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  • 4 weeks later...

NEVERMORE frontman Warrel Dane has started recording his solo album with ex-SOILWORK guitarist-turned-producer Peter Wichers. A studio update reads as follows:


"Worked on vocals for two songs tonight, 'Obey' and 'Messenger'. Damn it's so great in the studio if you just cut loose and can have fun because you love the people you're working with and you're all having a great time, I left the studio so fucking happy with what we did tonight, you can't say that often in this biz, look out for guest solos from James Murphy and Jeff Loomis."

  • 2 weeks later...

Samo da preporucim fenomenalan bootleg:


live in Holland 2005 (This Godless Endeavor tour), spakovan kao dupli disk, tj. u dva MP3 foldera. U stvari, da budem do kraja precizan, u toj formi mi je ispostavljen od strane mog MP3 distributera Solicitor-a, mozda je kod nekoga sve ugurano u jedan folder... Anyway, solidan zvuk, fenomenalna svirka, Warrel-ov gorki humor in-between songs i sta covek vise da pozeli...


Nabavih pre neki dan i njihov official DVD Enemies Of Reality i ne mogu da kazem da mi se dojmio narocito...


NEVERMORE frontman Warrel Dane has revealed more information about THE SISTERS OF MERCY cover song that he has recorded for his upcoming solo debut, tentatively due in early 2008 via Century Media Records.


Said Dane: "OK, so since there's so much speculation about what SISTERS song it's going to be, I have to let the cat out of the bag. Every song on that record [1987's 'Floodland'] is great but 'Lucretia' has always been my favorite, 'Dominion' being a close second.


"Anyone that knows me knows that I have always loved old-school goth. 'Nu goth' is kind of boring. Matt Wicklund [former HIMSA guitarist who collaborated with Dane on a few songs for the upcoming CD] did a great job of making 'Lucretia' METAL."


Dane wrote about eight tracks for his solo debut with former SOILWORK guitarist-turned-producer Peter Wichers.


Songtitles set to appear on the CD include:


01. When We Pray

02. Messenger (featuring Jeff Loomis)

03. Obey

04. Let You Down (featuring Chris Broderick)

05. August

06. Feel Failure (Hail Yesterday)

07. Brother

08. Patterns (PAUL SIMON cover)

09. Praises To The War Machine (featuring James Murphy)

10. This Old Man

11. Lucretia (THE SISTERS OF MERCY cover)


According to Dane, "I'm still working on vocals for three more songs but don't want to reveal the titles yet."


ne znam sta da ochekujem...ce se vidi...verujem u ovog choveka.

  Ден Норске Мусташман said:
Nabavih pre neki dan i njihov official DVD Enemies Of Reality i ne mogu da kazem da mi se dojmio narocito...

To je bonus disk koji je dosao uz taj album, a mi cekamo zvanicni DVD koji je trebao da izadje ovog mjeseca, no kako stvari stoje nece prije iduce godine.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

NEVERMORE Singer Completes Work On Solo Debut - Dec. 16, 2007


Former SOILWORK guitarist Peter Wichers has completed mixing the debut solo CD from NEVERMORE frontman Warrel Dane at a studio in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. "The album sounds amazing and I am really proud of the songs on this one," says Wichers, who co-wrote most of the material on the LP with Dane.


Songtitles set to appear on the CD include:


01. When We Pray

02. Messenger (featuring Jeff Loomis)

03. Obey

04. Let You Down (featuring Chris Broderick)

05. August

06. Feel Failure (Hail Yesterday)

07. Brother

08. Patterns (PAUL SIMON cover)

09. Praises To The War Machine (featuring James Murphy)

10. This Old Man

11. Lucretia (THE SISTERS OF MERCY cover)

  • 4 weeks later...
  DragonHeart said:
11. Lucretia (THE SISTERS OF MERCY cover)[/color]

O majku mu, koliko sam se samo opirao protiv sviranja ove pesme u Interfectoru ranije, kad su gitarista i basista navaljivali da se radi obrada :meshuggah: Nikad dosadniji bubanj, tacnije ritam masina, koja ima logike u Sistersima, ali za sviranje uzivo, ne znam... Jedva cekam da cujem kako je odradjeno.


  Marko, Mon_a[MOR]e said:

Nista od Brodericka kao stalnog clana NMore-a, Chris je sad u Megadethu :rolleyes:


bedak, realno - previse je dobar za Megadeth...


Mislim da ce covek da samo odradi s' njima veliku evropsku turneju i uzme koju kintu, a da ce u Nevermore, kad ga pozovu ;)

Jedan od najboljih gitarista danasnjice... :meshuggah:


Said Chris: "I'm glad I have [the fans'] support in this. Unfortunately I will not be able to do any more shows with JAG PANZER or NEVERMORE because the extensive touring that MEGADETH will be doing. I wish them all the best and remain friends with both bands. I look forward to touring with Dave [Mustaine], James [Lomenzo] and Shawn [Drover] and will keep my eye out for [longtime Broderick fans]."


'oce kita...daklem Nevermore trazi dzitristu again...


Jeff Loomis will make a guest solo appearance on Marty Friedman's upcoming record to be released in March 2008. Jeff was very pleased and honored to be asked by the man himself. As you know, Marty is one of Jeff's biggest influences.


More details to be posted soon...

  • 3 weeks later...

NEVERMORE's WARREL DANE: Solo Album Release Date Announced - Feb. 20, 2008

NEVERMORE frontman Warrel Dane will release his debut solo album, "Praise to the War Machine", on April 28 in Europe and May 13 in North America via Century Media Records. Former SOILWORK guitarist Peter Wichers recently completed mixing the CD at a studio in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. "The album sounds amazing and I am really proud of the songs on this one," said Wichers, who co-wrote most of the material on the LP with Dane.


Songtitles set to appear on "Praise to the War Machine" include:


01. When We Pray

02. Messenger (featuring Jeff Loomis)

03. Obey

04. Lucretia My Reflection (THE SISTERS OF MERCY cover)

05. Let You Down (featuring Chris Broderick)

06. August

07. Your Chosen Misery

08. Praise To The Warmachine (featuring James Murphy)

09. Brother

10. Patterns (PAUL SIMON cover)

11. This Old Man

12. Aeon


In a September 2006 interview with Metal-Rules.com, Dane stated about the upcoming solo CD, "I've been working on it for like the last year off and on, just writing songs with Peter Wichers, and at some point we'll finish them then go in the studio . . . It doesn't sound like NEVERMORE, and I think, you know, if it did, there wouldn't be much point in doing a side project. If it sounded like NEVERMORE I think it would be a little redundant . . . Of course it's metal! Kind of like metal-infused hard rock, I think. It's different and it's a chance for me to explore myself — explore myself in other ways! [laughs] Well, for me, and for Peter from SOILWORK as well, it was kind of a chance for us both to 'step outside the box,' because people expect a certain thing from both those bands and with this we don't have to fulfill any expectations. We can do whatever we want."


BW&BK spoke to NEVERMORE frontman WARREL DANE recently about a number of topics including his upcoming solo album, the status of new Nevermore material and the band's upcoming live CD/DVD. Dane's inaugural solo effort - Praises To The War Machine - is due for release on April 29th in Europe and May 13th in North America via Century Media Records - click photo to reveal artwork. The singer is quite anxious to see the reaction to the record and he fully intends to perform the material in front of his rabid fan-base.


"I'm definitely going to take it on the road at some point," Dane says on the phone from his dreary Seattle home-base. "I'm very committed to get this thing on the road. I'm working on new Nevermore material, but I can work on songs on the road. It's not going to be a problem writing the Nevermore stuff and touring at the same time. I'm going to do as much touring as I can possibly do for this because I'm so proud of this record and I just want to get it out there and play these songs live because I know they are going to translate well to a live show and I can hardly wait."


Since you brought it up, what is the status of the Nevermore writing?

"I've got a lot of really strong song ideas from Jeff (Loomis - guitars) that I'm working on. At the moment he's working on an instrumental record. I'm not sure when he's going into the studio to work on it. It's going to be very soon though. Once he's done with that, we're going to go full-on focusing on Nevermore stuff. For the moment I have a bunch of stuff I can work on without Jeff. Everyone keeps asking me - 'with this solo record is Nevermore broken up?' Fuck no! There's no sticker on it that says 'there's no more Nevermore so deal with it.'"


Nevermore hope to release the follow-up to 2005's This Godless Endeavor in early 2009. But first up is the long-awaited live album plus DVD due out this fall via Century Media. The band filmed their October 11th, 2006 gig in Bochum, Germany and the setlist was as follows: 'Final Product', 'My Acid Words', 'What Tomorrow Knows'/'Garden Of Grey', 'Next In Line', 'Enemies Of Reality', 'I, Voyager', 'The River Dragon Has Come', 'I Am The Dog', 'Dreaming Neon Black', 'Noumenon', 'Inside Four Walls', 'Politics Of Ecstasy', 'Dead Heart In A Dead World', 'Matricide', 'The Learning', 'Sentient 6', 'Narcosynthesis', 'The Heart Collector', 'Born', 'This Godless Endeavor'.


"That's been a nightmare to deal with, but it's finally getting sorted out," Dane reveals about the DVD process. "There's a company in Germany that's editing the whole thing right now. I'm going over to Germany in March to help because the first cut didn't turn out so great. The footage is good, but the first edit was bad. It was like an MTV video, not a live show. So I have to go over and fix the problem. There's been other issues in terms of getting it released that we are trying to get resolved and it's been a nightmare."


Dane closes with more thoughts about Praises To The War Machine. "The album cover is fucking amazing," he says with excitement. "It's like an apocalyptic scene with these two children that are standing naked in the middle of a battle-field with bombs dropping on them. And they are kind of waving at the bombs saying 'hi, how are you.' It's really creepy. The song itself has got a little more of a political bent to it. Not really personal. I mean the music sounded very angry and a little bit war-like. It's just kind of a statement about the current situation in the world where politicians are making money off of war. And to me that's just sickening and I had to vent. I'd like Dick Cheney to hear that song actually. It's certainly a moment in history when you have a black man and a woman up for the same job. That's something a few years ago I would have never imagined. No matter who gets the nomination it's going to be historic either way. So that's kind of interesting. I still have no clue who I'd vote for."

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