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kad se ozenis/nadjes goru polovinu, nece ti pasti tekstovi nevermora napamet od zajebancija :da:




sto im zajebana turneja


te Sijetl, te Danska, te mongolija, te Madjarska, te opet neki pickovci u Americi..



nesto nikako da se saberu.. valjalo bi ih opet vidjeti.



inace, dje si to procitao za Hjuston? http://www.tartareandesire.com/festivals/B...II/319.festival - nista ne kazu

  • 4 weeks later...

Guitarist Steve Smyth has officially parted ways with NEVERMORE, citing personal and business differences.


"All things find their end eventually, and at this time I wish to make it clear that this was mutually agreed between the band and myself," Steve said in a statement.


"I will continue on with other aspects of my music career, including the upcoming release of THE ESSENESS PROJECT, an all-instrumental album in the vein of progressive rock that is now finished and being prepared for release."


He continued, "After a year and four months of being out of the touring scene due to ill health and then a kidney transplant, I have finally been given a full health clearance by my doctors to go back on the road, and I am now ready to return to the stage.


"I am proud and extremely honored to have been a guest of Uli Jon Roth at his Sky Academy concert series this past weekend, August 24th and 25th , in L.A. What an awesome experience! To jam with one of the greatest, as well as several other incredible guitarists and musicians who have been big influences on my playing over the years, and to make new friends as well, the whole thing was just incredible. Many thanks to Uli for inviting me, it was truly an honor!


"I am now embarking on a six-week of tour of Europe with my friends from the Danish thrash metal band, SPV recording artists HATESPHERE, first supporting BEHEMOTH in Poland, and then joining the DIMMU BORGIR tour. I have been a fan of HATESPHERE and friends with the band since 2003, when they opened for TESTAMENT at a festival we played together, and absolutely look forward to getting out with them and together, crushing Europe!"


During Smyth's time away from the touring circuit, NEVERMORE has been utilizing the services of longtime session guitarist Chris Broderick (JAG PANZER).



e fak :(


dobar udeo je imao Smyth na zadnjem radu...pff...steta, jebena shteta..

Guest Imagined Katalynn

Ovo je jedan od mojih omiljenih bendova! jedan od ubedljivo najboljih bendova koji trenutno sviraju....

Mislim da svako ko je preslushao Dreaming Neon Black album jednostavno mora da se zaljubi u njihov zvuk....

Ja hocju da ih chujem uzhivo. ovde.

  • 4 weeks later...
Ovo je jedan od mojih omiljenih bendova! jedan od ubedljivo najboljih bendova koji trenutno sviraju....

Mislim da svako ko je preslushao Dreaming Neon Black album jednostavno mora da se zaljubi u njihov zvuk....

Ja hocju da ih chujem uzhivo. ovde.



Eh ko nece ...

  • 2 weeks later...

Stalno pokusavam da dokucim kako je moguce da su toliko savrseni i mislim da je zapravo u tehnickom smislu u pitanju ZDRAVA konkurencija - i Broderick i Loomis su vrhunski gitaristi - i klasicni + metal... i ne daju se jedan drugom, na nasu srecu :bigblue:

A o emociji, atmosferi, Daneovom vokalu necu ni da govorim, jer sam na ovoj temi sve rekla.

Koliko god da ih slusam (a to cinim enormno mnogo), jednostavno ne mogu da mi dosade ili da postanem indiferentna...

Ma, usi mi zavrcu :)


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