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In The Flesh

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Everything posted by In The Flesh

  1. Meni ovako otprilike: TPE ≥ REMEDY ≥ ENTROPIA >>> OHBtCL 24 below zero again this morning, and we are all set for yet another two hour drive along route 55 to the Dugout Studio and some 10-12 hours of intense album recording, before we head back home at midnight or so. But this time in a comfy 21 below zero. Rinse and repeat. Seriously, as harsh as the above may sound, the truth is I love this. We stop every morning at the same gas station for a cup of coffee and a hot jalapeño, and we are at the point where they promptly ask "the usual?" when we walk through the doors. And the feedback on the new material is tremendous, from anybody that gets involved. Ovo će da bude najbolji album ikad, bolji od zadnjih 3 AMORPHIS albuma u Grobovom paralelnom univerzumu!!!
  2. Jaroslave, lažeš. Javilo ti se svo metalsko drustvo da te brani i nijesu imali takve stavove, no baš te "boli me kurac jer sam kul".
  3. Tu sam se čak i ja zgranuo.
  4. And so it’s finally 2016! Welcome to this brand new Pain of Salvation year (which I have decided to name “Garbo”). We have intentionally been a bit restrictive with feeding you intel on our plans as of lately, but as a late Christmas gift, let us pull you into our secretly very busy world: Ok, so the lid finally comes off – we are actually in the studio right now, almost two weeks into the full-blown recording of our brand new album. And not in just any studio, with just any producer. We are in the Dugout studio with awesome producer Daniel Bergstrand (Meshuggah, InFlames etc), who was our hand picked top choice for recording this album, and was equally thrilled about getting a chance to work with us. We will keep posting thoughts, pictures and updates on this during the coming weeks, to keep you in the loop. You are, after all, our beloved extended family. And hey, as if that’s not enough, we just recently joined forces with Glassville Music for management and booking, and we are planning for at least two releases this year, and some nice touring (yes, we know you want us to "come to Brazil!" ). "Garbo" is here, my friends – and it seems like she might just be the most exciting year ever. Love and respect, Daniel ALBUM DECENIJE!
  5. Jare, neka ti se Kuruz napase prkna. Opštepoznato je da je ljubomoran na tebe.
  6. Čovjek radi kako čovjeku najbolje odgovara. Ja to podržavam.
  7. Glas za novog Jareta, naravno.
  8. Slažem se s Bobanom, ja sam prvi koji će prokomentarisati da to nije više taj bend. S druge strane, fanovi, ili barem veliki kontrapunkt istih, to ne shvataju, nego insistiraju da je čak nova Sepultura bolja.
  9. "Nasumično ime smrt metal pjesme"
  10. Bravo za zemljaka Janka. Preporučujem ovaj album
  11. http://www.prog-sphere.com/specials/best-of-2015-by-conor-fynes/
  12. http://www.electronicbeats.net/feed/astronaut-playing-david-bowies-space-oddity-space/
  13. Nijedan album poslije SFaM nije dostigao kultni status. ToT je možda zadnji koji može da prođe kao kvalitetan DT album, ali daleko od toga da je kult. Ne znam što da kažem za ADToE. Mislio sam da momak troluje u prvom postu. Bilo bi mi draže.
  14. Evo teme http://www.yumetal.net/forum/topic/52782-ozric-tentacles/#entry2443784 Evo posta iz 2009 http://www.yumetal.net/forum/topic/34103-progressive-rock-opsta-diskusija/page__st__1140#entry2100354 Evo iz 2010 http://www.yumetal.net/forum/topic/34103-progressive-rock-opsta-diskusija/page__st__1340#entry2183901 Voivode
  15. Meni nije vise jasno ko slusa ovaj bend pa je 90% ljudi upvote-ovalo klip. Potpuno su izgubili pravu publiku, sad se na njih lozi tinejdzerska americka balavurdija, sto je porazno za bend ciji clanovi guraju 50-u i koji su sa 25 bili zreliji ljudi.
  16. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=973497102712678&id=190057167723346&fs=0
  17. Au..
  18. Otprilike. Lolotres od pjesme.
  19. Wtf... http://www.b92.net/kultura/vesti.php?nav_category=271&yyyy=2016&mm=01&dd=11&nav_id=1083795
  20. Sto se primas...
  21. i nesmetano spojlujem svima koji nijesu.
  22. Bowie plagijator.
  23. Voivode, jesi li otvorio temu za ovaj bend već? Super stvar
  24. 10.aprila UFC u Zagrebu.
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