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  • 3 weeks later...

Нови албум разбија, више ми се свиђа од претходна два. Остају број 1 за европски ДМ, што се мене тиче.



  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Solidan album, al' blah, jos jedan koji samo sluzi da pridrzava tron "Midvinterblot"u. Za prosli mi se pre mesec-dva desilo da sam uopste zaboravio da je i izasao, jedva se setih icega sa njega, tako da me ne bi cudilo da mi i ovaj ispari za neko vreme potpuno, otprilike su tu negde po kvalitetu..ako se dobros secam :haha:


Bolje "Courage Today, Victory Tomorrow", "This Time We Fight", "Chief Einherjar", "Return Fire". U principu, najbolje kod albuma je cover. A cover Deatha...dobar, ali ostaje God Dethroned neprevazidjen sa svojom verzijom :]


P.S. Bio sam uveren da se Johnny na "Wir Kapitulieren Niemals" dere "Fucking death metal", mnogo me nerviralo, no sreca proverih :haha:


И ја коначно преслушах, исто мишљење као колега изнад. Слично новим албумима бендова Nevermore и Dark Tranquillity - све је ту, звучи добро, али фали идеја са ранијих албума. Просек.


Не кењај, Nevermore су фантастични. Ови други ђене - ђене.

Midvinterblot остаје најбољи албум жанра (уз Those Once Loyal).

  • 3 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Unleashed, moonsorrow i eluveitie, na ovo se mora otici, samo do marta evro ima da bude 200 dinara tako da ne znam sa kojim parama. :violent:

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...
  • 8 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Swedish death metal veterans UNLEASHED have finished recording their 11th full-length album for a spring 2012 release via Nuclear Blast Records. The CD is being produced by UNLEASHED guitarist Fredrik Folkare at his Chrome Studios in Sweden.

  • 2 months later...

Legendary Swedish death metal stalwarts Unleashed have titled their forthcoming album 'Oldalheim'.


The band commented:


"And Yggdrasil did tremble... and during the three years of everlasting cold and darkness called the Fimbulwinter, Mother Nature took back what was rightfully hers. And life as we knew it was never the same again. It was Ragnarök, liberator and death. From the ashes of the old world, a new one began to take form. Here is where the story of Odalheim begins...

  • 4 weeks later...

Legendary Swedish viking/death masters UNLEASHED will release their new album, "Odalheim", on April 20 via Nuclear Blast Records. The CD was produced by Fredrik Folkare and recorded in at Chrome Studios in Sweden.


"Odalheim" track listing:


01. Fimbulwinter

02. Odalheim

03. White Christ

04. The Hour Of Defeat

05. Gathering The Battalions

06. Vinland

07. Rise Of The Maya Warriors

08. By Celtic And British Shores

09. The Soil Of Our Fathers

10. Germania

11. The Great Battle Of Odalheim



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