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In The Flesh

Iskreni članovi
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Everything posted by In The Flesh

  1. Mozda nije spoznao Boga jos.
  2. Oće li se omrčit onaj zaštitnik one Kalisi? Tacno vidim da bi joj prosuo dzigerice zguza da mu samo može bit'.
  3. Grobodan left Belgrade, and now is a full-time doctor in his hometown. Still bald as shit. Kuruz graduated and broke his jaw while hard bassing in bus. Lemmy unibrows his way to the top of TV business and forum cult status. Others come and go... How about you?
  4. Ludilo od pjesme.
  5. http://www.israbox.com/1146450297-fossil-collective-tell-where-i-lie-2013.html
  6. I u Beograd.
  7. Pričalo se o tome otkad je otvorena tema barem 5 puta, ali kurac.
  8. Naravno. Grozno je.
  9. Smorock u toku sa MMA aktuelnostima, vidim. Mada je stara priča nekih 20 dana. Sad je Matt Mitrione suspendovan iz UFC-a zbog ovoga: He's chromosomally a man. He had a gender change, not a sex change. He's still a man. He was a man for 31 years. Thirty-one years. That's a couple years younger than I am. He's a man. Six years of taking performance de-hancing drugs, you think is going to change all that? That's ridiculous.[/font] ']That is a lying, sick, sociopathic, disgusting freak. And I mean that. Because you lied on your license to beat up women. That's disgusting. You should be embarrassed yourself. And the fact that Florida licensed him because California licensed him or whoever the hell did it, it's an embarrassment to us as fighters, as a sport, and we all should protest that. The woman that's fighting him, props to you. I hope you beat his ass, and I hope he gets blackballed and never fights again, because that's disgusting and I'm appalled by that.]
  10. Omot je sprdnja.
  11. In The Flesh


    http://www.vijesti.me/vijesti/nakon-ovoga-mozda-vise-necete-mislite-da-smo-sami-svemiru-clanak-122308 WHERE IS YOUR GOD NOW!?
  12. Simpatičan film. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0913445/?ref_=sr_1
  13. In The Flesh


  14. Odgledah prvu sezonu i poprilično sam razočaran. Više hajpa a prosječnije serije odavno ne odgledah. Kakve su ostale sezone, da li da nastavljam?
  15. Ma jebite se..
  16. Odličan omot.
  17. In The Flesh


  18. Zamijeni staklo, stipso.
  19. In The Flesh


    ^ pleonazam.
  20. In The Flesh


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