
Split pocinje introm koji jebeno zlokoban, ne mogu da se sjetim jel ovo iz nekog filma il je autorsko. Al kako god, prejaka najava za ono sto slijedi. Bio sam malo na njihovoj majspejs stranici, vidim citat J.K.Uismansa, znaci impresije u vezi ovog benda samo rastu. Joining a decadentist and historicist artistic vision, BORGIA’s Black Death Metal (Blasphemi Obsignati Resignaculo Germaninferorum In Aeternum) is inspired by the Sick, the Occult and the Mystic of the medieval, renaissance and baroque periods of the Church. Founded in 2003, the Parisian band has three demos out, of which both last ones “Mandragore” (2006) and “Amphythalamus Horroris” (2007) put the bases of a dissonant, heavy, oppressive Metal which is translated on stage by a strong theatricality. Having played in Paris, Clermont-Ferrand, Lyon, Angers, Lille, Nice, Brest, Nancy, Tours, Rennes, Méan, Poitiers, Toulouse or Marseille, BORGIA continues to propagate its Word urbi et orbi. In July 2009 Fiery Path Records releases the split CD with YSENGRIN "Ars Magna Moriendi" inspired by biblical and alchemical thematics and mastered by Tore Stjerna in Necromorbus Studio (WATAIN, FUNERAL MIST, OFERMOD). “Ecclesia” is the debut album of BORGIA which contains nine processional and conquering tracks propagating a spirit at the same time fanatic and decadent. Mixing and mastering are done by Neb Xort in Drudenhaus Studio and Master Lab Studio (ANOREXIA NERVOSA, NECROBLASPHEME, ASMODEE). The band signs with english vanguardist label Paradigms Recordings for a release 26th October 2009. A sasvim slucajno sam ih skinuo juce, daunlodovao ovaj Vociferian(koji je solidan baj d vej), i reko ajde usput Bordzije zbog imena. Split je havarija, idem pod hitno da potrazim i ovaj Ysengrin full lenght. Francuzi su zajebani igraci.