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Ja sebi pred spavanje pustim Dezzee Rascal-a i njegovu uspavanku "Dream" i posle ne mogu da spavam icon_uhoh.gif Moram da potrazim strucnu pomoc... icon_sad.gif


Opusti se, sve je to zdravo



Sve, sve samo ne 50 para... cak i Eminemicni, pa cak i Snupi Psicj Pas samo ne ova sitnina pukeface.gif

Najgori je, ramu uz rame moze sa Puf Taticom! Kad cujem one unkjave glasice povraca mi se... evo ga opet pukeface.gif


E da setih se sad.

Znate ko je bio faca u svoje vreme... LL Cool J icon_da.gificon_da.gificon_da.gif


Jel neko slusao novi De La Soul? Kakav je? Cuo sam prvi singl i ne svidja mi se nema veze sa D.L.S. A bili su jaki... no.gif


ja ne znam da de la soul imaju nov album.

izdali su kompilaciju hitova "timeless" ali prosle godine tako da ne znam odakle aktuelnost.


(mada se neko poput mene - kom ne fercera konputer niti prati tv ne moze razbacivati aktuelnim informacijama al' ajde icon_wink.gificon_smile.gif)





Trebali su u decembru da se pojave M.O.P u Beogradu ali otkazali su neke koncerte na evrposkoj turnej a samim tim i odlozili nastup u beegeeu na moju veliku zalost icon_cry.gifmad.gif Upravo slusam rootse,najnoviji album i mogu reci da je bolji od predhodnog booma "phrenology"



hmmm....rekao bi da je cinjenica da je pusio orgromne kolicine kreka od kad zna za sebe vrlo moguc uzrok smrti.


Inace faca....covek ko je idalje uzimao socijalnu pomoc od drzave dok su Wu Tang bili na vrhu hip hop...genijalno.


legenda. respect! RIP!


Excerpt from an interview of Chris Lee, A punk-metal guitarist on the site Cincymetal.com


Chris Lee is metal music. He has been active in the local metal scene for yearsand his currently playing with original punk metal band 16 Piece Bucket, and a Motorhead cover band Stone Deaf Forever, and has done a solo album.He also runs a booking agency Devil Saint Booking. Chris has always remained true to the music he likes and has not cared about what music people think he should like. Chris has also been very important for keeping people informed on the cincinnati metal scene with he Weekly Update Newsletter, and his website CINCINNATI AREA HEAVY MUSIC SCENE. Chris also lends his metal knowledge to CincyMetal with his HEAVY ISSUES column.


14. Despite guitar god Jimi Hendrix and metal bands such as Living Colour, why do you feel there aren't more black people into metal music?


Chris Lee:

Good question. I bet that's one you don't find yourself asking people alot. I think, in general, people follow a herd mentality. They go with flow and follow the pack. A good example is when I used to work at in a restuarant

kitchen, one cook heard a Van Halen song on the radio and said "Man I used to love this stuff. David Lee Roth, Axl Rose and Guns & Roses. But don't tell anyone . It will ruin my rep in the 'hood". That kind of thinking is common in all walks of life. Look at old metal bands like Metallica. You think Metallica would have covered a Bob Seger song in 1985? Or even admitted to liking anything Bob Seger recorded? No way. But now that they are megastars and its cool amongst entertainers to admit that you are a fan of 70s classic rock, its "Oh yeah...We have been listening to Bob Seger since the beginning." People are afraid to go against the grain. Plenty of blacks like metal. The media doesn't go around interviewing blacks when doing stories on metal. So who would know? That is another thing. Since the media controls what is seen, it is really their call as to who likes what, reverting back to the herd mentality. It has been accepted now that whites like rap. Why? Because the media says so. Back in the 80s, plenty of whites liked rap but it was not accepted in mainstream for whites to like rap so no one believed any did. Same concept applies for blacks liking metal. I have had tons of people over the years say "That's so cool..your black and you like metal". Why is that so cool? Why is it such a shock? Do these same people go up to a 16 year old kid who listens blues music and say "Wow that's so cool...you like blues and you aren't an 80 year old guy from the South". We are continually being programmed to believe that there is only one way things should be. I think, instead of saying, "Why aren't more black

people into metal", a better question would be "Why are we constantly being conditioned to only believe what we see in mainstream media and how do we try and break out of that way of thinking?".

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