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In The Flesh

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Everything posted by In The Flesh

  1. A i ti profesori su debili. "Ne može niko da ima 10 kod mene" zajebani fazon.
  2. Koji su vam prosjeci sa faksa? Ja sam imao 8,52 i tek sam prije dva dana saznao da je trebalo kao pripravnik da imam pun iznos plate (jer je > 8,5), a ne 80% (kako je po našem zakonu). Zakinuli me za oko 800€ ukupno. Kad sam debil.
  3. Ulver The Norwegian National Opera Stunning concert from the dark music legends captured live in high definition in Oslo on 2 disc (DVD & Blu-ray) set Ulver returned earlier this year with their new album Wars of the Roses. Early pioneers of Norwegian black metal, the band have continually evolved throughout their career and now stand as living legends of the dark music industry, blending rock, electronica, symphonic and chamber traditions along with noise and experimental music to create ground- breaking material. Until recently however the band had remained exclusively within the studio. This changed in May 2009 when the band accepted an invitation to appear at the Norwegian Festival of Literature. The success of this gig lead to them embarking on a string of other gigs in 2009 and 2010, selling out prestigious venues such as the Queen Elizabeth Hall in London, Volksbühne in Berlin and La Cigale in Paris before they returned to their homeland for this landmark gig at The Norwegian Opera House. The 2 hour concert married tracks from throughout the band’s catalogue to stunning visuals to create a spectacle fitting for such a grand venue. This landmark show was recorded and will now be released as a limited edition 32 page rigid digibook 2 disc set (Blu-ray and DVD). The set can be pre-ordered now from the Ulver mini-site. The site also features a trailer for the DVD, downloads and more. Ulver are on tour during November. 5th - Damnation Festival @ Leeds Student Union Leeds UK 10th -Espace Torino Italy 11th - Circolo Degli Artisti Roma Italy 12th - Teatro Regio Parma Italy 17th - Razzmatazz 2 Barcelona Spain 18th - Caracol Madrid Spain 19th - Musicbox Lisboa Portugal 21st - Cidade Da Cultura Santiago de Compostela Spain 26th - Fuzz Club Athenai Greece ----------------------------------------- 17th December 2011 - Mega Club Katowice Poland 14th January 2012 - Movistar Arena
  4. Dobro si mene poveo na raspali Filozofski
  5. http://lowkick.blitzcorner.com/UFC/UFC-137-Penn-vs-Diaz-Open-Workout-Photos-14221?utm_source=bleacherreport.com&utm_medium=referral
  6. Super je album. Svi njihovi albumi su dobri.
  7. In The Flesh


    Džabe ti plusevi sad. Ti si obrao bostan.
  8. In The Flesh


    Nije moguće, definitivno. Ne znam u čemu je fora.
  10. Mrtva trka.
  11. In The Flesh


    godplayer83's most played artists: Artist 1. Pain of Salvation 2. Deadsoul Tribe 3. Gazpacho 4. Wolverine 5. Metallica 6. Opeth 7. The Pineapple Thief 8. Antimatter 9. Porcupine Tree 10. Dream Theater 11. Gojira 12. Mastodon 13. Pure Reason Revolution 14. Green Carnation 15. The Tea Party 16. Galahad 17. Psychotic Waltz 18. Fragile Vastness 19. Queensrÿche 20. Pendragon Ne znam na koju foru je Mastodon pao za 5 pozicija s obzirom na: 3. The Hunter - Mastodon 200 (tracks) 796 (minutes)
  12. In The Flesh


    dajte link za taj normaliser.
  13. Nocerino 2 gola za sad. Što radi vezni red Milana, efikasniji je od navale...
  14. http://www.mondocafe.me/fudbal/volkov-izabrao-crnu-goru-1990.php
  15. Upravo.
  16. Vidim da Hefest i dalje u potpisu ima najposjećeniji blog na Internetu.
  17. Isto se može reći za tebe i Araya-u.
  18. Užasan ovaj "13" album. Jedno toliko neinspirativno, predvidivo, dosadno govno, da je to katastrofa.
  19. Kakav je ovo trend lunarisanja po forumu?
  20. Moguće, ali Rajan je taj koji je u stvarnom životu posjedovao Anitino srce.
  21. Drezik je vazda pizda bio, Kurt ga je znao istući kao malo dijete.
  22. Odsvirao bi Cemetary Gates solo prvo, da ih zbuni, pa onda u napad. Ovi ne bi znali što ih je snašlo.
  23. Dobra scena, stvarno. Ništa što već nije viđeno dosta puta prije, ali svaki put je smiješno. I film je ok, za opuštanje dušu dao.
  24. Što je bebality? Nikad nijesam nešto igrao Mortal Kombat, ali sam zato na Street Fighter-u bio najbolji u gradu. \m/\m/
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