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morbid god

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Everything posted by morbid god

  1. Meni je OK, na momente atmosfera zna da bude mracna.
  2. Meni je u pocetku vokal dijelovao kao zombifikovani paja patak, al sam se poslije navikao i fino mi lezi. Bitno je da ne narusava muziku, koja jeste odlicna!
  3. Odlican kover. Inace su mi svi njihovi koveri odlicni, imaju neki okultni trip. Slusa se album. Komentari kad to slegne.
  4. GRIGORI http://www.metal-archives.com/band.php?id=100997 Bend sa Novog Zelanda, ocigledan uticaj francuske 'ortodoksne' scene. Principivm Et Finis (2009) http://depositfiles.com/en/files/abzycsxpy
  5. Yep,al nemam prvi Antaeus cd i Draco.
  6. Evo i kovera.
  7. Inquisition-Ominous Doctrines of the Perpetual Mystical Macrocosm http://hotfile.com/dl/83784517/66893ed/Perpetual-the-of-Doctrines-Ominous-Inquisition_Sparhawk.rar.html
  8. Ja ne znam kako da narucim preko jebenog OSMOSE a da nije paypal. Pederi ne odgovaraju na mejl, zadnji put su mi odbili viza karticu (bazdeljavi electron). Postarina jes 12 eura, al mi se jebe jer bih narucio 4 kulta. Pih.
  9. ANTAEUS Cut Your Flesh And Worship Satan. Blood Red Vinyl Media : LP Label : Osmose Press : France Year : 2010 Info : Re-issue and limited to 300 copies in Blood Red vinyl, outercover 350gram mat and 200gram printed inner cover. ANTAEUS De Principii Evangelikum. Splatter Vinyl Media : LP Label : Osmose Press : France Year : 2010 Info : Limited edition to 204 copies in splatter vinyl 180gram, outercover 350gram mat and printed innercover 200gram. Madrfakrs. Prva dva albuma na vinilu. 30 evrah + PTT..
  10. Macabre - Grim Scary Tales (2011)
  11. Juce je zvanicno izasao novi Inquisition-Ominous Doctrines of the Perpetual Mystical Macrocosm. The A-5 Digi/CD is out now!The Gatefold LP in December! After 3 Years of Silence one of the latest cult Acts return with the Black Metal Album of the Year E sad jos da kapne link,i eto radosti i veselja.
  12. Impaled Nazarene day!!!!
  13. Ako nije problem, ripuj kad budes mogao.
  14. Jos nema linka za ovo? Gojkas, bar reci kakav je split posto vidjeh da ti je stigao LP.
  15. Acid Witch mi je trenutno jedan od omiljenih bendova u mp3 plejeru. Valjda brzo izadje i Stoned cd na HHB(za sad je u ponudi jedino LP), a nadam se da ce mi brzo dopast saka Witchanic Hellucinations. Il se mozda i ja kao gojko presaltam na vinil kult.
  16. Solidan bend.
  17. Laku noc. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B8Ti6lOCo_w&NR=1
  18. I am the black assholes
  19. Pojesce te crne rupe.
  20. Slicno je kod mene. Tu i tamo obrnem poneki DSO vorsip bend, al generalno me muka hvata kad vidim izdanje koje od naziva, kovera, pa do muzike smrdi na pokusaj benda da se ugura u ortodoksni vagon. Da ne pominjem kako nemaju muda. Zato sam i suzio izbor, samo klasici i od novije garde uglavnom NED. E al zato lagano slusam black/death/war kultove i njihovu djecu. Ista stvar!!! Navukao sam se opasno na te bendove, kao i na malo eksperimentalniju aus/nzl scenu. A i osim toga, dobar dio ovih novih bendova je uzeo malo tog orthodox vajba (ikonografija, muzicki elementi), zatim su nakrkali gitare na steroidima i bubnjeve + growl vokale = rasturanje. edit: mislim, samo baci pogled na ovaj PORTAl video sto sam okacio na prethodnoj strani. Sve ti je to jasno.
  21. Bigaje, ja kad pustim zadnji Abigor, istripujem nekakve crne rupe u kosmosu. Event horizon. A tamo su Thorns. E crne mi rupe u glavu.
  22. Nemam taj EP nazalost. A albumi su bas dobar materijal, klasicni war metal. E da, imas na metalarea link za nj. split sa Morbosidad.
  23. Heh, dobra konstrukcija. Evo jos jednog njihovog celjadeta. MANTICORE (USA) http://www.metal-archives.com/band.php?id=9695
  24. Upravo sam gledao plakat za taj fest. NUCLEAR WAR NOW! FEST VOLUME II NOVEMBER 19th and 20th 2010 C-Halle, Berlin-Tempelhof, Germany The Return of darkness and evil... Last November saw the first ritual desecration of the city of Berlin by the Nuclear War Now! infantry. The first annual NWN! fest summoned together on a single stage a diverse array of metal styles spanning four continents. Just as the NWN! label always seeks to release the most elite practitioners of black, death, and thrash metal and the myriad combinations of those sub-genres, the annual NWN! fest is designed to showcase the most important live performances of bands affiliated with the label. Once again NWN! has allied with Iron Bonehead Productions to invoke yet another diabolical manifestation of evil and destruction that will lay waste to the city of Berlin again in November of 2010. In honor of NWN!’s 10th year of unholy nuclear annihilation, this fest will prove to be imminently superior to 2009’s NWN! fest. The second annual ritual of plague and pestilence will include performances from the following: Blasphemy (Canada) Gods of war. Nuclear War! Mystifier (Brazil) Brazilian black cult's first ritual in Europe. The performance will only focus on early material. Order From Chaos (USA) Undeniably superior metal from the US. Beyond genre categorization. Their only performance in Europe for 2010. Von Goat (USA) Goat, the mastermind behind Von's new project of primitive and schizophrenic black metal. Xibalba (Mexico) Mexican black metal legends with their first appearance in Europe. Ares Kingdom (USA) Expanding the limits of deathrash. Bone Awl (USA) Existential anxiety put to music. Dead Congregation (Greece) Darkest death metal Blasphemophagher (Italy) Nuclear bestial desecration metal. Embrace of Thorns (Greece) Ritualistic and occult bestial black metal. Proclamation (Spain) Tyrants of the Black Omen. Vanhelgd (Sweden) Dark Swedish death metal Miasmal (Sweden) Ancient death metal from the grave. Faustcoven (Norway) Norwegian black doom metal. Black Witchery (USA) Black Witching Metal **Kerasphorus will not be playing the fest due to their untimely demise as a band. Toliko kulta na jednom mjestu... sprdnja. Jos da se par ovih bendova ukrsti sa AUS/NZL scenom na jednom live festu, a usput im se pridruze US/UK kultovi koje ovuda varimo, e pa to bi bio kraj.
  25. Gledao bih ovaj DVD koncert dan i noc. Kakav kult. Cek da vidim jel kojim slucajem ovaj koncert stvarno snimljen.
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