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Ma ima on i solidnu produkciju, i solidnu "pevaljku".. al nekako je taj Rod Tyler pravivo totalno drugu atmosferu, na koju nisam navikao, jer ne slusam Symphony X od `94. Danas Symphony X bez Russell Allen-a ne bi bio Symphony X, ne?


Twilight in Olympus je do jaja album

ne volim da komentarisem produkciju ni jednog benda uvek slusam kakve su pesme i to mi je bitno ali moram da konstatujem da ni jedan njihov album nema nesto bog zna kakvu produkciju mada je to nebitno pesme su do jaja


Sto se mene tiche, neka, meni je svejedno, sve chlanove podjednako gotivim, ali ipak MJR dobija prvo mesto.


Na soulseeku sam pre neko vreme nashao raritete i demoe od Syx-a, da znate da su do jaja. Nista vishe





Ma jooooook :D Nego, nadje li ti basistu za smeli poduhvat koji ste pokrenuli?


Inache pre par dana sam prvi put poslushao njihovu verziju Star Wars suite-a...ne da je dobra nego ja bik je stavio umesto ove sad muzike, znachi - neverovatno.



  Exilion said:

Simphony x je po meni jedan od naj progressive metal bendova...Stvarno su im dobre pesme,,i gitarista Romeo pogotovu....

Moj omiljeni i jedini progressive bend koji stvarno volim, pre svega zato sto su im pesme slusaljive. Nisu pravljene samo za muzicare, kako to rade drugi bendovi.

  zile_kondic said:


Ma jooooook :D Nego, nadje li ti basistu za smeli poduhvat koji ste pokrenuli?


Inache pre par dana sam prvi put poslushao njihovu verziju Star Wars suite-a...ne da je dobra nego ja bik je stavio umesto ove sad muzike, znachi - neverovatno.




Thanks na pitanju...Nisam josh nashao basistu za drugi bend...Izbacili smo bivsheg pre nedelju dana...Lik nam je izjavio jedan dan pre svirke da ne moze da svira....LUDAK.....Zato smo ga izbacili...p.s :pivopije: Uzdravlje...

  RNA said:

Moj omiljeni i jedini progressive bend koji stvarno volim, pre svega zato sto su im pesme slusaljive. Nisu pravljene samo za muzicare, kako to rade drugi bendovi.

to je ono sto sam i ja oduvek govorio za ovaj bend... znaci 90% progressive bendova su mi u fazonu samo da budu nadrkani riffovi i sto veci nepar da se napravi u ritmu i to je kao dojaja...

ovde imas sve to, ali su pesme jebeno slusljive...


@Exilion - za koji smeli poduhvat si trazio basistu?


Posted (edited)

Kako za koji.....Pa jel se secas kada sam tebe zvao da mi sviras u rumi na onom festu,,Za taj bend sto sam svirao sa njima tada....Nemamo bas...A ti jel si navezbao Kissing the shadows???.....To je sledeca pesma koju radimo..Uzdravlje :pivopije:

Edited by Exilion
  • 3 weeks later...

The following message has been posted at SYMPHONY X's official website with regards to their upcoming album, Paradise Lost.


Says webmaster Jax: "Spoke to MJR (guitarist Michael James Romeo) for a while this afternoon, and here's what he had to say:


They had planned to start the mix on the CD this week, but were delayed a bit overall by the holiday earlier this week, so mixing has been rescheduled for January.


(Vocalist) Russ (Allen) has 3 songs to finish (and was on his way to The Dungeon as Mike and I spoke) and hopes to be done with his recording by the weekend, and MJR has a couple more solos that he wants to record, as well as getting some loose ends tied up and polishing things up overall.


They are still aiming for a spring '07 release, and Mike had some pretty exciting things to say about the material, saying that it has something for old fans and new fans alike, so I'm confident more than ever in saying that the CD will be well worth the wait.


So there IS light at the end of the tunnel, and the band appreciates your patience greatly; stay tuned for more info soon!"

  dragon heart said:

The following message has been posted at SYMPHONY X's official website with regards to their upcoming album, Paradise Lost.


Says webmaster Jax: "Spoke to MJR (guitarist Michael James Romeo) for a while this afternoon, and here's what he had to say:


They had planned to start the mix on the CD this week, but were delayed a bit overall by the holiday earlier this week, so mixing has been rescheduled for January.


(Vocalist) Russ (Allen) has 3 songs to finish (and was on his way to The Dungeon as Mike and I spoke) and hopes to be done with his recording by the weekend, and MJR has a couple more solos that he wants to record, as well as getting some loose ends tied up and polishing things up overall.


They are still aiming for a spring '07 release, and Mike had some pretty exciting things to say about the material, saying that it has something for old fans and new fans alike, so I'm confident more than ever in saying that the CD will be well worth the wait.


So there IS light at the end of the tunnel, and the band appreciates your patience greatly; stay tuned for more info soon!"



aaaaaaaaaaa....ovo sam cekao duze vreme i konacno super vest i gomila iznenadjena u 2007-oj iz SyX tabora....svaka cast ROMEO a i dragon heart na ovijem vestima!


  • 1 month later...

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