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Nisam uspeo da nadjem temu o ovom bendu, ako vec postoji, ispravite me.


U svakom slucaju, smatram da su odlican bend, album/pesma Crimson je remek-delo, a ni ostale koje je nejvecim delom napisao Dan Swano ne zaostaju previse.

Sta vi mislite o njima?


Inace, na jesen bi trebalo da izadje Crimson II. Jedva cekam biggrin.gifa:

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Dan Swano je moj najomiljeniji lik u celom heavy metalu sa svim zanrovima i podzanrovima tako da nemam sta drugo da kazem do : najlepsi glas metala ( bukvalno to sam i mislio,najlepsi ) laugh.gif


Evo i malo informacija o Crisonu II, od Dana licno:

Hello Everyone...  


Since Black Mark have been clever enough to announce a new EDGE OF SANITY release called \"CRIMSON II\" even though I begged them to keep it a secret, what can I do??? I don't want to lie to my friends.  


The first two weeks of May will be dedicated to the writing and recording of an album I have had bubbling inside of me ever since I started the fight for a more \"accessible\" Bloodbath (Which we all know didn't happen)  

I have a bunch of good riffs that sounds SOOO like Edge Of Sanity that it would be ridiculous to start yet another project and sound just like something I invented years ago.  

Black Mark have been asking me to re-join the band since the moment I quite and they never really got the fact that I wanted nothing to do with it.  


After \"Evolution\" I felt it was all over and went on to do my thing.  

Then the \"other\" Edge Of Sanity split up and let the world \"Edge-less\"  

That's when the ball began rolling. And after a long discussion over a good meal at the Black Mark house I decided to start thinking about the stuff I was writing as a new EOS album.  


On the train ride home I started toying around with the idea of a follow up to \"Crimson\" and when I got home it seemed like the only right thing to do.  


I am not in the mood for some \"singer songwriter, wanna have a hit single\" Metal.  

I want Epic-goddamn!!!  

So there will be one big piece this time as well, (With track numbers for index, this time!!)  

It will be a mind-blowing powerful blend between E.O.S. (duuh..) Pan Thy Monium, Godsend, Karaboudjan, Diabolical Masquerade, Odyssey and maybe even some passages of old Nightingale thrown in. A Massive Swanö-style pomp-death overkill!!!!!  


Some of the stuff I have this far is the most classy pomp-death stuff I have ever written and I feel very confident in myself.  


The main reason to why I do such a sacred and weird this, as to revive EDGE OF SANITY is...I want this album to be known, to sell, to get through the fucking jungle of albums, to be reviewed everywhere...I know this album will kick ass and I don't want it to drown in some \"new project with the guy from EOS\" formula..  


If it IS called EDGE OF SANITY it will be given a serious listen and trust me..  

no one will be disappointed, it will be among the best EOS albums.  


August it is..  




Originalno je mislio da nece growlovati na albumu, zato sto uopste nije bio u stanju da to radi kao nekada, ali su se stvari promenile:


Hi folks..  


The vocals have been recorded now and there's been some changes.  

Rogga is still here, Granvik too (doing some backing vocals only) Peter Tägtgren won't be there though, because Rogga suprised both himself and me by pulling off some really amazing \"Åkerfeldt meets Dissection Jon\" style highpitch vocals, and that was the kind of style I wanted him to do...the main change of course is the fact that I'M GROWLING!!!  

Oh yes..and you all go.....BUT YOU SAID......Yes, I know what I said and I really tried to growl a few weeks before recording the backing tracks, and It sounded awful, awful, awful....so how did this happen???  

I really don't know...but I guess it's psychological.  

When we were recording the vocals, I was bossing Rog and Gran around going \"No, out of timing, sound more like me, etc etc.\" and after a while (and some beers in the system...) I just went up to the microphone and growled my heart out and it sounded good, REALLY GOOD!!! Everything just came back, and it was all there..the power, the rasp (The lungs were not though...) but anyway..so I ended up doing pretty much 50% of the vocals (Including the clean stuff) and there are some dual vocal parts between me and Rog, me and Gran aswell....  


Well, what can I say...my throat aches likes fuck and I have strained every muscle in my body, but It's worth it...it soundz great..and just when I grow tired of my own voice, Rog comes in and kick it!!! Variety rules....Still no news on the Lead guitars though..but I hope it'll be alright aswell...  


see ya  



  • 9 months later...
Posted (edited)

inace firey ima original crimson II.

otkud ovako malo odgovora na ovu temu??

da li ste znali da svaka pesma na crimson II ima ime?

1. The Forbidden Worlds I 00:21

2. The Forbidden Worlds II 01:19

3. Incantation I 01:04

4. Incantation II 00:42

5. Incantation III 01:04

6. Incantation IV 01:01

7. Incantation V 00:47

8. Incantation VI 01:21

9. Passage of Time I 01:00

10. Passage of Time II 00:37

11. Passage of Time III 01:06

12. Passage of Time IV 01:32

13. Passage of Time V 01:13

14. Passage of Time VI 00:35

15. Passage of Time VII 00:59

16. Passage of Time VIII 00:43

17. Passage of Time IX 00:55

18. Passage of Time X 01:12

19. The Silent Threat I 01:05

20. The Silent Threat II 01:16

21. The Silent Threat III 00:20

22. The Silent Threat IV 00:37

23. Achilles Heel I 00:49

24. Achilles Heel II 00:26

25. Achilles Heel III 01:13

26. Covenant of Souls I 01:20

27. Covenant of Souls II 01:51

28. Covenant of Souls III 00:33

29. Covenant of Souls IV 01:12

30. Covenant of Souls V 01:42

31. Covenant of Souls VI 00:53

32. Face to Face I 01:12

33. Face to Face II 00:25

34. Face to Face III 00:21

35. Face to Face IV 00:32

36. Face to Face V 00:57

37. Disintegration I 00:44

38. Disintegration II 01:04

39. Disintegration III 01:31

40. Aftermath I 00:42

41. Aftermath II 01:13

42. Aftermath III 00:33

43. Aftermath IV 01:28

44. Aftermath V 01:30

Total playing time 43:00

Edited by Superius Deus

meni je Crimson II dosta ispod keca, a miljama daleko od Purgatory Afterglow-a, mog najomiljenijeg albuma (melodic) death metala...

  Kent said:
meni je Crimson II dosta ispod keca, a miljama daleko od Purgatory Afterglow-a, mog najomiljenijeg albuma (melodic) death metala...

Stavljas Purgatory Afterglow ispred Crimson? no.gif


Licno Crimson II uopste ne bih svrstavao u Edge of Sanity radove, stil se ipak previse razlikuje. Nije los, ako se ne poredi sa prvencem, ali bas ga je sjebao produkcijom...

  Fiery said:
Stavljas Purgatory Afterglow ispred Crimson? no.gif


Licno Crimson II uopste ne bih svrstavao u Edge of Sanity radove, stil se ipak previse razlikuje. Nije los, ako se ne poredi sa prvencem, ali bas ga je sjebao produkcijom...

naravno da stavljam, sinak... da si ga slusao u vreme kad je izasao, shvatio bi koliko je revolucionaran... icon_da.gif

  Kent said:
naravno da stavljam, sinak... da si ga slusao u vreme kad je izasao, shvatio bi koliko je revolucionaran... icon_da.gif

Koliko god da je revolucionaran, Crimson je revolucionarniji icon_da.gificon_biggrin.gif

Kao i Until Eternity Ends EP, koji je, koliko znam, izasao pre Purgatory Afterglow.

Inace, bas steta sto P-A nije izasao kao dupli album, kako je originalno planirano icon_da.gif


Milane, a neki komentar o C2?

Posted (edited)

meni je i spectral sorrow sjajan album, manowar obrada je vrh! icon_rockdevil.gif

prva dva su mi malo losija, mada je enigma bila pravi hit svojevremeno...


purgatory je jedino njihovo remek-delo, crimson i spectral su veoma dobri, a ostalo nije toliko bitno... to je moje misljenje (i znam barem 1000 ljudi koji ga dele, izmedju ostalih i mocni all music guide icon_smile.gif )



Edited by Kent

Pa sad, imas i pomenuti Until Eternity Ends EP koji stvarno ne treba propustiti, kao i polovinu Infernal-a koja je prilicno dobra.


S tim sto bih ja rekao da je Crimson jedino remek delo icon_biggrin.gif


jeste, Swanova polovina Infernala je super, 15:36 narocito, ali ga oni mamlazi Axelson i Larsson sjebase skroz wallbash.gif


until eternity ends je bas cudan, ali jeste dobar...


eto, skoro se i slozismo icon_wink.gif



  Kent said:
jeste, Swanova polovina Infernala je super, 15:36 narocito, ali ga oni mamlazi Axelson i Larsson sjebase skroz wallbash.gif


until eternity ends je bas cudan, ali jeste dobar...


eto, skoro se i slozismo icon_wink.gif



Mada, moras priznati da je Damned By the Damned prilicno dobra pesma, iako je Danov jedini dodir s njom vokal.


Sve u svemu, ostajem pri tome da bi Purgatory Afterglow bio mnogo bolji da je izveden kako je planirano, kao dupli album (D&D pre Opetha icon_smile.gif).


Koji konkretno? Pan-Thy-Monium? icon_biggrin.gif


E sad ozbiljno, ko ima veliki izbor Danovih radova? Ja imam samo EoS, nesto Nightingale-a i Moontower.

  • 1 month later...
  Fiery said:
Koji konkretno? Pan-Thy-Monium? icon_biggrin.gif


E sad ozbiljno, ko ima veliki izbor Danovih radova? Ja imam samo EoS, nesto Nightingale-a i Moontower.

Imam ja jedan od onih sugavih mp3 opus diskova. Moontower, Nightingale komplet, Pan-Thy-Monium komplet (trebalo bi biti, mada, cini mi se da nedostaje jedan EP) i ceo Edge bez Crimsona II, ali vidim da to imas.

Posted (edited)

Kompletno imam samo Moontower i sve sto mi treba od EoS, ostalo nemam, kao sto rekoh...

Jesi li voljan da podelis?

Edited by Fiery

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