Da,da..Badr Harija je prosuo samo tako na onom takmicenju dje je Filipovic imao najdosadniji mec u istoriji sa onim Hong Men Chaom,kako li vec. A Bonjanski ga je dobio,jer je to bio k1 turnir. Nema borbe na podu ,"prljavih" udaraca, inace bi i njega pojeo. Inace,Overeem je povrijedio desnu ruku jer je sa bratom rastavio od zivota petoricu momaka iz obezbjedjenja nekog nocnog kluba.
"Alistair attended some famous dance club with his brother Valentine," said Boon. "Went to the toilet and did not have coins to pay the toilet woman. Alistair told her he would pay a euro when he came back, because he did not have change. Then the security guard who was near by started to get involved. Brother Valentine saw the incident and also started asking what the problem was. They offered to pay, but by then 6 security guards came over surrounding them. The Overeem brothers were asked to leave, Alistair was already outside when he saw his brother Valentine fighting. Valentine still was discussing the situation on his way outside with one of the security guards hit Valentine in the face with a flash light. Three security guards dived onto Valentine and brother Alistair wanted to go back inside to help his brother. This resulted in five security guards in the hospital."