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Iskreni članovi
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Everything posted by darthmoog

  1. jason zna sve kinky stvari ovoga sveta
  2. Plz coveche prebaci temu na avantgarde i ova dva-tri fana ce da se pretvore u 6-7 fanova...tema apsolutno pripada tamo
  3. Koji si ti user to je strashno..minut pre nego sto si ti uleteo sa linkom odgledao isto ovo samo je pevao Federer
  4. METALLICA: Ten Albums In Finnish Top 40! - May 30, 2007 Heavy metal/hard rock music continues to thrive in Finland, where bands like CHILDREN OF BODOM regularly top the chart with their single and full-length releases. Following the recent announcement that METALLICA will play at the Olympic Stadium in Helsinki, Finland on July 15, no less than ten of the band's albums have placed in the official Finnish Top 40: 06. Metallica 07. Master of Puppets 08. …And Justice for All 09. Ride the Lightning 12. Kill 'Em All 21. Garage Inc. 32. S&M 33. St. Anger 38. Reload 39. Load
  5. lemmy imash pivo od mene
  6. hahha..ne znam da li je neko video ovo... http://www.taint.co.uk/new_home.htm http://www.eyetuned.com/home.html neki kralj je uzeo sve sa taint-ovog sajta,stavio na svoj i samo promenio logo
  7. According to Finland's MTV3, the new NIGHTWISH single "Eva" is currently under investigation by Teosto, the Finnish RIAA equivalent whose task it is to promote the rights of composers, lyricists, arrangers and music publishers, and to strengthen the diversity of Finnish composition. The chorus of the song is allegedly very similar to a track called "Whirlpool" by Jukka Reinvuon, a relatively unknown Finnish artist. In fact, the similarities are so great that allegations of plagiarism have already been thrown around. NIGHTWISH keyboardist and composrt Tuomas Holopainen has denied the accusation, saying that he just heard about this today (May 30) and that he has never heard the song or the artist in question. Holopainen went on to add that he was interested in hearing the track first before commenting further.
  8. da li josh nekome osim mene draconic nije najbolji album od pl-a?
  9. tu si i u pravu...mada to nema veze sa situacijom u svetu...
  10. ja mislim da ste vi svi tr00 metalci sranje i da trebate da skocite sa litice...shvatite da ce broj "metalaca" toliko opasti u sledecih par godina kao sto je opao do sada..da ce vam pre ili kasnije biti svejedno da li neko slusha manowar ili dying fetus... edit: i moj post se prvenstveno odnosi na princa i ljude slicne njegovom razmiljanju tako ne smatrajte se svi uvredjenima
  11. i xbox-a
  12. mislim da je poenta cele price..koga boli qrac da li je predlog odlican ili ne..trazi se od tebe da nazovesh zivotinju dave mustaine-a !?
  13. ih josh da je bm...ali se slazem da je jedan od najboljih metal albuma u poslednjih par godina...
  14. cool
  15. ja sam izvalio da je svaki "tr00" metalac ustvari leet metalac...
  16. ja vodim i familiju ako treba samo dugovi da se isplate...
  17. darthmoog


    Na sta ti se digao???
  18. darthmoog


    bash zato sam ga i naveo..a i neke pesme bolje zvuce live kao npr. Once upon the cross
  19. darthmoog


    ma nabavi when satan lives live album...otpasce ti muda i sama ce dopuzati nazad...
  20. uh meni je poslednji iz nekog razloga postao uber specijalan...
  21. a na cert ne bi doshao da im nije poslednja turneja...
  22. pa onaj prvi period je sigurno pagan black
  23. @kuruz jebiga pola dm bendova je na taj fazon tako ne mozesh kriviti ni ove
  24. ja neshto rachunao tamo vamo i izvalio da mi je isa u top 10 metal albuma svih vremena...
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