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In The Flesh

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Everything posted by In The Flesh

  1. Block Out - SKSSS Children of Nova- Complexity of Light Karmakanic- Who's The Boss In The Factory? Al di Meola,Paca de Lusia,John Mc Laughlin - Passion,Grace & Fire The Pirate Ship Quinetet EP
  2. The Dear Hunter je fenomenalan. De Niro/Walken...strasan tandem.
  3. Kad je proglasenje pobjednika/finale/sta li vec? Je li ko cuo ove moje pulene Autumn For Free?
  4. Znao sam da sam trebao da postujem na ovoj temi posto su se slegli utisci,ali stalno zaboravljam. Album kida! Daleko ispred izbeljivacha.
  5. Nije da mu nijesam davao sansu,mislim da imam preko 200 slusanja na Last-u. Za "nista novo" prog album,odlican. "Graundbrejking" prog album,ni pod razno. My two cents...
  6. Racunaj da im pjesme traju u prosjeku 4 minuta,da je 90% njih brzo i fizicki zahtjevno,sto za publiku,sto za bend. Opet dobijes nekih 13-14 pjesama,sto je sasvim solidna plejlista.
  7. A hotel Bosna ima 4 zvjezdice.
  8. Q: It had to help that "Christ Illusion" was a pretty well-received album. Dave Lombardo: For the most part. It coulda been better. Q: The reception to it, or the record itself? Dave Lombardo: I think the record was good, but it coulda been better in a lot of ways. I can't really pinpoint anything, but overall... I think we were still getting used to being around each other — I mean, I'd been back for five years... but coming off a departure of ten years, I think it really takes a lot of time to get back into each other's minds. They've been able to kinda understand my playing a little better, where I was coming from, because during those years I was developing my drumming in the SLAYER style. I was away from it, so I had to think in the SLAYER mode again. They were getting used to me, I was getting used to them again, and learning the things they'd developed while I was gone. That record had to happen, and it was what it was. Otprilike je ovo i moje misljenje o CI albumu.
  9. Fali ti ili clan ili s na kraju. Ili e umjesto a. Ovo zadnje najprije.
  10. Koji je pandan? Sponzorica,onda. Sponzorka? U svakom slucaju,dezurni partbrejker si uvek bio.
  11. Aj sad opet procitaj sve,pa mozda skontas sto sam hteo reci. Ne bi trebalo da je tesko.
  12. Samo da citiram sebe,onaj... edit:Zvucim kao HEFEST
  13. Ne,nego njegova profesorica misli da je nasao sponzorusu
  14. E onda ipak jeste slucajnost. Moj brat je 190cm. Ja nijednu tucu nijesam vidio,a kad mi je rekao da se potukao 3 puta,popizdio sam. I to jos sa onim kretenom od Meda. Bilo kako bilo,bilo bi dobro da opet dodju i da koncert prodje bez tuca. Ali sumnjam da bi doslo onoliko ljudi kao 2004.
  15. Quick announcement from InsideOut today letting Beardfish fans know that the band's newest album, Destined Solitaire, will be released sometime at the end of July. The album will contain nine tracks and will come in the typical InsideOut digipack. More information to follow soon!
  16. Ala mudroserete edit: i ostalo
  17. U potpis da ide to? Sad ce on sve da nas zajebe i stavi on nas na ignore.
  18. Putuj igumane
  19. Dobar Alexionfire
  20. Ajmo stvarno ban.
  21. Ovo sam isto htio da kazem ,ali se predomislih. Totalno podsjeca. Nebitno koji bend je nastao prvi,bitno je koja pjesma je nastala prva.
  22. Ako bude dobra kao ova,bice super
  23. Od Solitude samo dobre preporuke evo nesto i od mene,moguce da je vec bilo: http://rs564.rapidshare.com/files/147282052/T_B_E_-_Final_Conversation_of_Kings.rar Two records into a career, The Butterfly Effect have always been about pushing their progressive sound to the limit. The Australian four-piece have opened up further sonically than ever before. Final Conversation Of Kings is a bold, expansive and career-defining statement, often fragile but always epic. Fans expect a hard-driving sound offset by fragile emotions, consummate musicianship and intimate vocals that sweep and soar. None will be disappointed! Essence of Radiohead, but better!
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