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In The Flesh

Iskreni članovi
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Everything posted by In The Flesh

  1. http://www.bunalti.com/gavin-harrison-cheating-the-polygraph-2015/
  2. Ova obrada zakon
  3. Zbilja, nabilduj malo te listove.
  4. Bte vidjeh na FB da je Fedor bio pod Ostrog, slava mu i milost.
  5. mas na mmashare.com ili na fightnext.com
  6. Moguće, moguće
  7. >>>>>>>>>>> Opeth
  8. Kad smo vec kod njega, Possesion je najzajebaniji film s njim. Uzasna tripozna mucnina od filma sa fenomenalnom Izabel Adjani. Preporuka.
  9. Carpenterov? Jeste, bas je dobar. Nijesam znao da je po lovecraftu radjenm
  10. Nije to isti lik.
  11. Sta fali saradnji sa Bob Rockom? Black>>>>>>>>> Load>>>>>>>>> Reload>> St. Anger >>>>>>> Heritage
  12. Bili smo blizu 20 years of effort from Guillermo Del Toro went into trying to make the film adaptation of a horror novella a reality. The story tells of an expedition to the Antarctic where bodies of strange and deadly starfish-headed creatures are found. Del Toro became obsessed with the story after reading it when he was 11, but the studios didn’t seem to feel the same way until two years ago when it was set to be released, with James Cameron and Tom Cruise on board. However, Del Toro finally threw in the towel when “Prometheus” came out, which had several similarities.
  13. "Ovo je glupost, glasam za obije"
  14. mnjeh
  15. Koristi mikrofon, ne moze.
  16. Aaaa... nights, zajeba me, htio sam da editujem
  17. Neeee... bruceee izvini htio sam plus! Kakva fotka!
  18. Vratite Grobu titulu moderatora da prestane da ga BOLI KURAC ZA MINUSE.
  19. Filipovic prosuo Gonzagu u trecoj. Kakva osveta.
  20. I ti meni lupas minuse. Mislio sam da smo Blood Brothers.
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