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Pa kad pogledas nijedan bend nije povratio staru slavu, ne verujem da ce to biti slucaj sa Mayhem. Pogotovu ne sa ovom postavom, ni textovi vise nisu toliko mracni kao pre... kao sto rece Maniac "Nadam se da ce moji textovi sa GDOW-a biti shvaceni kroz nekih 100 godina."

Ali ko sto kaze Grave, maka nek urade Old School album... u secanje na stare dane. biggrin.gifa:


Btw, ne znam da li je pored sveg spama pomenuto na temi, Mayhem sprema novi album, Chimera. Navodno, daleko tvrdji i primitivniji od Grand Declaration-a...


Zasto meni niko ne veruje?


Ma bre Mejhem rulz !!!


MAYHEM - najbrutalnija pesma

BLACK METAL - najjaca obrada

DE MYSTERIIS DOM SATHANAS - legendarni album

GRAND DECLARATION OF WAR - najbolji comeback BM album svih vremena

Novi album moze biti samo jos jedan triumph za BM gods-ove !!!!


:mrgreen: Stari mejhem se ne racuna.Ovo je mejhem u novom milenijumu sa novim tendencijama. :mrgreen:

Ali Grand Declaration Of War nije uopste los sad kada ga slusam.

Bolji je od novijih DarkThrone-ova ,svakako,jer bar se ne trude da budu i dalje "true to their old beliefs" , vec jednostavno sviraju ono sto im dodje.

  • 3 weeks later...

darkthrone je sirovina ali mayhem je druga stvar malo su usrali grand decklaration of war malo tehna su ubacili lice na kovenant ali nema veze iskupice se oni novim albumom :mrgreen::mrgreen:biggrin.gifa:


Ja ih obozavam mada smatram da su na Grand Declaration of War usrali motku.Cisto sranje.Obozavam citav njihov opus osim poslednjeg albuma.Hellhammer je najbolji bubnjar black metala definitivno.


MAYHEM have revealed the track listing for their new CD, "Chimera", due on March 29 in Europe and April 6 in the U.S. through Season Of Mist Records. The CD, which was recorded at a mobile studio in the mountains of Norway, reportedly features a musical direction that is being described by the band as "much more back to basics and much more brutal" than 2000's "Grand Declaration of War".


"Chimera" track listing (not in final order):


01. Whore biggrin.gif

02. Dark Night Of The Soul

03. Rape Humanity With Pride

04. My Death

05. You Must Fall

06. Slaughter Of Dreams

07. Impious Devious Leper Lord

08. Chimera


Jal se zna kad ce album da izadje?

BTW, sta znaci Chimera?


Chimera ti je anticko grcko mitsko stvorenje sa telom i glavom lava, glavom koze i zmijskim repom i bljuje vatru. Ubio ju je belephront ili kako ga zovu belerophon. biggrin.gifa:


e ljudi dobra vest biggrin.gif

pazite ovaj revew sa metal arhiva biggrin.gif


there back - 100%

Written by wvsabbath on February 19th, 2004



Finally after 10+ years after de mysteris was released we have a full length album that lives up tp there name. This album is total black metal. no weird techno beats,no 50 second spoken word songs,just black metal.Hands down there best material ever,First two tracks hyper fast grim black metal. then rape humanity with pride kicks in..,slow,dark,erie,great change up for the album. my death and you must fall are next,fast black metal with great drumming and riffing.Slaughter of dreams starts off with a cool bass line and maniac doing one of his grim voices,good mid tempo mixed with some good kick drums.Another great song to break the album up, Next track has the long epic feel to it with lots of change ups. Last track is chimera,ultra heavy riffs mixed with blast meets,,really closes the album well. Maniac's vocials sound twisted and horrid as ever,the whole band really plays there ass off on this album.The sound is a combo of wolfs lair abyss with the dark erie atmosphere of de mysteris but faster and more technical.People say that de mysteris is a masterpiece but after a few listens this album crushes it,Top 10 album of year i bet.


kada bi ovo bilo istina, a valjda jeste biggrin.gif


moram ovo da nabavim


Evo , upravo slusam Whore i zvuci jako divno...

Stvarno lici na De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas , ali sa boljom produkcijom.

Gitare su onako kao nesto izmedju GDOW i DMDS ...

Pizdarija !!!!!!

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