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Killing Floor

Iskreni članovi
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Everything posted by Killing Floor

  1. na prvo slusanje je dosadno, ali ipak se mora ovo izvrteti par puta...
  2. http://getmetal.org/death-metal/26262-wintersun-time-i-2012.html idemo
  3. jebote koliko je govno pesma i oni za nju snime spot
  4. hahaah taj rad
  5. zanimljivo
  6. u potpunosti se slazem
  7. samo da ne vrate Tarju i ja zadovoljan.
  8. Press statement Another chapter of the Nightwish story has ended today. Nightwish and Anette Olzon have decided to part company, in mutual understanding, for the good of all parties involved. In recent times it has become increasingly obvious that the direction and the needs of the band were in conflict, and this has led to a division from which we cannot recover. Nightwish has no intention of cancelling any upcoming shows, and as a result we have decided to bring in a substitute vocalist starting in Seattle 1.10.2012. Her name is Floor Jansen from The Netherlands (ex-After Forever, ReVamp), and she has graciously stepped in to help us complete the Imaginaerum world tour. We are all strongly committed to this journey, this vehicle of spirit, and we are sure that this will lead to a brighter future for everyone. We forever remain excited about the adventures to come, and we are extremely proud of the two beautiful albums and the wonderful shows we shared together. - NIGHTWISH & Anette Olzon
  9. a zasto si to ocekivao da mi je znati?mislis da mu nije preko kurca da pravi hevi pesme?stvarno mi nisu jasni likovi koji su ocekivali maidene i koji se samo loze na 2 pesme i to 2 koje vuku na maidene.ko god je slusao malo stariji hevi i rok 70ih nece sigurno reci da mu je vokal gej.
  10. to ces tesko docekati
  11. dobar je vokal, na mestu skroz ,uklapa se u taj zanr skroz.ja sam ga izvrteo bar 10 puta danas kida, papazjanija prava svasta se ovde moze cuti.
  12. album je ginialan ja nemam reci...koje osvezenje jebote
  13. http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fdrownedinsound.com%2Freleases%2F17242%2Freviews%2F4145501%3Fticker&h=YAQEZoQtL napljuva ga lepo ovaj lik
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ws4D0YSqVgw&feature=plcp http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GY3-VNt-JwU
  15. meni ova prva dosadna do koske, druga malo manje...
  16. jako slab album, from afar ga kida sa pola snage, in my sword i trust definitivno najgora ensiferum pesma
  17. lepe slike vincent
  18. odlican intervju
  19. slazem se, ovo me uvek nerviralo kod njih.
  20. nasli noovog bubnjara
  21. hvala, ove starije slike su sa NIkonom D40 a novije D90 ;-)
  22. par komada iz 2009 ..secam se da su mi noge bile do kolena u snegu...
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