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Tako je to kad se zene umijesaju u pricu :) Svega imas, ali konkretne price nimalo :rolleyes:

Bez ljutnje, al aj stvarno ne seri...

Toliko malo ima ljudi na ovoj temi i odrzava vas 5-6 preko 30 strana i umesto da se drzite zajedno, ti prozivas nekog ko je fan benda, koji i ti kako tvrdis obozavas...

blondie ne znam, ali mi deluje vrlo pametna devojka po onome sto sam procitao, a sova je jedan od najboljih poznavalaca i zaljubljenika u metal kojeg sam imao cast da upoznam, a i jedna od najboljih osoba po dusi u mom zivotu :rockdevil:

Malo je reci da bih za nju dao krvi iza vrata. Necu da je branim, jer ima ona mozga vise od nas dvojice zajedno da se brani sama ;), ali mi ide na kurac ovakav tvoj stav :violent:

Ako imas nesto protiv njih dve, ti lepo na pp, a nemoj jesti govna i udarati offtopike na temi.

A sto se tice fanova benda, sve nas je vise, hehe

Pozdrav za lika sa ekstra nickom Nevermoreee



Necu se obazirati na gore izreceno, nego vas pozivam da kao fanovi malo prodiskutujemo o tekstovima. Warrel Dane pise genijalno i emotivno. Recimo zadnji album je vrlo mracan i salje efektnu poruku. Tematika je uglavnom dekadencija ljudskog roda i apokalipsa.


If nothing in the world can change our children will inherit nothing



To set our mind free you must first just listen

Don’t waste your life on worthless hate and contradiction, don’t you




Znaci - Nevermore je bend, koji se izdvaja ne samo po muzickom kvalitetu, nego i po tekstovima pesama... To je retko kad je metal u pitanju...

Zato i mislim da su najbolji bend, jer imaju sve :da:


It's time to play a game

A game of chances

And now recall the names

Of those who passed before us

Today you could lose your life

Do as you're told tow the line

Hypocrisy is what we die for

Cattle to the slaughter born are we?


All the cowards hide

As their puppets dance they laugh

They pull the strings


It's time to play your hand

The cards have been dealt

Atone the sins of man

And cleanse your spirit

Do what they say surrender will

And you wont go to hell

A human pawn of suited cowards

There is no truth, only power


All the cowards hide

As their puppets dance they laugh

They pull the strings


All the pawns resign

To the wheel of chance

They watch the wheel spin

No one wins




Posted (edited)

Preteran bend! Slushao sam najvishe najnoviji album (This Godless Endeavor), a prestao sam da brojim koliko sam puta preslushao istoimenu pesmu... Posto sam nabavio njihove starije radove, red bi bio i da to malo chujem :)



...Sta bi dao da naprave 'cert kod nas...

Edited by ogisha007

evo nesto starije...

The Sanity Assassin


See the man of hungry mind

Never had a dream to call his own

His sin in form of thought

He lived to milk the minds of the blind

To rule the sea of imagination


And the sanity assassin

Is coming down to steal your mind

So he takes an innocent's vision

The blind lead the blind, they say

Meet the sanity assassin

A trick of mind or the devil's whim

On the way to tomorrow's dream

He's fading away


See the man with the empty soul

Never had a face or will of his own

So he took another's pride

And he made a mask of faults

Defensive anger and false emotion


And the sanity assassin

Is coming down in a stream of black

So he takes what he cannot live

The black leads the blind astray

Meet the sanity assassin

A trick of mind or the devil's whim

On the way to tomorrow's dream

He's fading away


Sing your sweet poison, stealer of dreams

Bleed your sweet anguish and the form of dreams are born


Don't be afraid to dream outside the lines

Don't be afraid of painting pictures within your mind

Don't be afraid, your path is not of sorrow

Don't be afraid, dreams are immortal


Rise in the coming tide

Wave after wave of sleep crushing down

Hopes of the weakened and knowing

Awash in the undertow, falling away


Listen as the tale begins to now unweave

The will of strong mind he'll never deceive

I speak the words to lay me down, I am ever strong

Against the all-knowing thief of imagination




You paint the sky in obsidian lies

And come what may never will I know how you changed time

The riptide lies ahead, all my passions now are dead

I can see the path you never thought to follow

I feel so hollow...... :sad:


'bem ti nesanicu...



Btw - ostavih pre par dana koment ovde, i sad ga ne vidim :confused:

Nisam bio pijan, pa da se ne secam :)

A nisam ni spamovao, psovao, niti je bio offtopic...

Izgleda da sam opet u zoni sumraka... :confused:

I opet sam siguran da sam postovao - znam i sta - delove pesme Garden of gray uz komentar...

Gde je jebeni post? :udri:


Vrlo mracna slika covjecanstva:


Born we are the same, within the silence, indifference be thy name

Torn we walk alone, we sleep in silent shades

The grandeur fades, the meaning never known

Vrlo mracna slika covjecanstva:


Born we are the same, within the silence, indifference be thy name

Torn we walk alone, we sleep in silent shades

The grandeur fades, the meaning never known


Neverovatna stvar!!!


Pogotovo je "Bittersweat Feast" ostra i politicki angazovana, s upecatljivim metaforama (u satirickom tonu):

In idle servitude the working pig is so sad

The lizards in wither have risen to censor the thoughts in your head

The sheep march to the fire and wait for to host the flies

Their greedy little maggots clean the wounds with pride

This is your final warning, a war on freewill is coming - zvuči vrlo prorocanski.


"Medicated Nation" je socijalno angazovana:


Now slap your vein

I’m the power of pain and pleasure symbiotic, I am, I am

In a medicated nation of blind neurotics, I am, I am

Psychotic pain baptized in pure narcotics, I am, I am


Did you remember to feed me while I was broken and bleeding?


Trapped in dark seductive miracles, deified addictive rituals

All you feel and all you do, the medication controls you

- ostra kritika drustva koje svoje "problematicne" pojedince smiruje i ukrocuje, pretvarajuci ih u zavisnike o drogama (koje se predstavljaju kao lijekovi - u engleskom jeziku pravilno i jedno i drugo zovu "drug"), od cega se naravno bogati mocna farmaceutska industrija.


"I, Voyager" - pogled "putnika", to jest, autsajdera, na ljudsko drustvo uopsteno. Ne skriva svoj prezir (In observation, I analyze/All the aspects of humanity that I despise), a ni svoju upucenost u ljudske potrebe i obicaje (I have tasted pleasures of the flesh/And drunk the pleasures of the mind). No on nije ogorceni kriticar ljudskog roda. On je putnik sa misijom - "for truth and purity in vision", kako i sam kaze.


Al' sa malo shale.. Ja mislim da ne bi trebalo prema tome da se gleda ko voli bend, a ko ne..Mene chesto mrzi i da chitam tekstove, a kamoli da ih diskutujem...Nevermore-a znam, pa 10tak pesama maltene napamet, sas sve tekstovima, ali nekak nikad da sednem/legnem/tipkam, o chemu bi to moglo da bude..retko me i navode tekstovi na to..

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