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Posted (edited)

Nisam ti slušao sa spiska 6, 7, 9 i 10, poslednja dva sam wishlistovao (Deafheaven mi je wishlistovan već neko duže vreme, a i Leviathan generalno je vazda na wishlist), al' ipak nam se razlikuje ukus za bm opet kažem, ti više voliš nadeve a ja više mjaso :blek:

Dok sa druge strane ti sa mog spiska nisi slušao albume od Abigor, Aure Noir, Code i Dodheimsgard, dakle 4 naprema 4 dragi moj prijatelje!



Kad možeš da kažeš za Ordo ad Chao da je just another disso album, mogu ti samo reći brt kalibriši uši malo na onim tonalno i kompoziciono jakim albumima, pa onda umesto što si avant tako što slušaš debelu atmosferu, ambient, drone, no wave, noise i field recordings, ti lepo kao čovek dodaj u taj zbir dodekafoniju i post-tonal muziku pa tako budi još više avant. Dakle umesto sidestepa, korak napred, to jest - avant! :P

(Među hipsterima i rym žanrovima dodekafonija je poznatija kao serialism, ali serialism je jedna od sorti koja nameće neke okvire dodekafoniji, više je izvikan od strane hipstera i retroaktivno se primenjuje kao drugo ime za dodekafoniju)

Edited by Demon Seed
  • Downvote 2

Ne smaram ja nego smaraju pomenuta sranja :mrgreen:

Da da bas sam razmisljao o tome (za deceniju ovo)

Oof stigla i "je l' ti tako slušaš muziku" ekipa :blek:


Hipstere sam inače pomenuo samo da bih ti olakšao da nađeš dodekafoniju na rym pošto je tamo to labelovano kao serialism a i taj serialism ima tamo na onoj meme fotki sa santom l


...eba ti mobilni

dakle na slici sa onom santom leda i onda dubioze žanrova muzike, e pa tamo negde gde je i floor tiles ili koji stepen ranije, tu je negde i serialism

  On 5/14/2019 at 5:56 PM, Kumodraski Vo said:

Koga smaraju i gde? Samo ti to spominjes..


Smaraju brt svuda oko nas je style over substance gimmick heavy muzika nanče li im nepotšišano...


Ne razumeš ti taj riff crusade jbg



Izgleda da nema te količine smajlija da obeleži da se neko (polu :obrv:) zajebava, oguglo interweb načisto


A ako neko stavi previše smajlija onda benis :D jbg


Nisam te ovde quote brt nemo da se ljutiš, nisam ja kriv što je field recordings lejbl toliko zgodan za sprdnju

Al' dobro da se ne pravim ja blesav, ovo što sam nabrojao iznad samo ti od redovnije aktivnih forumaša slušaš, pretpostavljam :D

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Која прича беше за овај албум? Јел ће да га реиздају опет ил сам ја то нешто помешао?? Купио би га и ја да није прескуп а и та прва издања су у диги формату па је баш тешко доћи до неког баш очуваног примерка.


Да, да. Видех и ја сад да је то реиздато пре неки дан. Мада скуп је мало. Вероватно ћу причекати да мало падне цена. И могли су да ставе оригинал омот а овог вука унутра као неки бонус омот.

Posted (edited)



A new album is in the making, so how far in the recording process are you?

I was at Necromorbus Studio in Stockholm recording the drums 3 weeks ago. Guitars are being done now. The bass soon, and then vocals. It will be released in October.

What’s the sound going to be like? Is it in the same vein as Esoteric Warfare, the previous album?

Absolutely not. This is going to be more like De Mysteriis sound. Music-wise too. That album is a classic. The lyrics are going to be in Latin. Everything is going to be dark, pretty mystical and satanic.

How about the drumming on the new album?

It’s going to be all old school. Lots of De Mysteriis-inspired sounds and not triggering bass drums.

So when it comes to technique,  is it going to be just old style or are you going to use some techniques that you started using after Mysteriis?

A little bit of both, technical-wise. All I can say is that it’s De Mysteriis-era drumming but with much more interesting playing. Interesting in a way that I always try to follow the music in my drumming and don’t play the same drumming patterns and blast beats as other drummers — that’s boring. When I make accents on the right cymbal I do it to follow the music and not the same fucking pattern everyone else does. Everyone does the same and also looks the same. Drummers should hit harder, like they have rested.

Edited by kuruz

What about your other project Mortem, because I talked to the bassist and you were recording I think? Are you done with that?

Yes, we are done recording and it is in the mixing process now.


Who had the idea to resurrect Mortem?

Probably it was Steinar, the keyboardist.


What is the sound going to be like? Is it going to be old school?

I have no idea. I just only play the drums. I don’t think the music was totally finished yet by then, you know.



Koj kurac :haha:

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