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  Ivan_Creed said:
Cuo ja da mozda snime video sa Scooter-om... ph34r.gifph34r.gif

Sta kazete na ovo?


P.S. Ja sam fan stari od Scooter-a! icon_biggrin.gifph34r.gif

Kazhem da bi i Scooter trebao da sledi primer Kovenanta i izbaci zhivog bubnjara kad' potreba za njim ne postoji...

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

  Ol said:
Kazhem da bi i Scooter trebao da sledi primer Kovenanta i izbaci zhivog bubnjara kad' potreba za njim ne postoji...

Pa stari su oni drugari, nece da se izbacuju... icon_biggrin.gificon_biggrin.gif

Edited by Ivan_Creed
  VLAJKO said:
na kom albumu ima najvise techno elemenata?

Pazi otprilike podjednako ima tehno elemenata i na Animatronicu i n S.ET.I.-ju... Mada Animatronic je Black koji vuche na Avangardu sa technom a S.E.T.I. je najdore od mansona i, recimo ramms+ein-a sasve techno...


Al' sam brz...

  Ol said:
Pazi otprilike podjednako ima tehno elemenata i na Animatronicu i n S.ET.I.-ju... Mada Animatronic je Black koji vuche na Avangardu sa technom a S.E.T.I. je najdore od mansona i, recimo ramms+ein-a sasve techno...


Al' sam brz...

kakav opis...... biggrin.gif


Od 'Sindrom'-a imam sindrom - NE izlazi mi iz glave!!!


"...Join the trance, the force is growing...

...the center cannot hold...

...Join the dance, the force is growing...

...we control the vertical..."




Kako mocno.. musik20.giforangelistening.gificon_biggrin.gif

  Ivan_Creed said:
Od 'Sindrom'-a imam sindrom - NE izlazi mi iz glave!!!


"...Join the trance, the force is growing...

...the center cannot hold...

...Join the dance, the force is growing...

...we control the vertical..."




Kako mocno.. musik20.giforangelistening.gificon_biggrin.gif

Ma sindrom je zarazan k'o kuga...


Mada na sredini malo lichi na Najtvish...

Posted (edited)

  Ol said:
Ma sindrom je zarazan k'o kuga...


Mada na sredini malo lichi na Najtvish...

Da sam cuo prvi put 'Sindrom', ne znajuci za sam bend, pomislio bih da Tarja gostuje kao vokal! icon_biggrin.gificon_biggrin.gif

Btw. ja volim Nightwish... icon_da.gificon_biggrin.gif

Edited by Ivan_Creed
  Ivan_Creed said:
Da sam cuo prvi put 'Sindrom', ne znajuci za sam bend, pomislio bih da Tarja gostuje kao vokal! icon_biggrin.gificon_biggrin.gif

Btw. ja volim Nightwish... icon_da.gificon_biggrin.gif

Zapravo tu peva debela Sara Jezbel Deva...

Koja ima bolji glas od Tarje i ne stidi se svojih kilograma...

  • 2 weeks later...

Nije da nekoga preterano zanima al' 'ajde...


The Kovenant je updateovao official site i skroz je beo ( ph34r.gif ) a pri ulasku popupuje poruka sledecje sadrzhine:




Greetings Earthlings!


We are pleased to announce that our new album is taking shape these days, and can reveal to the world that it will bear the title:


"Aria Galactica"


We are now set with all guns blazing towards completing the most exiting, surprising, energetic and accomplished Kovenant record so far. Again, this will be a drastic detour from our ever so unpredictable path, and our ideas are set to fill you with wonder and amazement. Old fans, as well as more recently acquired listeners will certainly find this to be a very characteristic Kovenant record, and we are most pleased to say that with our emerging creation, we will reclaim our position as a force of innovation and aspiration, not just for ourselves, but for the entire scene.


The album, according to our masterplan, will hopefully be recorded sometime during the Wastelands of endless winter, anno 2004. This is offcourse, a loose plan at best, but nonetheless, we will work our hardest to see this record to life as soon as alienly possible.


So until then, we hope that our devoted audience will bear with us, For perfection is not a hasty occupation. But be aware..

...This time, we return to majesty.


The Kovenant



Jedva chekam...

  Superius Deus said:
zar novi album ne bi trebalo da se zove "The Dreaming Spires"?

inace poslednji za Nuclear Blast.

Pa na oficijelnom siteu (vishe) ne pominju Dreaming Spires...

Dakle Aria Galactica...

Ma ne zanima me za koga cje da izdaju - samo da bude bolji od S.E.T.I.-ja...

  Ol said:
1) Znam - sad but true...

2) Bez onog trve, molicju...

3) Pre cje biti The Kovenant...

1) Ja sam nigga...

2)To sam prvi put napisao u zivotu sa V...

3)znam, ali volim da krivim..

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