Obavezno. Film je remek djelo.
Opet me je u'vatila filmomanija, kopam po raznoraznim sajtovima gledam najbolje filmse scene ikad pa naleceh na jedan fenomenalan film.
Jacob's Ladder
This is a superbly crafted film that transcends mere entertainment and becomes an experience much greater than the sum of its parts. When you watch this movie, you are unleashing a very powerful force that short-circuits your natural ability to remain in control. It is like hypnotism, you have no choice...you are unable to think, act, or even believe apart from the intense feelings Jacob's Ladder inspires.......
This is not a horror movie as some may think, it is a human drama masterfully disguised as a supernatural thriller. The basic elements of Jacob's Ladder have been plundered several times in recent years. We have been suckered by flashy films with clever plot twists that cheat us on story, characters, and technical excellence. This film delivers all that and more. Movies like this are set apart from the rest of the pack because you don't just watch stuff like this, you feel it too.
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