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In The Flesh

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Everything posted by In The Flesh

  1. In The Flesh


    in the flesh 96.2% Ja sam sam sebi najopskurniji. How trve is that?
  2. In The Flesh


  3. In The Flesh


    Procenat opskurnosti je u srazmjeri sa veličinom kurca a od tebe i Smorock ima veći. DUVAJ JOJ GA!
  4. In The Flesh


    Mičite ovu curicu sa moderatorske funkcije.
  5. In The Flesh


    Godplayer83's musical tastes are more obscure than 80.4% of all other users! Godplayer83's overall favorite bands and artists are 65.6% obscure on average. In your face Black Metal!!
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nKx2qQvK2xI Because it's awesome.
  7. Nije bio onaj pravi Diaz jer je ovaj fantastično kontrirao i bježao od kaveza. Ne znam je li izgubio zasluženo, ali neki od kriterijuma za suđenje su i octagon control i aggression - to je definitivno u Diazovu korist. Takođe je imao i takedown u zadnjoj rundi i pokušaj submission-a. Prve dvije runde idu Diazu, druge dvije Conditu, a treća je bara-bara. Žao mi je što će GSP - Condit da bude snoozefest.
  8. Ni For You, ni A Kiss To Remember, ni Like Gods of The Sun...meni među prva tri njihova albuma.
  9. I am the bloody earth, naravno.
  10. Ovi i ne bi bili toliko moćni da nije toliko moćno aranžiran refren. Ovi su hrišćanski, ali moguće i najljepši njihovi. edit: Tek sad vidim da je bilo priče o ovim stihovima već.
  11. Zaboravio je najgore - Megadeth.
  12. Fantastična svirka i otpjevao je vrhunski fenomenalnu pjesmu. Zajebi sve ostalo.
  13. Ne glupiraj se.
  14. Ja ovako: Weather Systems, the new album from Anathema, available on Kscope on April 16th 2012. No reko' možda ima neko kome će biti interesantno
  15. Gazpacho – March Of Ghosts The new studio album from acclaimed Norwegian post-progressive art rockers – available on Kscope from 12th March 2012
  16. Weather Systems, the new album from Anathema, available on Kscope on April 16th 2012 Anathema return in April with Weather Systems, their brand new studio album. Weather Systems, is the follow-up 2010’s We're Here Because We're Here. That album featured prominently in numerous end-of-year polls and the producer, Steven Wilson (Porcupine Tree), has described it as 'definitely among the best albums I’ve ever had the pleasure to work on.' The bar for Weather Systems, has been set pretty high then but Daniel Cavanagh from the band is certain that the album will exceed these lofty expectations, ‘it feels like we are at a creative peak right now, and this album reflects that. Everything from the production to the writing to the performances are a step up from our last album.’ He continues, ‘This is not background music for parties. The music is written to deeply move the listener, to uplift or take the listener to the coldest depths of the soul.’ The intertwining melodic structures of these profoundly beautiful songs are intensely powerful, yet simple. These are songs that will transport the listener closer to the heart of life, that is to say, to the heart of themselves. It is also an album of polarity. The play of opposites; light and shade, birth and death, love and fear. The simple truths of life and loss, hope and strength and darker internal themes are all explored here. The album was recorded in Liverpool, North Wales and Oslo, each place significant to Anathema past, present and future. The record was produced and mastered by 5 times Norwegian Grammy nominated Christer-André Cederberg (Animal Alpha, In the Woods..., Drawn), who Daniel has described as ‘a revelation. His calmness and brilliance has helped to bring about the greatest inter-band chemistry that Anathema have experienced together in their career.’ This career stretches back to 1990 when the band formed in Liverpool. Since then the band have embarked on a remarkable musical journey, initially emerging as pioneers of melodic heavy music and continually evolving over the ensuing years, always remaining true to their original goal of creating forward thinking, meaningful, passionate and honest music. Anathema are a collective of two families; brothers and childhood friends. This album will please fans who call for more of Lee Douglas’s vocals, as her role within Anathema’s brand of alternative, melodic rock has matured to become an integral energy. In this way and more, Weather Systems is the sound of a band finding their voice and growing in stature, moving further along their artistic path with a truly stunning musical vision. Their best ever work? ‘Not yet’ says Daniel, but he does believe that with Weather Systems they have surpassed previous glories; ‘we are pleased and proud of the record and we feel that, alongside the best moments of WHBWH, this record contains our very best work so far in what is becoming a long career.’ The band will be touring Europe in April and May to promote the new album, check their website for info and ticket links: www.anathema.ws/tour.cfm Weather Systems, will be available on Kscope from April 16th 2012.
  17. Ako ćemo striktno o genijalnosti, Dick Solomon je neprevaziđen.
  18. Iz serije The Big Bang Theory.
  19. Juče počeo u teretanu u komšiluku poslije više od 2 godine i dolazi vlasnik i kaže da su je zakupili kikbokseri i da moram s njima da vidim da li mogu da treniram tamo. Idem danas tamo da ih pospremim sve.
  20. Vjerovatno je bilo, ali Žaba je opet right on money!
  21. Zar ti nijesi pljuvao po tenisu do skoro?
  22. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=oei2lB9MBo0
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