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Edited by Δ.Δ.Δавид

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According to De Telegraaf, members of the Norwegian black metal band MAYHEM and their crew were arrested Monday morning for allegedly causing several thousand dollars in damage to a hotel room in Tilburg, Holland.


The group performed Sunday night (November 15) at Hall Of Fame in Tilburg and had booked rooms for the night at Hotel Central.


An employee of the hotel arrived Monday morning to find hotel a big mess. Plants were thrown in the street, mirrors, a sink and curtains in the bathroom were torn apart and demolished. The beds and television were destroyed and walls were covered in spots.


The hotel estimates the damage at least 5,000 euros (approximately $7,480).


The men, aged 21 to 45 years, hail from Netherlands, Norway, Finland and France.


The suspects are currently being held at a local jail and will not be released until they have reimbursed the hotel for repair costs.



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Evo objasnjenja:


Commented Csihar: "Needless to say, I was not involved (and neither was [bassist] Necrobutcher) so luckily I was not arrested.


"Whathappened AGAIN is that the 18-year-old promoter disappeared with a1000€ advance on his account a couple of days before the first show ofthe tour.


"That is the problem with Internet: anyone can act like a booking agent...


"Hecontinually lied, saying it was all booked but we found out at the veryend that we had no flights booked and nothing was managed except forpromotion at the local clubs and sales of hundreds of tickets inadvance. So we decided to book our own flights, local transportationand backline from our own efforts on the last day before the tourstarted, in order to play this small tour just to be loyal to the fansand to the local promoters (who were freaking out too, of course)... Ithink we were cool, but you can imagine the stress we were under. Then,of course, you can imagine that this tour was not the best of ourlives, but we somehow managed to play good shows and make the best outof it and we survived somehow, swallowing a lot of crap.


"Onthe night after the last show, the guys got drunk and exploded in thatreally bad hotel, a hotel in which we didn't even have toilets in theroom. I saw part of it, and when I woke up it was a big mess. To me itlooked both funny and sad at the same time... Actually, it was not onlyMAYHEM involved, but some people from the local crew too, who worked for us on the tour as drivers.


"I agree it was stupid, of course, but what could I do? I hope they all learned from a good lesson now.


"Maybe it makes a bit more sense after reading these lines..."

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i dalje stojim iza toga da je maniac mnogo bolji vokal nego atila.atila nervira sa tim njegovim proseravanjima na bini i deranjem,jeste on odlicno pevao na dmds-u ali ovo je ne uzas nego sranje,sranja..iskasapio je ovu pesmu i neka iskljuci taj delay smara sa njim.

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