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Cuti ne pitaj, navuko sam se na ebay. icon_smile.gif



Ne plosa je stvarno raritet, jos imaju neke pesme sa deadom izgleda na njoj, a uzeo sam je za relativno smesne pare, za koje je mogla da ode. Pikirao sam i Live In Leipzig plocu, ali je brzo premasila moj budzet, i na kraju otisla za 150 eura. icon_smile.gif


  • 1 month later...

Tatiana Godarska of Imhotep webzine recently conducted an interview with MAYHEM drummer Jan Axel Von Blomberg (a.k.a. Hellhammer). A couple of excerpts from the chat follow:


Imhotep: If "Grand Declaration of War" was written [from] hearts then explain to me, why did you return with "Chimera" to the style of your first album?


Hellhammer: "Because we wanted to sell more!"


Imhotep: Can I write it like that in the interview?


Hellhammer: "Yes. Now, after some time, we can say we hate this album. Of course, there are particular elements which are great. In the end, it didn't work out even with the sales. Therefore we decided in next record to follow our hearts and to listen to our personal development."


Imhotep: What musical intention will your next album, "Ordo Ab Chao", have?


Hellhammer: "It will be more straightforward, more in-your-face, probably more brutal. Not straightforward in the meaning of simpler. On the contrary, it will contain short songs but more complicated style. . . Recording is planned for September 2006. We didn't decide for any studio yet but it also might be possible that we will use 2-3 studios. When I recorded the drums for DIMMU BORGIR, I liked the sound of the drums in Abyss studio. I am considering using it just for drums."


Imhotep: You also announced that Maniac [vocals] is not in the band anymore and Attila [is] back. What's the story behind it?


Hellhammer: "Maniac stepped out of the band due to his health. He was the one [who] was in the band, then out and then again in the band and again out. We had the possibility to use somebody unknown or also somebody known but why not hunting down Attila again in Hungary?! We have always been in contact with Attila. His voice also experienced some development. It is not exactly Attila from 'De Mysteriis…'."


Imhotep: In the meantime, you re-recorded "Stormblåst" with DIMMU BORGIR. As you personally told me in Prague, you are going to be the drummer on their next album. Will you tour afterwards with DIMMU too?


Hellhammer: "DIMMU, the band known for drummers coming in and being told to leave — Nicholas, Reno, etc. I am not going to be the next one, so I am not going to be a permanent member. Joke, of course. I often hang out with the guys from DIMMU, they are great [guys]. They asked me and I saw it as a great opportunity. They are mortified [about] calling their music black metal. For me, if they see their music as black metal, it is fine with me. We all have a different definition for many other things. The co-operation with them is enjoyable and I will be the one recording drums for their new album and of course, touring with them afterwards."



Guest Daemonium


Imhotep: If "Grand Declaration of War" was written [from] hearts then explain to me, why did you return with "Chimera" to the style of your first album?


Hellhammer: "Because we wanted to sell more!"


Imhotep: Can I write it like that in the interview?


Hellhammer: "Yes. Now, after some time, we can say we hate this album. Of course, there are particular elements which are great. In the end, it didn't work out even with the sales. Therefore we decided in next record to follow our hearts and to listen to our personal development."

hehe,ovo mi se svidja.I sami tvorci albuma ga mrze,a secam se kako su ljudi tupili ovuda da je to super album laugh.gif

  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Xib_Chac
Posebno DMDS, bas me interesuje kako ce zvucati novi album.

A zašto je Gradnd Declaration ok album?

Meni se na tom albumu sviđa samo View forom nihil ph34r.gif , možda ga nisam ni pažljivo slušala al ne ostavlja mi neki utisak.....


Mayhem - Announce New Deal With Season of Mist


MAYHEM have posted the following update:

posted on May 15 2006 07:09 am


"We are all happy to announce to all of you that the upcoming album by legendary Norwegian black metalists MAYHEM will once again be handled and crafted by the one and only Season Of Mist. This unholy alliance has been fighting together for more than seven years already and yet there is no end in sight. 'Ordo Ab Chao' will then be MAYHEM's three full-length on the French label. The band also states that 'after the troubled 'Chimera,' some conditions and issues have changed for the better. We are very focused and eager to record our first album (since'93) with Attila Csihar back behind the microphone. The beast has never been stronger."


Iskreno, Mayhem je veliki bend, ali mislim da će da ga zaseru. ph34r.gif


Posle De Mysteriisa nije izašlo ništa što je meni privuklo pažnju...


We'll see

A zašto je Gradnd Declaration ok album?

Meni se na tom albumu sviđa samo View forom nihil ph34r.gif , možda ga nisam ni pažljivo slušala al ne ostavlja mi neki utisak.....

Nisam rekao da je o.k. Rekao sam da je velicanstven.

Zasto? E sad, kako da ti objasnim, posto nam se ukusi ocigledno razlikuju. Mene odusevljava zbog fantasticnog sviranja, originalnog pristupa koncepciji pjesama, prehladne atmosfere, experimentalnih tripova, tekstovi su odlicni (nkad bolji pristup kritikovanju hriscanstva sa ateistickog stanovista, za razliku od standardnih Ave Statana/Razapni Hrista sranja), ciste produkcije i uopste strasno mi se svidja. Takodje nisam die hard black metal fan kpji ce za sve sto je dobro snimljeno, a ne na telefonskoj sekretarici i sadrzi neka nova muzicka rjesenja koja do tad u tom zanru nisu vidjena reci da je gay.

A da, svidja mi se i Chimera i jedva cekam novi album. Za sve sto su snimili prije Misterija mislim da je katastrofalno klinacko prolupavanjae i da je jeftino i produkcijski i sviracki, pa me vi sad pljujte koliko hocete kako Ja diram u kvltove, ali to je tako. Da sam prvo to nabavio od njih, vjerovatno nikad ne bih imao zelju da ih vise cujem. Srecom prvo sam nabavio Misterije...

Uf, al' se raspisah...

Nisam rekao da je o.k. Rekao sam da je velicanstven.

tako tako icon_rockdevil.gif

covece..nisam ih slusala nekih mesec dana a kad sam sinoc pustila.. nije mi bilo dobro! icon_smile.gif mecec dana svog zivota izgubih na gluposti icon_da.gif

Mene odusevljava zbog fantasticnog sviranja, originalnog pristupa koncepciji pjesama, prehladne atmosfere, experimentalnih tripova, tekstovi su odlicni (nkad bolji pristup kritikovanju hriscanstva sa ateistickog stanovista, za razliku od standardnih Ave Statana/Razapni Hrista sranja), ciste produkcije

Otprilike se slazem samo sa textove...produkciju ko jebe,a ako je nesto originalno ne mora da znaci i da je dobro.


O, produkcija je i te kako bitna. Jebes bend koji super svira ako se to na snimku i ne cuje kako treba. Nisam fan nekih ultra nabudzenih produkcija, ali brate ne volim ni sistanje. U pravu si da ako je originalno, ne mora da znaci da je i dobro, medjutim ovaj put jeste. icon_da.gif

  • 2 months later...

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