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"...to je samo odraz neznanja" ....i debilizma. Mislim, ne znam bas koliko bi se u npr. Morbid Angel uklopile klavijature

Ja sam mislio iskljuchivo na power i prog metal bendove kad sam rekao da klavijatura mora biti deo benda...glupo mi je kad bend tog pravca nema klavijature, jednostavno nije kompletno, jer klavijature daju tu neku grandioznost i pozitivan osecaj te muzike...uglavnom pozitivan biggrin.gif


Nisam mislio da uvredim bilo koga ko slusha neki bend koji nema klavijature..mislim shta ce Morbid Angelu ili Metallici klavijature...mada ima u par pesama ne?


I ko shto reche neko...ovo je tema o symphony X-u icon_smile.gif da ne spamujem






<MJR1> Yes, I think I'm gonna start a solo CD after we finish this new one - there are like 5 hours of parts and riff that have accumulated over the last year - so I'll have a head start - as well as for the next SymX cd

* Jax sets mode: -i

<AMBR> Hey Mike, Ann Marie from Neptune, NJ here. I haven't kept up on the news so pardon me if everyone knows all this. What is the progress of the new project? Gotta tentative/vague release date? Is it theme oriented? Hitting any particular topics? Got a title? (pretyped)

* pollution sets mode: -v Ilias

<MJR1> hi Ann Marie

<MJR1> Well, we have about 5 tunes finished...still making adjustments and noodling a bit

<MJR1> we are trying to get everything done in the next few months

<MJR1> ( yeah..sure )

<MJR1> but is is going good

<MJR1> as far as topics...we have alot of different stuff

<MJR1> Russ has been working on some lyrics - Mike L has been reading some Lovecraft, etc. so we have some ideas

<MJR1> It looks like we will have a BIG tune on here - it is turning out that way now

<MJR1> Paradise Lost is the theme as of now

<MJR1> If Timo calls me to do something - I would be happy to do it

<MJR1> anyone else..hmm not really anyone in particular

<Pastorius> awesome. the new album....just how dark are we talking?

<MJR1> well...some of the concepts and riffs are darker than usual

<MJR1> not every song either

<MJR1> we have some things that are along the lines of Accolade or Edge of Forever kinda stuff

<MJR1> so a mix of everything

<MJR1> just darker

<MJR1> hehe


<MJR1> I'm using Caparison guitars now

<MJR1> When I was younger - still in high school - I used to practice alot- ALOT

<MJR1> just learning Randy Rhoads - Van Halen DiMeola - Yngwie - all that stuff

<olivarulez> 1st was your relation with Caparison...I guess you don't technically have a MJR model as of yet...are you playing some form of an Apple Horn?

<MJR1> no - Dellinger Model

<MJR1> custom MJR model

<olivarulez> I played an Applehorn once, it was really cool...then again, Mattias IA Eklundh is really freaky! Ever met him??

<MJR1> I think we met once in Sweden at a festival

<Haggicide> Hey, Mike. Thanks for the chat. Some of my questions were already answered, but here goes. Why Caparison? I have never played one, but I checked out their site, and the guitars don't seem all that different from your ESP in specs.

* Jax sets mode: -v Vinnie

<MJR1> well..they designed the neck to my exact specs

<MJR1> I had this old Kramer neck that was my favorite

<MJR1> and they modeled the neck after that - the fingerboard isnt as wide as the ESP

<MJR1> and more of a radius on the neck

<MJR1> I abuse my guitars - so if a neck breaks - I can replace it - with a neck through - its a different story

<MJR1> guitars are NOT funiture to me

<MJR1> thanks everyone - Jax and Aki

<MJR1> im outta here

<Jax> thanks again Mike..see ya icon_smile.gif


MJR1 = Michael J. Romeo


ok, niko do sad nije rekao "The odyssey je najbolja pesma na svetu" ili bar "the odyssey mi je omiljena pesma", e pa evo mene da izjavim oba!

Ja rek'o milion puta.


Najbolja pesma sto se tice heavy,prog bla bla metala. icon_smile.gif

  • 2 weeks later...
Pitaj Ronija on ce ti reci!



A Sad!


Da li neko ima tracklist SX - Dema - Dance macabre, treba mi hitno, ja ga nemam, a imam pjesme....




Za prve dve se lako provaljuje, no u medjuvremenu se na metal-archives pojavio kompletan spisak:


Symphony X - Dance Macabre (demo, 1994)


1. Taunting the Notorious 03:42

2. Rapture or Pain 06:14

3. Danse Macabre 05:38

4. Guitar Solo 04:04

5. Guitar Solo II 03:39 (na mojoj verziji 4:22 icon_confused.gif)



Još uvek ne kapiram odnos izmedju dance/danse, da li je pravilno ovako, ili je greška u nazivu demoa ili je greška u nazivu pesme? ph34r.gif



Kad su klošari, neće na off. sajt da stave info! no.gif

Još uvek ne kapiram odnos izmedju dance/danse, da li je pravilno ovako, ili je greška u nazivu demoa ili je greška u nazivu pesme? ph34r.gif

Ma... to je prog-geek fora, namerno su stavili razlicito... inace bi rekli da su pogresili icon_smile.gificon_smile.gif


ovaj...jel zna neko kad ce novi album??


iako je zvuk na odiseji...onako super i "pun" ja bih ipak voleo da se vrate svom najizvornijem zvuku sa debi albuma i divine wings-a...kristalno cista i "mrsava" produkcija...very tight sto bi se reklo...znam da se vise nece vratiti tom zvuku ali eto...


E ljudi kako vam se sviđa produkcija na prvom albumu. Mislim, jeste sranje i mogla je milion puta bolja, ali ipak produkcija bubnjeva mi je toliko dobra, glasna i slušljiva... (da ne govorim za Twiglight In Olimpus gdje je upravo onakva kakva treba da bude za SX). Vi svi toliko hvalite Divine Wings... ali se meni nekako produkcija ne sviđa, ali ama baš... album je kult, nemoj da se pogrešno razumemo ali produkcija... U progu i poweru treba svaki instrument da se ČUJE. JEDVA ČEKAM NOVI ALBUM


Just spoke to MJR; he says they have four solid songs that are pretty much done, and they're working on arrangements for the rest of the songs. Thngs are really coming together, all the pieces are falling into place, and Mike says he's 'in the groove'; all very good things to hear. Mike assures me that this thing is going to kick ass when it's done; it's going to be well worth the wait, and your patience is greatly appreciated.


Sto ce reci, jos malo strpljenja.Vredece, znam sigurno. icon_da.gif


Inace, produkcija sa "The Odessey" je po meni savrsena.


jeste dobra ali za mene pomalo "nabudzena"...ukusi se razlikuju i to je kul...a produkcija na prvom albumu (i na divine wings-u) je CISTO SAVRSENSTVO

sto se mene tice svaki neoclassic prog album treba da ima takvu "mrshavu" produkciju... icon_da.gificon_da.gif


da li nekom treba simphony x dukser??? prodajem ga ....album odisey ili tako nesto ...dobio iz norveske......pogledajte temu na berzi ili mi se javite na pp!!




pls! pivopije.gif

  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Celo vece preslusavam taj album i ne mogu da verujem( jos uvek) kako je tako dobar?!

Znaci sve pesme su savrsene..taj zvuk gitare, klavijatura, bubnjeva, bas gitara..taj savrseni vokal..i svi ti instrumenti harmonizovani u tako predivne melodije.

The Odyssey ZAKON!!!


A novi album cekam i cekam....




@Queen_of_the_night--Sad tek vidim tvoj avatar, taman sam hteo ja da ga stavim. icon_smile.gif

Edited by Varg

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