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http://rapidshare.com/files/155931248/Sleeping_in_Traffic_2_noquarteer.part1.rar http://rapidshare.com/files/155942447/Sleeping_in_Traffic_2_noquarteer.part2.rar Evo linkova za drugi dio te duologije.
Provokator prve klase
Nikad nijesam bio fan italijanskog rukometa,tako da sam izgasio TV poslije 30-og minuta.Povremeno bih ga upalio,da vidim rezultat ,though.. Navijam za Milan jos od kad je Savicevic igrao,ali moram da priznam da sa onakvom shupljom odbranom nikad nece nista napraviti. Kaha Kaladze je definitivno najveca promaja od igraca.. Maradona je izjavio da je njegov naslednik ipak nije Mesi,vec da pravog novog Maradonu ,uprkos rivalstvu sa Brazilom,vidi iskljucivo u Adrianu. Mesi se jos nije oglasio povodom ove izjave...
Je li neko slusao ove Beardfish? Ako POS ne budu svirali America & Cribcaged,Daniel je pička!
Ja sam preslusao 2 puta,ali meni treba malo duze da "skontam" neki bend,tako da cu mu dati sansu opet sigurno. Ne bi se reklo da je lose,mada daleko od toga da sam odusevljen.
Progressive Nation 2009 - North American Summer Tour! For Immediate Release February 13th 2009 DREAM THEATER'S "PROGRESSIVE NATION 2009" TO TOUR NORTH AMERICA IN JULY/AUG WITH SPECIAL GUESTS ZAPPA PLAYS ZAPPA, PAIN OF SALVATION AND BEARDFISH New York progressive metal veterans DREAM THEATER will take their PROGRESSIVE NATION tour back on the road for its second incarnation with a run through America and Canada in July/Aug 2009. In addition to a headlining set by DREAM THEATER, this year's package will feature the outstanding musicianship of ZAPPA PLAYS ZAPPA as well as two incredibly talented imports from Sweden: PAIN OF SALVATION and BEARDFISH. PROGRESSIVE NATION was created by DREAM THEATER drummer Mike Portnoy and its successful inaugural run in 2008 also featured OPETH, BETWEEN THE BURIED AND ME and THREE. Portnoy once again hand-picked all of the bands for the 2009 bill based on their diversity and musicality. He comments: "This year's lineup is so exciting for me. Every band is bringing something very unique to the package to create an incredibly well rounded musical experience. I am just as excited to be watching all the bands from the side of the stage as I am to be performing with mine in the center of it!" Fresh on the heels of his Grammy win, Dweezil Zappa is pleased to announce his plans to join forces with Dream Theater as part of the Progressive Nation 2009 tour: "It's no secret that I started ZAPPA PLAYS ZAPPA with the intention to diversify and expand the audience for my father's music. I figured I'd probably have to do it one concert at a time. Playing with DREAM THEATER on the PROGRESSIVE NATION tour is a great way to accomplish that goal. Music fans who are seeking something to challenge their senses should definitely consider attending this great bill." Portnoy adds, "It is an absolute honor for me to have ZAPPA PLAYS ZAPPA on board. Frank Zappa is one of my all-time biggest heroes and his music practically invented the term 'progressive' . Dweezil is doing an amazing job carrying on the tradition of his father's daring spirit and like his dad, has surrounded himself with a band of jaw-dropping, incredible musicians" Sweden's PAIN OF SALVATION will bring their unique brand of cutting-edge progressive metal to PN09. Vocalist/Guitarist Daniel Gildenlow comments: "We are truly very happy to be part of the PN09 tour, and to be back in the States again and bring all the sweat and flesh to our music and our well deserving American fans. We feel honored to have been asked." Gildenlow also joked, "Actually, Mike has been on our backs now for two years in what we believe to be a personal campaign, bordering on harassment, to make us come over. So when he asked us about PN09, it was a joy to finally be able to say yes. And if Mike didn't give up on us, then hopefully America hasn't either." Vocalist/Keyboardis t Rikard Sjoblom of BEARDFISH is equally excited: "When we read on a website that Mike Portnoy had our album "Sleeping in Traffic Part 1" among his favorite releases of 2007, we just couldn't believe it and we were really happy about it! And now we once again gasp for air since we've been asked to join PROGRESSIVE NATION 2009 together with DREAM THEATER (one of the biggest bands in this genre today!), PAIN OF SALVATION (hey, fellow Swedes!!!) and ZAPPA PLAYS ZAPPA (being a HUGE Zappa fan myself, I think this is really cool!). Since we've only played the US once before we simply can't wait to come over and rock out!" PROGRESSIVE NATION will be the first North American tour for DREAM THEATER in support of their newest Roadrunner Records release which is slated for a June 2009 release. For more information, including dates to be announced soon, visit: http://www.progress ivenation2009. com/ (coming soon) http://www.dreamthe ater.net/ http://www.myspace. com/dreamtheater
Izvinjavam se Buddhi ovom prilikom edit: ne mari i ovdje da postujem: Progressive Nation 2009 - North American Summer Tour! For Immediate Release February 13th 2009 DREAM THEATER'S "PROGRESSIVE NATION 2009" TO TOUR NORTH AMERICA IN JULY/AUG WITH SPECIAL GUESTS ZAPPA PLAYS ZAPPA, PAIN OF SALVATION AND BEARDFISH New York progressive metal veterans DREAM THEATER will take their PROGRESSIVE NATION tour back on the road for its second incarnation with a run through America and Canada in July/Aug 2009. In addition to a headlining set by DREAM THEATER, this year's package will feature the outstanding musicianship of ZAPPA PLAYS ZAPPA as well as two incredibly talented imports from Sweden: PAIN OF SALVATION and BEARDFISH. PROGRESSIVE NATION was created by DREAM THEATER drummer Mike Portnoy and its successful inaugural run in 2008 also featured OPETH, BETWEEN THE BURIED AND ME and THREE. Portnoy once again hand-picked all of the bands for the 2009 bill based on their diversity and musicality. He comments: "This year's lineup is so exciting for me. Every band is bringing something very unique to the package to create an incredibly well rounded musical experience. I am just as excited to be watching all the bands from the side of the stage as I am to be performing with mine in the center of it!" Fresh on the heels of his Grammy win, Dweezil Zappa is pleased to announce his plans to join forces with Dream Theater as part of the Progressive Nation 2009 tour: "It's no secret that I started ZAPPA PLAYS ZAPPA with the intention to diversify and expand the audience for my father's music. I figured I'd probably have to do it one concert at a time. Playing with DREAM THEATER on the PROGRESSIVE NATION tour is a great way to accomplish that goal. Music fans who are seeking something to challenge their senses should definitely consider attending this great bill." Portnoy adds, "It is an absolute honor for me to have ZAPPA PLAYS ZAPPA on board. Frank Zappa is one of my all-time biggest heroes and his music practically invented the term 'progressive' . Dweezil is doing an amazing job carrying on the tradition of his father's daring spirit and like his dad, has surrounded himself with a band of jaw-dropping, incredible musicians" Sweden's PAIN OF SALVATION will bring their unique brand of cutting-edge progressive metal to PN09. Vocalist/Guitarist Daniel Gildenlow comments: "We are truly very happy to be part of the PN09 tour, and to be back in the States again and bring all the sweat and flesh to our music and our well deserving American fans. We feel honored to have been asked." Gildenlow also joked, "Actually, Mike has been on our backs now for two years in what we believe to be a personal campaign, bordering on harassment, to make us come over. So when he asked us about PN09, it was a joy to finally be able to say yes. And if Mike didn't give up on us, then hopefully America hasn't either." Vocalist/Keyboardis t Rikard Sjoblom of BEARDFISH is equally excited: "When we read on a website that Mike Portnoy had our album "Sleeping in Traffic Part 1" among his favorite releases of 2007, we just couldn't believe it and we were really happy about it! And now we once again gasp for air since we've been asked to join PROGRESSIVE NATION 2009 together with DREAM THEATER (one of the biggest bands in this genre today!), PAIN OF SALVATION (hey, fellow Swedes!!!) and ZAPPA PLAYS ZAPPA (being a HUGE Zappa fan myself, I think this is really cool!). Since we've only played the US once before we simply can't wait to come over and rock out!" PROGRESSIVE NATION will be the first North American tour for DREAM THEATER in support of their newest Roadrunner Records release which is slated for a June 2009 release. For more information, including dates to be announced soon, visit: http://www.progress ivenation2009. com/ (coming soon) http://www.dreamthe ater.net/ http://www.myspace. com/dreamtheater Sve imam osjecaj da ce svirati America sa Scarsick. Yeah,right
Buddha ocigledno ne zna kome sto prica. Ja sam mu se javio na PP isti dan kad je napisao ovaj post,odgovorio mi je da ga je vec prodao, To je bilo bar 2 dana prije nego sto je Karmacosmic napisao post "Da si mi to rekao ranije..."
HEMIJSKA ANALIZA ŽENE Hemijski element: Žena Hemijski simbol: Že Otkrio: Adam Atomska težina: Optimalna 60 kg, ali postoje izotopi koji variraju od 40 do 250 kg. Učestalost pojavljivanja elemenata: Veče količine se mogu naći u urbanim sredinama, ali se hemijski čišći primerci mogu naći u udaljenim brdskim područjima. Fizička svojstva: Površina obično premazana bojom i kremom. Javlja se u svim agregatnim i drugim stanjima. Proključa odjednom, zamrzne se bez razloga. Topi se ako se primeni odgovarajući postupak. Hemijska svojstva: Lako se spaja sa zlatom, srebrom i drugim plemenitim i poluplemenitim metalima, te sa dragim kamenjem. Apsorbira velike količine skupih materijala. Može eksplodirati iznenada, bez prethodnog upozorenja i bez poznatog razloga. Ne otapa se u vodi, ali joj se prijemčivost znatno povećava ako se natopi kvalitetnim alkoholom. Najefikasniji je poznati elemenat na upijanje novca. Element je koji se vrlo retko nalazi u devičanskom čistom stanju. Najčešća upotreba: Prije svega kao ukras, naročito u otmjenim vilama i skupim sportskim automobilima. Odličan je medikament za relaksaciju i vrlo efikasno sredstvo za čišćenje. Izvršeni ogledi: Pocrveni kad se zatekne bez ambalaže. Pozeleni kad se stavi pored boljeg uzorka. Opasnost: Vrlo je opasan element, osim u rukama stručnjaka, koji ima odgovarajući alat. Ilegalno je imati više od jedne, iako se može posjedovati i više, pod uslovom da se drže na različitim lokacijama i pazi da elementi ne dođu u direktni dodir.
Harvest Meni je savrsenstvo "Normal" od Porcupine Tree. Kakva stvaaaaar!!
Pokupili foru od Balasevica
Nesto smijesno sigurno..ipak je ovo Humor tema
Nijesam vidio da su pominjani ovdje.. Abigail's Ghost. "A contemporary rock band comprised of five people committed to a well-tempered musical aesthetic deeply rooted in groove, polyrhythms, lush harmonies, haunting ambience, and thinking man's lyrics" Amerikanci. Muzika u maniru post/prog rock bendova tipa Oceansize,Pineapple Thief itd,sa malo virtuoznijim gitaristom. Imaju jedan album iz 2007 Selling Insincerity. Album sam izguglao preko blogsearch-a.
I ja se pitam...mada,kad bolje razmislim kad sam gledao taj film bio sam u drustvu od 5-oro,i jedini sam ja bio odusevljen.
Gegen Die Wand Nas prevod je Glavom kroz zid. Film je odlicna drama! Zanimljivo je da je glavna glumica porno starleta Sibel Kekilli. Ne zna se u kojem zanru je bolja
Hvala za tu informaciju!
I ja sam mislio da ostavim onu formulu po kojoj se stavljaju filmovi na listu,ali me mrzjelo.
Definitivno vrijedan gledanja. Nije "6th Sense",ali preporuke svakako. IMDB
Vanzemaljci sigurno postoje BRITANSKI NAUČNIK SMATRA DA U SVEMIRU ŽIVE HILJADE CIVILIZACIJA Kako prenosi BBC, Dankan Forgan, naučnik sa Univerziteta u Edinburgu, tvrdi da negdje u svemiru postoje čitave nepoznate, različito razvijene civilizacije i da ih vjerovatno ima na hiljade. U posljednjih nekoliko godina, naučnici su došli do saznanja da van našeg solarnog sistema postoji više od 330 novih planeta, a to otkriće samo je potpomoglo tvrdnje da, osim ljudske rase, širom svemira postoji veliki broj drugih živih, inteligentnih formi. Tako je jedno novo istraživanje, koje je objavljeno u “Nacionalnom žurnalu astrobiologije”, procijenilo da u našoj Galaksiji postoji najmanje 361 civilizacija, a da je moguće da ih ima i do 38 hiljada. U svom najnovijem naučnom radu, Forgan je napravio maketu Galaksije, prilično sličnu našoj, uzimajući u obzir da su drugi solarni sistemi izgrađeni od tzv. exo-planeta, koje postoje u našem galaktičkom komšiluku. Ovi vještački vanzemaljski svjetovi razvili su se, po Forganu, po različitim scenarijima, a, takođe, odnos između njih i ljudi može biti uspostavljen na različite načine. Sa druge strane, ukoliko vanzemaljske forme i postoje, ne mora da znači da bi ljudi sa njima uopšte stupili u kontakt, jer je velika nepoznanica kakav bi oblik vanzemaljci imali. Prvi scenario pretpostavlja da se život na drugim planetama teško stvara, ali da se lako razvija i pretpostavlja da postoji 361 inteligentna civilizacija u Galaksiji. Drugi scenario pretpostavlja da život lako nastaje, ali da takva društva teško dostižu inteligenciju. Pod ovakvim uslovima, istraživanje smatra da postoji 31.513 formi života u svemiru. Posljednja opcija utemeljena je na mogućnosti da život može da prelazi sa jedne planete na drugu tokom asteroidnih kolizija (popularna teorija o nastanku života na Zemlji). Ovakav prikaz dao je rezultat od nekih 37.964 postojeće inteligentne civilizacije. Pošto zabačene planete mogu umanjiti sigurnost tvrdnji koliko planeta sličnih Zemlji, u stvari, ima, neke varijable, još uvijek moraju počivati na pretpostavkama. Dankan Forgan smatra da do ovih saznanja možemo doći samo ako nastavimo da posmatramo Zemlju kao “prosječnu” planetu, čiji žitelji svakako nijesu najrazvijeniji u svemiru. - Moramo, takođe, shvatiti da je slika koju smo sagradili o svemiru još uvijek nekompletna - kaže Forgan. - Život na drugim planetama sigurno postoji, samo je pitanje da li je tako raznolik kao na Zemlji. Ne možemo za sada ni na koji način da predvidimo kako ta inteligentna bića izgledaju, ni kako se ponašaju - zaključuje on. Čini se da je istraživanje Dankana Forgana uzelo u obzir sve što se za sada može uzeti, ali je, možda, ipak, ostalo dužno odgovor na jedno važno pitanje - ako su vanzemaljske vrste tako razvijene i ako ih toliko ima, kako je moguće da nam se još uvijek, na neki način, nijesu obratile? Svemir u brojkama - 13,2 miliona godina je stara Galaksija - 100.000 svjetlosnih godina je širok Mliječni put - 400 biliona zvijezda se nalazi u Mliječnom putu - 38.000 civilizacija ima u Galaksiji (po proračunu istraživača sa Univerziteta u Edinburgu) - Na samo jednoj planeti život dokazano postoji. Radi se, naravno, o Zemlji - 0.000003 odsto Mliječnog puta je vidljivo golim okom sa Zemlje - 250 miliona biliona kilometara trebalo bi da putujete kako biste od Zemlje stigli do crne rupe koja se nalazi u sredini Galaksije Izvor "Vijesti"
Mislim Da Je Krajnje Vreme... Top 10 Albuma 2008.
In The Flesh replied to Totamealand's topic in Deep Vault
A Gojira,Ihsahn,Opeth? Uz Metallicu eto i moje liste. Mozda se sjetim naknadno necega -
Mislim Da Je Krajnje Vreme... Top 10 Albuma 2008.
In The Flesh replied to Totamealand's topic in Deep Vault
Ne -
Mislim Da Je Krajnje Vreme... Top 10 Albuma 2008.
In The Flesh replied to Totamealand's topic in Deep Vault
Riverside nema album u 2008. -
E pa preskocio si sa prve strane ,prvi link. Mislim da je i prvi link na temi uopste...za Clockwork,koji nije mrtav,btw. (link,bend jeste) Inace,genijalan album!!!!
I ne treba da bude na listi,po meni. Eto,sad znmo smo sto je poenta teme