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Everything posted by darthmoog

  1. JEBOTE !!!!!!!! Za mene album koji najvishe cekam ove godine...ne mogu da verujem da cu poslednji ministry poslushati 3 meseca pre izlazka... Edit: Javna Molitva....Pomozi boze da album ne bude sranje...postavicu cu vam cim stignem..
  2. Mislim da je ovo slucaj kada se predomislio i vratio...a naravno kao da se nishta nije desilo..
  3. Svaka Cast Momci i sa srecom na Wackenu...
  4. Hahahahha... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S5mFxIqjKyA ovaj stari period mi je sada josh 20x smeshniji..
  5. Dobra im je pesma jahaci apokalipse...
  6. libertad mi je sada vec bezveze...contraband je odlican...jede chinese democracy
  7. e djuk...imash brzi interent od mene..ali zato ja imam brzu ruku ono...nikada nisam toliko voleo rammstein..zao mi je zbog ovoga...ovo bez njega nije isto...
  8. ladno jebote!!!
  9. vlajo nije Ћибо vec Ђибo
  10. motorna testera
  11. sta je svirano od pesama?
  12. mrzi i mene...haakeove gace...
  13. i napravili album koji ima potpuno drugaciji zvuk od ostalih...
  14. darthmoog


    Auh choveche...ovo je bilo bash bash bash aktivno pre jedno 2 godine...potpuno sam zaboravio na ovo jbt
  15. Tuborg i ja
  16. ne..ali to je hakeova tastatura delic New milenium Cyanide christ-a...vidi se vatromet... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sY9jeVZe9Ow
  17. nisu svirali gods edit: perpetual black second http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OcSsMwhoEPE
  18. Bez preterivanja...najbolji koncert u mom zivotu. Ja vece bolove posle certa nisam doziveo...odoh kod doktora.
  19. @jason svaka cast
  20. Ne znam za vas ali meni je cela ta fora sa crtanim filmovima bila extra...pogotovo na kraju certa "That's all folks"
  21. necu da je kupim...ne svidja mi se ova b.c markica
  22. hursday, July 05, 2007 jesu / Eluvium Split Vinyl LP out now http://bp3.blogger.com/_oVNwGmbaG3c/RozYh4...00-h/trr126.jpg JESU / ELUVIUM Split TRR126 BUY NOW DIRECT : VINYL LP - Temporary Residence from the Temporary Residence website - "For the second installment in the collaborative series of split albums between Temporary Residence Ltd. and Hydra Head Records, we find a match made in heaven with the ethereal, grandiose dirge-pop of Jesu splitting sides with stately, deserted majesty of Eluvium. Already fans of each other¹s music, the two artists sought to compliment each other and in the process stretched their individual sounds to their outermost limits. Jesu shoots for the moon with a trio of fuzzed-out tunes that owes more to first-wave British shoegaze groups like Swervedriver and Ride than Broadrick's own roots in Godflesh and Napalm Death. It's a beautiful and brilliant evolution in Jesu's already accomplished career. Eluvium aims for the heart of the sun with his magnum opus, a three-part collaboration with Jeremy deVine that stretches Eluvium's contemplative drones to a staggering twenty-one minutes, in which time the song transforms from a lonely rattle to a seismic, swirling storm of sound that grinds the piece to haunting quiet. As with all records in this series, this is strictly limited to 4,000 copies - 2,000 Hydra Head versions and 2,000 Temporary Residence Ltd. versions. The music and the artwork is the same on all copies, but the vinyl colors, label colors, and outer sticker colors will vary. We live to comfort you with our music, and confound you with our methods." TRACK LISTING 1. JESU: Farewell 2. JESU: Blind & Faithless 3. JESU: Why Are We Not Perfect? 4. ELUVIUM: Time-Travel Of The Sloth Parts I, II, & III
  23. buncam dok spavam meshuggah...sutra....ne mogu da docekam jebeni cert...
  24. Nije mi jasna riba u cosku? Jel imate neke majice sa muskarcima?
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