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Everything posted by рогозуб

  1. # Your mom is so fat, she has her own zip code. # Your mom is so fat, she lives in two time zones. # Your mom is so fat, that when I tried to drive around her I ran out of gas. # Your mom is so fat, people jog around her for exercise. # Your mom is so fat, whenever she turns around they throw a welcome-back party. # Your mom is so fat, every time she turns around its her birthday. # Your mom is so fat, she went on a date with high heels on and came back with sandals. # Your mom is so fat, every time she walks in high heels, she strikes oil. # Your mom is so fat, McDonald's set up shop in her house. # Your mom is so fat, when she wears a yellow raincoat, people call out to her, "Taxi!" # Your mom is so fat, when she wears a yellow coat she looks like a school bus. # Your mom is so fat, she puts on her lipstick with a paint-roller. # Your mom is so fat, she needs a boomerang to put her belt on. # Your mom is so fat, she was floating in the ocean and Spain claimed her for the New World. # Your mom is so fat, she had to go to Sea World to get baptized. # Your mom is so fat, she went to Disneyland and got a group discount. # Your mom is so fat, when she falls out of bed she falls on both sides. # Your mom is so fat, it took five UFOs to abduct her. # Your mom is so fat, she went to the movies and sat next to everyone. # Your mom is so fat, when she goes to an amusement park people try to ride HER. # Your mom is so fat, she's got more chins than a Hong Kong phone book. # Your mom is so fat, the only pictures you have of her are satellite pictures. # Your mom is so fat, the National Weather Agency has to assign names to her farts. # Your mom is so fat, she has been declared a natural habitat for Condors. # Your mom is so fat, NASA is planning a mission to put a man on her. # Your mom is so fat, she has to live on another planet. # Your mom is so fat, no one can talk behind her back. # Your mom is so fat, when she went to a dating service, they matched her up with Detroit # Your mom is so fat, you can swim in her belly button . # Your mom is so stupid, she got locked in a bathroom and pissed in her pants. # Your mom is so stupid, she tried to steal free samples. # Your mom is so stupid, she returned a doughnut because it had a hole in it. # Your mom is so stupid, she tripped over a cordless phone. # Your mom is so stupid, she got stabbed at a shoot-out. # Your mom is so stupid, she got hit by a parked car. . # Your mom is so old that she farts dust. # Your mom is so old that the milk in her tits is expired. # Your mom is so old that Moses is in her yearbook. # Your mom is so old that she owes Jesus a quarter. # Your mom is so old that she only has two teeth and they're both in her pocket! # Your mom is so old that she has an autographed version of the Bible. # Your mom is so old that when she was born the Dead Sea was just getting sick. # Your mom is so old that she knew Burger King when he was a Prince. . # Your mom is so ugly that she walked into a haunted house and walked out with a job application. # Your mom is so ugly that I went to your house, kicked in the door and your mom came out barking. # Your mom is so ugly that she popped her head out the window and got arrested for indecent exposure. # Your mom is so ugly that she makes blind kids cry. # Your mom is so ugly that the government moved Halloween to her birthday. . # Your mom is so poor that I rang your doorbell and she shouted "DING-DONG!" # Your mom is so poor that she can't even pay attention. . # Your mom is like a brick, flat on both sides and keeps getting laid by Mexicans. # Your mom is like a screwdriver, everyone gets a turn. # Your mom is like a gas station, pump first then pay. # Your mom is like 7-Eleven, she's always full of mexicans. # Your mom is like McDonald's, "Serving Millions." # Your mom is like a rail road, laid all over the country. # Your mom is like an SUV, big, black, and full of Mexicans. # Your mom is like a door; I banged her all night. # Your mom is like a police station, dicks go in and out of her day and night. # Your mom is like good paint, cheap and easy to spread. # Your mom is like Chinese food, every one gets a chance to eat her out. # Your mom is like a toilet, fat, white and smells like shit.
  2. рогозуб


    zavisi shta je tebi jeftino..
  3. рогозуб


    najudobnije tike su merelove..
  4. и онда људи кажу да је ган нешто негативно... хД ту су и порез и сличне дажбине, интернет, телефонија, маркирана одећа и обућа, музика, и још много ствари. а да мени вутра мења начин размишљања не би је узимао. једино ми опусти мишиће, па тако нпр одморим рамена од ходања као да се курчим..
  5. ма сајси га лепо сам рекао да не уништавам мишиће, макс. сат ипо за цело тело. а и то сваки дан је нестало одавно, од кад сам се олењио, и сад је отприлике једном недељно због испита, али пре је ишло сасвим фино..
  6. evo na dnb radiu trenutno ide nero. znachi koje sranje. dnbradio.com
  7. kuruz, nemoj 3 tripovati, ja duvanim, pijem, vamdu, i o5 najnormalnije vezhbam.. prvi put chujem...
  8. http://jungletrain.net/ ovaj radio pushta/ prenosi nastupe http://www.dnbradio.com/ ovaj pushta posebne pesme
  9. h2o je splav
  10. da, zle, ne chokolada... chemu skakutavi smeshicji..
  11. ja pricham, ali vi hocjete da vas boli.. pa ko vas jebe sa vashim upalama..
  12. kako beshe onaj natpis na vodokotlicju u skcu "pusti vodu smrdo narkomaska" xD
  13. zaboravio si : na pochetku i kraju, nije chudo shto ne izlazi slika smajlija xD nijedan bend koji je toliko kult da ima tonsku probu POSLE predgrupe ne mozhe da bude govno mis'im dovoljno su dobri da sam nauchio da lupam mit huk sodomi xD
  14. nisam ni gledo :| svejedno, jbg, daleko mi je to da idem zbog kvejka...
  15. ja sam napravio kompromis xD
  16. xD kakve budale ali ovaj lik u bezh majci koji dolazi i zagrli ga, i samo stoji i gleda u kameru i smeje se xD lol! i slogani na trotoaru tipa "korak vishe, dinar vishe" xD mislish ovo da nema kajlu dosije i audi? to je stavio zbog gazde susedne menjachnice, koja je odma tu...
  17. ja mislim da jeste..
  18. da, ti, odjebi! .i. xD lol
  19. metal / dnb www.shellshock.tv kada se uchita pochetna stranica, krecje sama da se pushta njihova zika ovde im je stranica na fejlbuku http://www.facebook.com/pages/SHELLSHOCK-U...14730787?ref=mf evo josh jedne pesmice http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n6y_y1gjnTw...feature=related
  20. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n6y_y1gjnTw...feature=related ovi likovi piche kao dnb metal krosover... meni je ova pesma do jaja!
  21. odakle si ti, gde je ta igraona?
  22. kao za kvejk 2. mozhe da se igra na najbednijim kompovima.
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