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jbt ,sta si dosao ovamo samo da bi pljuvao po najboljim black bendovima??????


Mayhem je (bio) zakon,najbolji black band,nema mu ravnog.

Ako ti se ne svidja, sta dolazis, jel' samo da bi nabio postove??

greska.....darkthrone je najbolji ali nismo ovde da bi se svadjali....a sta se ti vatas sa njim . covek je opusten vidi kakav je ovo forum i boli ga kurac za sve.....dolazi da se zjabeava! samo napred!

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greska.....darkthrone je najbolji ali nismo ovde da bi se svadjali....a sta se ti vatas sa njim . covek je opusten vidi kakav je ovo forum i boli ga kurac za sve.....dolazi da se zjabeava! samo napred!

ma,nekad me uhvate neke bubice pa se svadjam sa prvim na koga naletim.

I vise volim mayhem od darkthrone-a.icon_razz.gif

ali DT je drugi icon_mrgreen.gif

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The organizers of the Swedish hard rock/heavy metal festival Gates of Metal may face prosecution over the stage show put on by the Norwegian black metal band MAYHEM last Saturday (August 5). Pig heads and other animal parts decorated the stage during the band's performance — a violation of the Swedish animal by-product regulation.


"It's illegal to handle animal parts in this manner," Hanna Werthén, administrative officer at the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries, told the Swedish newspaper Östran/Nyheterna. "You may use animal by-products for educational purposes or in an artistic context, but in that case you need a permit from us first. We have not received an application from the festival promoters in Hultsfred. Therefore we will take action. Exactly what will happen I can't say at the moment, but it may very well lead to prosecution."


"The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries called me to inform me what regulations apply in a situation like this. I actually didn't know that these rules existed," says the festival organizer, Olof Wikström. "But the situation is what it is, and all I can is that it is regrettable. Now we await the pending investigation. It's very regrettable that it turned out this way, but at least we learned something new for next year's festival.


"If you just look at the artistic aspect, it was a good show," Olof continues. "The audience response was very positive to the MAYHEM show. It's a pity we hadn't secured a permit from the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries."


Hanna Werthén explains that first you have to apply for a permit to acquire animal parts from a slaughterhouse. An additional permit is required if you want to use the animal parts for educational purposes or display them in an artistic context. "In this case, it will be difficult to take action against the bandmembers since they have obviously brought the animal by-product with them from Norway," she says. "I actually don't know what we can do with regards to the bandmembers. But we will look further into the festival organizers' part in the matter, since they have the overall responsibility for the animal by-products being displayed on stage."


The animal by-product regulation was introduced in 2002. "From an animal disease perspective, it's important," Werthén explains. "It was introduced because of the mad cow disease. The purpose is to be able to trace all animal by-products so that you know where they end up. Thus animal parts cannot be handed out in any kind of fashion."


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Samo da Attila odradi posao kao na De Mysteriis dom sathanas i bice sve OK.Maniaca nisam nikad gotivio....ne volim njegov vokal nesto narocito.Jebiga...zato verovatno i nisam slusao novije radove, a i zbog jos jednog albuma, Grand decleration mi je totalno odvratan, nemogu ja to da slusam!Nakon toga nisam ni jedan novi Mayhem album nabavio!Ali zato se stari slusa svaki dan! icon_rockdevil.gifmusik19.gifpivopije.gif

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Samo da Attila odradi posao kao na De Mysteriis dom sathanas i bice sve OK.Maniaca nisam nikad gotivio....ne volim njegov vokal nesto narocito.Jebiga...zato verovatno i nisam slusao novije radove, a i zbog jos jednog albuma, Grand decleration mi je totalno odvratan, nemogu ja to da slusam!Nakon toga nisam ni jedan novi Mayhem album nabavio!Ali zato se stari slusa svaki dan! icon_rockdevil.gifmusik19.gifpivopije.gif

veruj mi ne zelis da cujes novije radove.......ako atilla odpeva ko na de m. ja isecem kurac!

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Znam da su se skenjali totalno! Cuo sam po pricama drugih koji su sebe uspeli da nateraju da preslusaju novije radove, rekose ljudi "sad i nikad vise"!

Jedino Attila moze da doda malo onog starog smeka, videcemo...


Upravo slusam Originators of the Northern Darkness(Tribute to Mayhem), ima stvarno odlicnih obrada, recimo Limbonic Art koji upravo przi De Mysteriis, jebote a su dobro odradili stvar! icon_rockdevil.gificon_rockdevil.gifmusik19.gifmusik19.gif

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Ali "De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas" ...

Nije muzika ono sto ovaj album cini ovim sto jeste, ne ...

To je vokal.


Ono je toliko groteskno, toliko bolesno i nenormalno da je savrseno ...

Ovo su definitivno zvuci iz grla mentalno obolele osobe a pesma "De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas" je verujem najbolje otpevana pesma u celom black metalu.

To je najuspelija muzicka groteska i parodija sa kojom sam se ikada sreo.

Neverovatno ...

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Slazem se s tobom za vokal ali tu je i muzika. icon_da.gif Zamisli kako bi sve to zvucalo da nije bilo takve mracne, hladne i ubitacne muzike? Ne bi bilo tako maestralno kao sto jeste. Svaki ali svaki put kada cujem De Mystriis, Pagan Fears a pogotovo Freezing Moon mene opizdi neka posebna doza adrenalina koju je tesko objasniti! icon_rockdevil.gif JEBENO REMEK DELO! icon_rockdevil.gificon_rockdevil.gif

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Norwegian black metallers MAYHEM last week finished recording their new album, entitled "Ordo Ab Chao".


Commented guitarist Blasphemer (a.k.a. Rune Erickson): "The sound is raw and powerful, and listening to it, it reminds me of the 'Wolf's Lair Abyss' era, only more varied and more philosophical. The album also contains the most aggressive songs in the MAYHEM history as well as the most wicked and darkest."


"Ordo Ab Chao" is tentatively scheduled for an April 2007 release and will come in very exclusive packaging. The upcoming CD will mark the band's first release since 1993 with vocalist Attila Csihar back behind the microphone.


ne ocekujem nista


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